I'm not sure about the first case:
if you don't have a VNM utility function, you risk being mugged by wandering Bayesians
I don't see why this is true. While "VNM utility function => safe from wandering Bayesians", it's not clear to me that "no VNM utility function => vulnerable to wandering Bayesians." I think the vulnerability to wandering Bayesians comes from failing to satisfy Transitivity rather than failing to satisfy Completeness. I have not done the math on that.
But the general point, about approxima...
Thanks for this response. On notation: I want world-states, , to be specific outcomes rather than random variables. As such, is a real number, and the expectation of a real number could only be defined as itself: in all cases. I left aside all the discussion of 'lotteries' in the VNM Wikipedia article, though maybe I ought not have done so.
I think your first two bullet points are wrong. We can't reasonably interpret ~ as 'the agent's thinking doesn't terminate'. ~ refers to indifference betwee...
That can't be right -- if the probability of being in the Vulcan Mountain is 1/4 and the probability of being in the Vulcan Desert (per the guard) is 0, then the probability of being on Earth would have to be 3/4.