One question I have that might be relatively tractable: if I'm using plastic containers for leftovers, how much difference is there between
The bit about plastic chopping boards kind of hints that (3) might give a lot more microplastics than (2)? But you're probably less violent to the container than the chopping board.
We suggest these low-hanging actions one can take to reduce their quantity exposure:
a. Stop using plastic bottles and plastic food storage containers,
b. Stop using plastic cutting boards,
For people who didn't read the rough notes dumps: it seems like (b) is a way bigger effect size than (a).
There are 3 people. Each person announces an integer. The smallest unique integer wins: e.g. if your opponents both pick 1, you win with any number. If all 3 pick the same number, the winner is picked randomly
Question: what’s the Nash equilibrium?
(I assume this is meant to be natural numbers or positive ints? Otherwise I don't think there is a nash equilibrium.)
So it is. Other than that, the remaining details I needed were:
2740 Telegraph Ave, Berkeley
Oliver Habryka
Assuming all went well, I just donated £5,000 through the Anglo-American charity, which should become about (£5000 * 1.25 * 96% = £6000 ≈ $7300) to lightcone.
I had further questions to their how to give page, so:
E: and all does seem to have gone well. I got an email on Jan 25 confirming they'd passed $7260 on to Lightcone.
not sure if that would be legit for gift aid purposes
Based on, doing this the naive way (one person collects money and gives it to the charity, everyone shares the tax rebate) is explicitly forbidden. Which makes sense, or everyone with a high income friend would have access to the 40% savings.
Not clear to me whether it would be allowed if the charity is in on it and everyone fills in their own gift aid declaration. But that's extra steps for all parties.
Thanks - I think GWWC would be fewer steps for me, but if that's not looking likely then one of these is plausible.
(I wonder if it would be worth a few of us pooling money to get both "lower fees" and "less need to deal with orgs who don't just let you click some buttons to say where you want the money to go", but not sure if that would be legit for gift aid purposes.)
That's not really "concrete" feedback though, right? In the outcome game/consensus game dynamic Stephen's talking about, it seems hard to play an outcome game with that kind of feedback.
Beyond being an unfair and uninformed dismissal
Why do you think it's uninformed? John specifically says that he's taking "this work is trash" as background and not trying to convince anyone who disagrees. It seems like because he doesn't try, you assume he doesn't have an argument?
it risks unnecessarily antagonizing people
I kinda think it was necessary. (In that, the thing ~needed to be written and "you should have written this with a lot less antagonism" is not a reasonable ask.)
This reddit thread has the claim:
Notably this is about plasticizers, a different thing than microplastics.