My rough guess for Question 2.1:
The model likely cares about number of characters because it allows it to better encode things with fixed-width fonts that contain some sort of spatial structure, such as ASCII art, plaintext tables, 2-D games like sudoku, tic-tac-toe, and chess, and maybe miscellaneous other things like some poetry, comments/strings in code[1], or the game of life.
A priori, storing this feature categorically is probably a far more efficient encoding/representation than linearly (especially since length likely has at most 10 commo
[Note: One idea is to label the dataset w/ the feature vector e.g. saying this text is a latex $ and this one isn't. Then learn several k-sparse probes & show the range of k values that get you whatever percentage of separation]
You've already thanked Wes, but just wanted to note that his paper may be of interest here.
If you're interested, "When is Goodhart catastrophic?" characterizes some conditions on the noise and signal distributions (or rather, their tails) that are sufficient to guarantee being screwed (or in business) in the limit of many studies.
The downside is that because it doesn't make assumptions about the distributions (other than independence), it sadly can't say much about the non-limiting cases.
I do agree that looking at alone seems a bit misguided (unless we're normalizing by looking at cosine similarity instead of dot product). However, the extent to which this is true is a bit unclear. Here are a few considerations:
We are surprised by the decrease in Residual Stream norm in some of the EleutherAI models.
According to the model card, the Pythia models have "exactly the same" architectures as their OPT counterparts
I could very well be completely wrong here, but I suspect this could primarily be an artifact of different unembeddings.
It seemed to me from the model card that although the Pythia models have "exactly the same" architecture, they only have the same number of non-embedding parameters. The Pythia models all have more total parameters than their counter...
Hmmm, I suspect that when most people say things like "the reward function should be a human-aligned objective," they're intending something more like "the reward function is one for which any reasonable learning process, given enough time/data, would converge to an agent that ends up with human-aligned objectives," or perhaps the far weaker claim that "the reward function is one for which there exists a reasonable learning process that, given enough time/data, will converge to an agent that ends up with human-aligned objectives."
I guess that I'm imagining that the {presence of a representation of a path}, to the extent that it's represented in the model at all, is used primarily to compute some sort of "top-right affinity" heuristic. So even if it is true that, when there's no representation of a path, subtracting the {representation of a path}-vector should do nothing, I think that subtracting the "top-right affinity" vector that's downstream of this path representation should still do something regardless of whether there is or isn't currently a path representation.
So I gu...
And the top-right vector also transfers across mazes? Why isn't it maze-specific?
This makes a lot of sense if the top-right vector is being used to do something like "choose between circuits" or "decide how to weight various heuristics" instead of (or in addition to) actually computing any heuristic itself. There is an interesting question of how capable the model architecture is of doing things like that, which maybe warrants thinking about.[1]
This could be either the type of thinking that looks like "try to find examples of this in the model by int...
The patches compose!
In the framework of the comment above regarding the add/subtract thing, I'd also be interested in examining the function diff(s,t) = f(input+t*top_right_vec+s*cheese_vec) - f(input)
The composition claim here is saying something like diff(s,t) = diff(s,0) + diff(0,t)
. I'd be interested to see when this is true. It seems like your current claim is that this (approximately) holds when s<0 and t>0 and neither are too large, but maybe it holds in more or fewer scenarios. In particular, I'm surprised at the weird hard boundaries at s=0
and t=0
I wish I knew why.
I don't really have any coherent hypotheses (not that I've tried for any fixed amount of time by the clock) for why this might be the case. I do, however, have a couple of vague suggestions for how one might go about gaining slightly more information that might lead to a hypothesis, if you're interested.
The main one involves looking at the local nonlinearities of the few layers after the intervention layer at various inputs, by which I mean examining diff(t) = f(input+t*top_right_vec) - f(input)
as a function of t (for small values o...
From the "Conclusion and Future Directions" section of the colab notebook:
Most of all, we cannot handwave away LayerNorm as "just doing normalization"; this would be analogous to describing ReLU as "just making things nonnegative".
I don't think we know too much about what exactly LayerNorm is doing in full-scale models, but at least in smaller models, I believe we've found evidence of transformers using LayerNorm to do nontrivial computations[1].
I think I vaguely recall something about this in either Neel Nanda's "Rederiving Positional Encodings" stuff, o
Thanks for the great post! I have a question, if it's not too much trouble:
Sorry for my confusion about something so silly, but shouldn't the following be "when "?
When there is no place where the derivative vanishes
I'm also a bit confused about why we can think of as representing "which moment of the interference distribution we care about."
Perhaps some of my confusion here stems from the fact that it seems to me that the optimal number of subspaces, , is an increasing function of , which ...
places which seem like canonical examples of very-probably-messy-territory repeatedly turn out to not be so messy
May I ask for a few examples of this?
The claim definitely seems plausible to me, but I can't help but think of examples like gravity or electromagnetism, where every theory to date has underestimated the messiness of the true concept. It's possible that these aren't really much evidence against the claim but rather indicative of a poor ontology:
...People who expect a "clean" territory tend to be shocked by how "messy" the world looks when their ori
If it's easy enough to run, it seems worth re-training the probes exactly the same way, except sampling both your train and test sets with replacement from the full dataset. This should avoid that issue. It has the downside of allowing some train/test leakage, but that seems pretty fine, especially if you only sample like 500 examples for train and 100 for test (from each of cities and neg_cities).
I'd strongly hope that after doing this, none of your probes would be significantly below 50%.