All of aarongertler's Comments + Replies

I've been enjoying the Sold a Story podcast, which explains how many schools stopped teaching kids to read over the last few decades, replacing phonics with an unscientific theory that taught kids to pretend to read (cargo cult vibes). It features a lot of teachers and education scholars who come face-to-face with evidence that they've been failing kids, and respond in many different ways — from pro-phonics advocacy and outright apology to complete refusal to engage. I especially liked one teacher musing on how disconcerting it was to realize her colleague... (read more)

This is a horrifying story. I am still at the beginning, because it is very long, and I probably won't finish it, but... If I understand it correctly, a few decades ago American schools taught kids reading the proper way (which is now called "phonics"), and then some people invented a "better" way, which was basically... a combination of memorizing the text, and guessing the words you had a problem to remember read. Other strategies included trying to guess the word from the context, the picture at the story, the length of the word and its first and last letters. And it seemed to work great... at very specific situations. If the teacher read a story to children first, their reading improved a lot. That's because small children have insane memory skills, compared to adults, so if you read them a story once, they will memorize large parts of it. If you also teach them to just look at the first and the last letter of the word and try to guess what it is, that makes the recall almost perfect. So it seems like the method was experimentally verified! Of course, the kids didn't actually get good at reading texts they haven't read before. Which is the point of reading. (...some more points added as I read..) Ironically, the wrong method started with its author observing the kids who were good and bad at reading, and asking "what do the kids who are good at reading do differently?". And she concluded that the kids are reading so fast that there is no chance they could be actually reading every single letter and decoding every single sound... they must be guessing. Therefore, to teach other kids to be also good at reading, we much teach them to guess. Which sounds kinda plausible... and also consider the fact that kids taught the wrong method are actually pretty good at reading (texts that someone else has already read to them). Would you be convinced? Only a few years later, the invention of eye tracking showed that, actually, the good readers do read all the letters;

Non-anonymous reacts feel less scary to me as a writer, and don't feel scary to me as a reactor, though I'd expect most people to be more nervous about publicly sharing a negative reaction than I am.

Overall, inline anonymous reacts feel better to me than named non-inline reacts. I care much more about getting specific feedback on my writing than seeing which specific people liked or disliked it.

This post led me to remove Chrome from my phone, which gave me back a few productive minutes today. Hoping to keep it up and compound those minutes into a couple of solid workdays over the rest of the year. Thanks for the inspiration!

On the Devil's Advocate side: "Wife" just rolls off the tongue in a way "husband" doesn't. That's why we have "wife guys" and "my wife!" jokes, but no memes that do much with the word "husband". (Sometimes we substitute the one-syllable word "man", as in "it's raining men" or "get you a man who can do both".)

You could also parse "wife years" as "years of being a wife" from the female perspective, though of course this still fails to incorporate couples where no wife-identifying person is involved. it doesn't work well in a technical sense, but it remains very catchy.

I think wife rolls of the tongue uniquely well here due to 'wife' rhyming with 'life', creating the pun. Outside of that I don't buy it. In Denmark, wife-jokes are common despite wife being a two syllable word (kone) and husband-jokes are rare despite husband being a one syllable word (mand).

My model of why we see this has much more to do with gender norms and normalised misogyny than with catchiness of the words.

Thanks for the further detail. It sounds like this wasn't actually a case of "no one in EA has funded X", which makes my list irrelevant. 

(Maybe the first item on the list should be "actually, people in EA are definitely funding X", since that's something I often find when I look into claims like Christian's, though it wasn't obvious to me in this case.)

Thanks for sharing a specific answer! I appreciate the detail and willingness to engage.

I don't have the requisite biopolitical knowledge to weigh in on whether the approach you mentioned seems promising, but it does qualify as something someone could have been doing pre-COVID, and a plausible intervention at that.

My default assumptions for cases of "no one in EA has funded X", in order from most to least likely:

  1. No one ever asked funders in EA to fund X.
  2. Funders in EA considered funding X, but it seemed like a poor choice from a (hits-based or cost-effectiv
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See my reply above, but this was actually none of your 4 options - it was "funders in EA were pouring money into this as quickly as they could find people willing to work on it."  And the reasons no-one was pushing the specific proposal of "publicly shame China into stopping [so-called] GoF work" include the fact that US labs have done and still do similar work in only slightly safer conditions, as do microbiologists everywhere else, and that building public consensus about something no-one but a few specific groups of experts care about isn't an effective use of funds.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

I've been writing the EA Newsletter and running the EA Forum for three years, and I'm currently a facilitator for the In-Depth EA Program, so I think I've learned enough about EA not to be too naïve. 

