All of AandNot-A's Comments + Replies

Thank you. I had read the Methods threads but these seemed mostly to discuss the plot of the books. Anyways, message received, will update accordingly.

on hpmor: harry seems to be very manipulative but almost in a textbook kind of way. I take it eliezer got this from somewhere but cannot figure out where. I'd love to read more about this, could it have come from "the strategy of conflict"?


I haven't read Strategy of Conflict, but I have read Robert Cialdini's book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, which Harry name-drops a couple of times and uses several techniques from. I'd guess that that's some of what you're seeing. For future reference, though, it's considered polite to confine free-floating HPMoR discussion to the Methods threads, the most recent of which appears to be here. There have been a few Methods-related threads since, but all with narrower scope.

2 separate related comments:

1) I'm moving to Vienna on the 25th. If there exist lesswrongers there I'd be most happy to meet them.

2) Moving strikes me as a great opportunity to develop positive, life-enchancing habits. If anyone has any literature or tips on this i'd greatly appreciate it

I'm in Vienna through the 29th, and know of at least one other LWer here. PM me and we can meet up.

2 separate related comments:

1) I'm moving to Vienna on the 25th. If there exist lesswrongers there I'd be most happy to meet them.

2) Moving strikes me as a great opportunity to develop positive, life-enchancing habits. If anyone has any literature or tips on this i'd greatly appreciate it

Where would one find that kind of exercises, online?

my personal summary:

Building constructs: within an area link all ideas as much as possible (biology) Building models: Simplify concepts - abstract from them to create something that you can use (evolution by natural selection) Highways: Linking constructs (biology to economics trough evolutionary economics)

Acquire. Test - Have I seen/listened to the idea before? Understand. Test - Do I get (at a surface level) what this idea means? Explore. Test - Do I understand where this idea comes from, what it is related to and what outside ideas can be connecte... (read more)

This was more specific than I imagined, thank you. The basis intuition should be that dropping two rocks on a pond makes two waves that collapse onto each other and form one bigger wave, right?

How exactly is sound additive? I'm having a festival near home (maybe some 2 kilometers away) and I know no individual has the capacity to shout at a volume that reaches my house. But when the 80k people that are watching do it, then it reaches my house. So, how does that happen?

0Paul Crowley
I'm not an expert, but here's what I'd guess: If 100 people stood exactly the same distance from your house, and sang the same pure note in phase with each other, the resulting sound would arrive with an amplitude 100 times greater than if it was just one person. If 100 people stood at random distances from your house, and sang the same pure note all with different phases, the resulting sound would arrive with an amplitude 10 times greater.
Sounds are waves transmitted by air. Waves can reinforce or cancel each other, but cancelling can only go so far (to zero), so what is left is the sound resulting from the reinforced waves.
Not a real answer. Sound is measured in Bels. This is a logarithimic scale. 2 Bels is 10 times as loud as 1, 3 ten times as loud as 2, etcetera. Since sound is a wave I expect the intensity to diminish at constant*(inverse square of distance). Arbitralily say each individual emits 1 unit of sound. 80,000/(2,000^2) = 0.02 Magnitude of arbitrary unit is 0.02 at 2km 80,000 / (1000^2) = 0.08 Magnitude of arbitrary unit is 0.08 at 1km Basically it's an example of an inverse square law. No real understanding of physics was used in this comment.

Irrationality game:

Different levels of description are just that, and are all equally "real". To speak of particles as in statistical mechanics or as in thermodynamics is as correct/real.

The same about the mind, talking as in neurochemistry or as in thoughts is as correct/real.

80% confidence

How, if at all, does this differ from "reductionism is true"? There are approximations made in high-level descriptions (e.g. number of particles treated as infinitely larger than its variation); are you saying they are real, or that the high-level description is true modulo these approximations? What do you mean by "real" anyway? Tentatively downvoted because this looks like some brand of reductionism.