All of Alicorn's Comments + Replies

When I started making double batches of pancake batter, they came out fluffier.

I checked and re-checked all the math on the doubling so many times to make sure I wasn't adding too much or too little of something, but the ratios were all right.

Eventually I realized I was going through baking powder faster and so the baking powder was fresher.

Small variations can make a notable differences with pancakes. I still haven't managed to reproduce even close to my grandma's pancakes' sweet spot, though I think the island of stability is somewhere with more eggs and more heat. I usually don't use baking powder, but it is possible to create some fluffiness with more oil, more heat, and frequent mixing.

Stripe is even less welcome to my phone number than you are!  But I'll retry without the info saving thing.

ETA: Yeah that worked.

I just went to try to give you $40 (because there's an event that I expect to be hosted at Lighthaven, and I want to go to it, and would be happy to pay for a ticket at something in that ballpark of a price, but kind of expect to be offered free entry, so I might as well "pay for my ticket" now to make sure the place is there to have the event in).

But the form requires a phone number and will not accept all zeroes or all nines and you can have forty dollars  but you cannot have a real phone number.

(At least in the UK, numbers starting 077009 are never assigned. So I've memorized a fake phone number that looks real, that I sometimes give out with no risk of accidentally giving a real phone number.)
Are you checking the box for “Save my info for 1-click checkout with Link”? That’s the only way I’ve figured out get Stripe to ask for my phone number. If so, you can safely uncheck that (Also, I don’t know if it’s important you, but I don’t think we would see your phone number if you gave it to Stripe)

Smallfoot. It's a children's animated musical about yetis who don't believe in humans, and about fraud and honesty and curiosity and how other motives, even sympathetic ones, contaminate truthseeking.  Hat tip to Elizabeth of Aceso Under Glass who recommended it to my family.

In the SS25 collections, we see it, unsurprisingly, in skin-baring clubwear:

but also in more classically graceful gowns and tailoring:

in slightly kooky and unhinged references to early-60s femininity:

and in more eclectic, playful styles:

Were there supposed to be images or links here?

they're in the substack post

I was so excited about this post until I realized the metaphorical peanut butter was also exercise.

I've found that watching videos I enjoy while doing PT exercises helps. A key component of this strategy was to get a laptop stand with an adjustable angle so that I can position my screen somewhere I can see it (different places depending on how I'm physically positioned for each exercise).
1Declan Molony
I appreciate your comment because it let me know that more focus should be given to the general concept of "hiding something in peanut butter", versus my specific application of it. I edited the post to reflect this. Thanks!
1Declan Molony
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  What can I say, that's my peanut butter.  Extrapolating from the general concept, I wonder what other people's "peanut butter" is? Meaning, what's a difficult task that people have successfully hidden between doing things they love?

I mean, sure, it looks like that when people who sound credible to you are checking.

A vast within-simulation conspiracy is possible, but it increases the complexity of the hypothesis.

Our world would seem mundane to us no matter what was in it.  Maybe it's actually wildly unrealistic that many people keep cats as pets.  Maybe dandelions are some kind of Easter egg.  Maybe our so-called natural languages are ludicrously simple and regular compared to the monstrosities real people with real history speak.

I disagree, I think that our world is objectively simple in that everything is apparently consistent with a simple set of physical laws and initial conditions. Simulators wouldn't need to be constrained in this way(and could access a lot of fun possibilities by not being so constrained)
7Dave Orr
We're here to test the so-called tower of babel theory. What if, due to some bizarre happenstance, humanity had thousands of languages that change all the time instead of a single universal language like all known intelligent species?
4Charlie Steiner
"Oh, that? That's just the big sign in the sky saying 'you are in a simulation' in Aramaic. Totally normal, don't worry about it."

I like this enough that I'm considering picking a screenshot of the Goddess of Everything Else and replacing my twelve year old standard avatar with it.

“what is your fantasy partner/complement organization?”

I love this question and would never have thought of it on my own.

Our younger kiddo went through a period of calling his big sister "gago" because he couldn't pronounce her name.  Her opinion of this was a long-suffering sigh and "I'll be whatever he can say."

I kind of doubt you care at all, but here for interested bystanders is more information on my stance.

  • I suspect you of brigading-type behavior wrt conflicts you get into.  Even if you make out like it's a "get out the vote" campaign where the fact that rides to the polls don't require avowing that you're a Demoblican is important to your reception, when you're the sort who'll tell all your friends someone is being mean to you and then the karma swings around wildly I make some updates.  This social power with your clique of admirers in combination
... (read more)

Oh, no, it's absolutely negative.  I don't like you.  I just don't specifically think that you are disgusting, and it's that bit of the reaction to the analogy that caught me by surprise.

"Oh, I'm going to impute malice with the phrase 'gossiping behind my back' about someone I have never personally interacted with before who talked about my public blog posts with her friends, when she's specifically remarked that she's worried about fallout from letting me know that she doesn't care for me!" is also kind of a take, and a pretty good example of wh... (read more)

It is only safe for you to have opinions if the other people don't dislike them?

I think you're trying to set up a really mean dynamic where you get to say mean things about me in public, but if I point out anything frowny about that fact you're like "ah, see, I knew that guy was Bad; he's making it Unsafe for me to say rude stuff about him in the public square."

(Where "Unsafe" means, apparently, "he'll respond with any kind of objection at all."  Apparently the only dynamic you found acceptable was "I say mean stuff and Duncan just takes it.")


I ... (read more)

Welp, guess I shouldn't pick up frogs.  Not what I expected to be the main takeaway from this thread but still good to know.

5M. Y. Zuo
Don't pick up amphibians, or anything else with soft porous skin, in general, unless your sure.