I'm also an employee of Open Philanthropy starting January 3rd, though I don't speak for them here.

Given your hypothetical and a few minutes of thought, I'd want Open Phil to write the check. It seems like an incredible buy given their stated funding standards for health interventions and reasonable assumptions about the... (read more)

Nearly two years in the pandemic the core EA organizations still seem to show no sign of caring that they didn't prevent it despite their mission including fighting biorisks.

Which core organizations are you referring to, and which signs are you looking for?

This has been discussed to some extent on the Forum, particularly in this thread, where multiple orgs were explicitly criticized. (I want to see a lot more discussions like these than actually exist, but I would say the same thing about many other topics — EA just isn't very big and most people there, as... (read more)


I have argued to some EA leaders that the pandemic called for rapid and intense response as an opportunity to Do a Thing and thereby do a lot of good, and they had two general responses. One was the very reasonable 'there's a ton of uncertainty and logistics of actually doing useful things is hard yo' but what I still don't understand was the arguments against a hypothetical use of funds that by assumption would work. 

In particular (this was pre-Omicron), I presented this hypothetical, based on a claim from David Manheim, doesn't matter for this purpo... (read more)

COVID-19 is airbone. Biosafety level 2 is not sufficient to protect against airbone infections. The Chinese did gain-of-function research on coronoviruses under biosafety level 2 in Wuhan and publically said so in their published papers. This is the most likely reason we have the pandemic. There are strong efforts to cover that up the lab leak, from the Chinese, the US and other parties. Fund a project that lists who does what gain-of-function research with what safety procautions to understand the threat better. After discovering that the Chinese did their gain-of-function research at biosafety level 2, put public pressure on them to not do that. After being done with putting pressure on shutting down all the biosafety level 2 gain-of-function research attempt to do the same with biosafety level 3 gain-of-function research. Without the power to push through a global ban on the research pushing for only doing it in biosafety level 4 might be a fight worth having. It's probably still worth funding such a project.

Reminds me of an old essay I wrote (not fully representative of Aaron!2021) about experiences with a dog who lived with a family but not other dogs, and could never get enough stimulation to meet his needs. A section I think still holds up:

The only “useful” thing he ever fetches is the newspaper, once per day. For thirty seconds, he is doing purposeful work. and his family is genuinely thankful for his help. But every other object he’s fetched has been something a person threw, for the express purpose of fetching. We all smile at him out of polit

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Would you be interested in crossposting this to the EA Forum? I think your points are equally relevant for those discussions, and I'd be interested to see how posters there would react.

As a mod, I could also save you some time by crossposting it under your account. Let me know if that would be helpful!

Actually, if you haven't done it yet, let me cross post it next week. I might edit it, incorporating feedback from Willa and Raemon.

Epistemic status: Neither unique nor surprising, but something I felt like idly cataloguing.

An interesting example of statistical illiteracy in the field: This complaint thread about the shuffling algorithm on Magic: the Gathering Arena, a digital version of the card game. Thousands of unique players seem to be represented here.

MTG players who want to win games have a strong incentive to understand basic statistics. Players like Frank Karsten have been working for years to explain the math behind good deckbuilding. And yet, the "rigged shuffler" is a persi... (read more)

Players of Battle for Wesnoth often accuse random number generator of being broken, e.g. when their unit has 3 attacks, each of them has independently 70% chance to hit, and all three attacks happen to miss. But the chance of that happening is actually 2,7%, and if a level takes twenty or more turns, and in each turn several units attack, this is likely to happen several times per level.
Answer by aarongertler20
  1. Consider cross-posting this question to the EA Forum; discussion there is more focused on giving, so you might get a broader set of answers.
  2. Another frame around this question: "How can one go about evaluating the impact of a year's worth of ~$500 donations?" If you're trying to get leverage with small donations, you might expect a VC-like set of returns, where you can't detect much impact from most donations but occasionally see a case of really obvious impact. If you spend an entire year making, say, a dozen such donations, and none of them make a really
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Hey there!

