All of Alexander Mont's Comments + Replies

I'm a donor interested in giving money to AI safety work, on the order of $100k-$1M right now and possibly more in the future. Are you looking for donations or do you know anyone who is looking for donations?

1Connor Leahy
I think this is something better discussed in private. Could you DM me? Thanks!

Why wouldn't you just leave the whole package sitting around for 9 days in a warm place? Then any virus on both the outside of the package and whatever is inside would be killed by then.

Hi, I have another few questions I'm interested in to help understand my own risks from the virus:

  • What's a good estimate for the percentage of the US population infected, right now?
  • What is the likelihood of transmission inside the home (i.e. if one of my family members gets it, what's the chance that I will get it?) What things can we do in the household to reduce this probability?
  • I'm concerned about the possibility that if I get it, there won't be hospital beds available. Would it make sense to, at the first sign of symptoms, get
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Please do not get on a plane if you have symptoms. If you are in a high risk category and/or very scared, you could go to Singapore preemptively, since they've already shown they can control their outbreak.
2Ben Pace
My current working assumption is that if you share a living space and/or a bathroom with someone who gets it, you will get it within a few days. If you want to reduce the probability, make sure you don't use any common spaces or bathrooms.

I'm currently in an apartment in Washington, DC living with one other family member. I have decided that I want to self-quarantine completely (i.e. no leaving the apartment, deliveries only), and the other person is saying that they are willing to mostly quarantine (i.e. work from home, no trips to the store, etc.) but they aren't willing to refuse to go outside.- they want some fresh air. Is there a good way of modeling the risk associated with just going outside and walking around? And of the family member then giving it to me? I do have anothe... (read more)

1Chris Hibbert
Going outside for solo exercise (walking, jogging, Tai Chi) is pretty safe. I'm not absolutely positive that tennis or volleyball (multi-player sports, but with shared contact with the ball) or ultimate frisbee or basketball (close proximity, occasional contact) are as safe. The SF Bay area shelter in place order encouraged going on walks or hiking, and that seems sensible to me.

At our group house we decided that going out on walks is fine, as long as you stay more than 6-feet away from people. I am not sure whether that's feasible where you are, where we are it's feasible, but only at times of the day that tend to have less people around.