You might want to post this over on the Effective Altruism Forum, which is built with the same structure as LessWrong but is focused entirely on EA questions (both about ways to do good and about community-building work like that of EA KC). I'm a moderator on that forum, and I think folks over there will be happy to help with your questions about organizing a group.

Answer by aarongertler10

Edit: I see that you also asked this question on r/EffectiveAltruism. I like all the links people shared on that post!

How best to grow the EA movement is a complex question that many people have been working on for a long time. There's also a lot of research on various aspects of social movement growth (though less that's EA-specific).

I don't have the bandwidth to send a lot of relevant materials now, but I'd recommend you post your question on the EA Forum (which is built for questions like this), where you're more likely to get a... (read more)

I don't think I've seen this point made in the discussion so far, so I'll note it here: Anonymous downvotes (without explanation) are frustrating, and I suspect that anonymous negative reacts would be even worse. It's one thing if someone downvotes a post I thought was great with no explanation -- trolls exist, maybe they just disagreed, whatever, nothing I can do but ignore it. If they leave an "unclear" react, I can't ignore that nearly as easily -- wait, which point was unclear? What are other people potentially missin... (read more)

Aaron it's me from the future wondering if  a) if non-anoynmous reacts like "unclear" feel scary in the way anonymous ones are b) if reacts were anonymous, but we had inline reacts (i.e. it told you which specific words or sentence was 'unclear'", how would that feel?
Thanks. As I said elsethread I was leaning non-anonymous. But, I'd also had a fundamental assumption of "some feedback is better than no feedback." If "slight feedback" feels worse than no feedback (curious for other's take on that?), then that might push me in an entirely different direction than reacts, since the whole point was to lower the bar to slightly-more-feedback for people who might have left it at none. (Maybe try out giving people an optional prompt about why they upvoted or downvoted things that is quite short – more like tweet length – so that people have a place where there's enough space to give long-enough-to-be-useful feedback without feeling obligated to write a whole comment)
6Ben Pace
My understanding is that Ray wants them to not be anonymous; the idea being voting and anything that determines the order your comment gets seen is always anonymous, and all other things are public.
If they leave an "unclear" react, I can't ignore that nearly as easily -- wait, which point was unclear? What are other people potentially missing that I meant to convey? Come back, anon!

Maybe there should be an option that allows you to highlight a part of the comment and react to that part in particular.

The growth of lots and lots of outlets for more “unofficial” or “raw” self-expression — blogs, yes, but before that cable TV and satellite radio, and long before that, the culture of “journalism” in 18th century America where every guy with a printing press could publish a “newspaper” full of opinions and scurrilous insults  — tends to go along with more rudeness, more cursing, more sexual explicitness, more political extremism in all directions, more “trashy” or “lowest common denominator” media, more misinformation and “dumbing down”, but also some innov
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Looks like you already posted on the EA Forum, but in case anyone else spots this post and has the same question:

I'm an EA Forum moderator, and we welcome half-baked queries! Just like LessWrong, we have a "Questions" feature people can use when they want feedback/ideas from other people.

I have taken the survey.

Comment: "90% of humanity" seems a little high for "minimum viable existential risk". I'd think that 75% or so would likely be enough to stop us from getting back out of the hole (though the nature of the destruction could make a major difference here).

What makes you think so? The main reason I can see why the death of less than 100% of the population would stop us from getting back is if it's followed by a natural event that finishes off the rest. However 25% of current humanity seems much more than enough to survive all natural disasters that are likely to happen in the following 10,000 years. The black death killed about half the population of Europe and it wasn't enough even to destroy the pre-existing social institutions.
yes maybe. but we have to draw a baseline somewhere.

I took part in the Good Judgment Project, a giant prediction market study from Philip Tetlock (of "Foxes and Hedgehogs" theory). I also blogged about my results, and the heuristics I used to make bets:

I thought it might be of interest to a few people -- I originally learned that I could join the GJP from someone I met at CFAR.

I love your heuristics! They could be all summed up as: the world has inertia.

I wrote a pair of essays (and a shorter summary of both) on heroic responsibility, and how it could serve as a strong counterpart to empathy as a one-two punch for making good moral decisions:

Seemed Less-Wrong-ish, though my "heroic responsibility" is written for a different audience than Eliezer's, and is a bit less harsh/powerful as a result.

This is the best article on EA and religion that I've seen so far, and uses selective Bible quotes to make points:

Of course, you can use selective Bible quotes to make nearly any point, so this probably won't work if framed as a counterargument. Perhaps you can just show it to your cofounders and ask what they think, as the beginning of a discussion about what God might want or what Christians owe to non-Christians.

But I second MattG's advice that leaving is probably advisable, particularly if the above goes nowhere.

"Applause, n. The echo of a platitude."

--Ambrose Bierce, The Cynic's Word Book

I will second The Charisma Myth and The Flinch. I have mixed feelings about Never Eat Alone, but if you live in a large city/on a college campus, Ferrazzi's advice is likely worth reading.

Yeah, this was disappointing to me as well. My feeling is that he's an "any publicity is good publicity" type, which could be seen as seedy (he has a book/classes to sell) or safe (he thinks he knows how to save a ton of time on exercising and prevent a lot of silly injuries, he wants as many people as possible to stay healthy). Having read a lot of his stuff and watched some of his talks, my beliefs tend towards the second, but it's unclear.

I gave $50, and plan to give substantially more within a year of graduation. That was one hell of a "big picture" section, Anna.

Teacher: So if you could live to be any age you like, what would it be?

Boy 2: Infinity.

Teacher: Infinity, you would live for ever? Why would you like to live for ever?

Boy 2: Because you just know a lot of people and make lots of new friends because you could travel to lots of countries and everything and meet loads of new animals and everything.

--Until (documentary)

From the same source: :| hate to break it to you, kid...
While this is on My Side, I still have to protest trying to sneak any side (or particular (group of) utility function(s)) into the idea of "rationality".

Search "Rationality Diaries" on LW to see a huge archive of examples from recent years. (Those are places where users upload recent stories of victory from their lives.)

Thank you, those have some excellent answers to my question.

Done! The survey has been a progressively smoother experience each of the past three years. And it's nice to have a time to think about the past month's habits in a structured way during the school year.

I use a cardboard desk from Single-surface, but I'm in the process of setting something up for less neck strain. The desk itself was very cheap and portable.

Wanted to experiment with working more often while standing (since I estimated a 40-50% chance this would be a good overall choice, between potential health gains and potential productivity gains). Winced at the thought of buying a $100 piece of furniture that would make this possible. Realized that this equated to about 25 cents a day, even at a relatively conservative value of how often I'd use it. And I would absolutely pay 25 cents per day to RENT this thing.

And now I own the thing! And I'm happy every time I see it, and so far I feel good on days when I use it. Odd that one of my lasting gains from CFAR is being better at spending money.

What product do you use? For good posture, I want the monitor(s) to be much higher than the surface the keyboard lies on, but most standing desks I've seen have just one surface.

I'd think it wouldn't be too hard to have a selective set of clients. A single screening interview makes sense here, and might even help appeal to parents who want to think that their child is being treated as special -- which wouldn't be a bad thing, if the child actually was special.

As an SAT tutor, I've tried to impart life lessons along with bubble-filling lessons (on how to look at tests in general, how to hack studying, etc.), but the scope of those has necessarily been limited, both by the demands of the SAT and by the types of students I work with... (read more)

“I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer.”

― Douglas Adams

I like this quote, but it occurs to me that "I don't know" is often a reasonable answer to a question. How about this: "I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I can't think of an answer which I am confident will not put me in a negative light."

Wonderful question! I spent some time recently interviewing religious converts on my very un-religious campus, and I think you'll find your discussions fascinating, if not particularly epistemic-rational.

Some topics I'd bring up: Second CronoDas on "why are you not a Jew/Muslim?", as well as "what evidence (especially scientific evidence) could lead you to dramatically change your belief in God, if not stop believing altogether?"

Finally: "If you stopped believing in God, what do you think would be the consequences in your present l... (read more)

So as to keep the quote on its own, my commentary:

This passage (read at around age 10) may have been my first exposure to an EA mindset, and I think that "things you don't value much anymore can still provide great utility for other people" is a powerful lesson in general.

"Throughout the day, Stargirl had been dropping money. She was the Johnny Appleseed of loose change: a penny here, a nickel there. Tossed to the sidewalk, laid on a shelf or bench. Even quarters.

"I hate change," she said. "It's so . . . jangly."

"Do you realize how much you must throw away in a year?" I said.

"Did you ever see a little kid's face when he spots a penny on a sidewalk?”

Jerry Spinelli, Stargirl

So as to keep the quote on its own, my commentary:

This passage (read at around age 10) may have been my first exposure to an EA mindset, and I think that "things you don't value much anymore can still provide great utility for other people" is a powerful lesson in general.

Well, "learn from it" and "use the crapware" can mean different things. I've found useful the rule of thumb that "someone else once had your problem and you should find out what they did, even if they failed to solve it".

In the HUGR, I've included the advice "learn the sad stories of your lab as soon as possible" -- the most painful mistakes others, past and present, have made in the course of action. Helpful as a specific "ways things can go wrong" list.

I won't be able to respond individually to everyone, but thank you all for your contributions! If anything else comes to mind, please leave more quotes -- I'll check back periodically.

Indeed! I found this to be an extremely helpful resource w/r/t seeking out "meta-expertise":

Key quote: "Here is a good rule of thumb: If you are trying to solve a problem, and there are multi-billion-dollar firms whose entire business model depends on solving the same problem, and there are whole courses at your university devoted to how to solve that problem, you might want to figure out what the experts do and see if you can't learn something from it."

If I had only had this advice at the beginning of my PhD, I would have saved myself a lot of hassle.... Also, the above advice would suggest, for instance, that we should use SAP's ridiculous, bloated crapware to manage human resources etc... Sometimes the multibillioner dollar companies fail.

Have you looked at the Johns Hopkins/Center for Talented Youth forums at I think you need a special login to get on, and I forgot my info long ago, but the community still seems to be of a respectable size.

Thanks! We've heard of it, but don't know very much about it, because it's gated. You used to use it? What was your experience?

At least the existence of this post will make "discovery" easier for the next person who has to do this task (if they know to look for it, at least). Perhaps there are some steps in the process that are best taught instead of climbed, or vice-versa, and the challenge is to figure out the right mixture?

(I recall a coding bootcamp I was a part of, where a careful balance of "look this up" and "ask the instructor" was required so that the instructor wouldn't be overwhelmed and people wouldn't waste an entire day fixing a chain of mistakes flowing from some trivial error.)

When I saw the title, the first things I thought of were Ramit Sethi's videos on negotiation and the CFAR income negotiation workshop. This seems more focused on promotions than raises, but are you aware of any meta-studies that examine specifically the effect of different types of negotiation strategies?

I agree with avoiding identity-claim aspirations.

When I use the Ned Flanders example, what I'm thinking is:

I know Christians who say that belief in Jesus and being determined to love others will make life better, and they express this better-ness in their incredible patience and kindness--to the point where I wish I were equally patient and kind.

I think we could get to a point where Less Wrong members can say "living with a strong awareness of your own biases and a desire to improve yourself will make your life better", and express this better-... (read more)

When I visualize Bjorn Lomborg's "Indonesia 2100 should have the same GDP per capita as Denmark now" future, I start to glow on the inside. There are many things about LW that give me that glow. I just wish I were better at expressing the glow at the right times without sounding weird about it.

I think that's lowballing it by a wide margin. If Indonesians in 2100 only live as well as the Danes now, some catastrophe hit the earth in the interim.

HPMOR is really cool, but I've also known several people who can't stand it. Too long/too Gary Stu/too strange for devoted fans of the original series. Luminosity is just as good, but suffers from some of the same issues. I think we need more short stories that have reasonable, non-utopian endings, things people can pick up and read in an hour. Though I say this knowing I likely won't be in a position to write any of these stories for a while...

"These advantages are real, significant, and probably even replicable for a more secular memeset - but I think if we tried it, we'd be missing our own point."

Interesting. I think that could be true of whatever our "point" is right now. But eventually, that point is probably going to have to involve something that people at the IQ 100 level can pick up and use with some success in their daily lives, the same way so many already do with religious principles. (Though LW principles can hopefully avoid most of the negative downsides that come with living religiously.)

I agree that we should aspire to eventually appeal to the IQ 100 population with as many of our concepts as we can. I don't think we should use the identity-claim-but-no-deep-thought technique to do it.

Sounds like Jonathan Edwards, or maybe Timothy Dwight. Both of them have Yale residential colleges named after them. No one cares much about the Hell stuff here, though, probably because John Calhoun (another college namesake) was an infamous slaveholder.

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