I think most poisonous frogs look it and would accordingly pick up a frog that wasn't very brightly colored if I otherwise wanted to pick up this frog, whereas bugs may look drab while being dangerous.

Poisonous frogs often have bright colors to say "hey don't eat me", but there are also ones that use a "if you don't notice me you won't eat me" strategy. Ex: cane toad, pickerel frog, black-legged poison dart frog.

I'm sorry!  I'm sincerely not trying to indicate that.  Duncan fascinates and unnerves me but he does not revolt me.  I think that "weird bug" made sense to my metaphor generator instead of "weird plant" or "weird bird" or something is that bugs have extremely widely varying danger levels - an unfamiliar bug may have all kinds of surprises in the mobility, chemical weapons, aggressiveness, etc. department, whereas plants reliably don't jump on you and birds are basically all just WYSIWYG; but many weird bugs are completely harmless, and I simply do not know what will happen to me if I poke Duncan.

What about "weird frog"? Frogs don't have the same negative connotations as bugs and they have the same wide range of danger levels.
I believe it:

I wasn't sure if I should include the analogy.  I came up with it weeks ago when I was remarking to people in my server about how suspicious I find things Duncan writes, and it was popular there; I guess people here are less universally delighted by metaphors about weird bugs than people on my server, whoops!  For what it's worth I think the world is enriched by the presence of weird bugs.  The other day someone remarked that they'd found a weird caterpillar on the sidewalk near my house and half my dinner guests got up to go look at it and I almost did myself.  I just don't want to touch weird bugs, and am nervous in a similar way about making it publicly knowable that I have an opinion about Duncan.

I liked the analogy and I also like weird bugs

I've tried for a bit to produce a useful response to the top-level comment and mostly failed, but I did want to note that

"Oh, it sort of didn't occur to me that this analogy might've carried a negative connotation, because when I was negatively gossiping about Duncan behind his back with a bunch of other people who also have an overall negative opinion of him, the analogy was popular!"

is a hell of a take. =/

It doesn't seem like too many people had a reaction similar to mine, so I don't know that you were especially miscalibrated.  (On reflection, I think the "bug" part is maybe only half of what I found disagreeable about the analogy.  Not sure this is worth the derailment.)

I don't keep track of people's posting styles and correlate them with their names very well. Most people who post on LW, even if they do it a lot, I have negligible associations beyond "that person sounds vaguely familiar" or "are they [other person] or am I mixing them up?".

I have persistent impressions of both Said and Duncan, though.

I am limited in my ability to look up any specific Said comment or things I've said elsewhere about him because his name tragically shares a spelling with a common English word, but my model of him is strongly positive. &nbs... (read more)

7Adam Zerner
Yup, I strongly agree with this. And it seems to me that the effort spent moderating this is mostly going to be consequential for Duncan and Said's future interactions instead of generalizing and being consequential to the interactions between other people on LessWrong, because these sorts of conflicts seem to be quite infrequent. If so, it doesn't seem worth spending too much time on. Maybe as a path forward, Duncan and Said can agree to keep exchanges to a maximum of 10 total comments and subsequently move the conversation to a private DM, see if that works, and if it doesn't re-evaluate from there?

Meanwhile I find Duncan vaguely fascinating like he is a very weird bug

I don't know[1] for sure what purpose this analogy is serving in this comment, and without it the comment would have felt much less like it was trying to hijack me into associating Duncan with something viscerally unpleasant.

  1. ^

    My guess is that it's meant to convey something like your internal emotional experience, with regards to Duncan, to readers.

It's probably not helping that ours looks a fair bit younger than she is (or so I'm told, she looks six to me in the sense that she is larger than she was when she was five, but she's the oldest and the smallest kid in her little school).  I sometimes have to point at her and make a facial expression for the benefit of supervising neighbors when I'm walking her, especially if she runs ahead.

This is probably very location sensitive, are you both in the UK?

We had our 6yo walking the two and a half blocks to school by herself.  But she wasn't willing to talk to concerned strangers, and it turns out that this is a de facto legal requirement for small people walking alone in a way it is not for adults walking alone - they couldn't figure out where she was going or if she was okay so they called the cops.  Now we have to accompany her when none of us like this at all.  It doesn't seem like a general factor of independence though... she won't get ready for bed alone.

I'm sorry that happened! That sounds stressful for everyone! I read Lily and Anna your comment, and asked if anything similar had happened to them: Anna: No one has ever actually asked me, but I think it might happen in the future. Lily: I remember two times when someone asked me. The first time I was coming home from a friend's house and I got confused about directions and I was looking around, and someone asked if I needed help. Another time I was over by the park and an old lady asked if I was okay. I was just walking near the park, not doing anything weird, and they were just curious. There was also one other time when I was putting something in the mailbox in the evening [JK: just a few houses down from us] and someone asked me what I was doing and wanted to watch to make sure I went into a house. Our kids have pretty different responses to adults asking them questions, and it does sound like that's important here. (Before they started going out alone we also did some practice on what they would say if an adult asked them what they were doing. Talking to Julia, it sounds like she still practices these occasionally with Lily, especially when Lily is nervous about whether an adult will stop her.)

I appreciate this timeline!  My emergency plan if I unexpectedly have a deaf baby one day is to find someone fluent in sign language to move in with us and do, if necessary, hardcore sign immersion, and 3-5 months is quick enough that I would not need to worry about the baby acquiring brain damage.

I watched one of the videos and it was clearly a great example of the category.  And yet.  I think ease of learning varies with language and also with learner.  ASL in particular seems likely to be very interpersonally variable - I definitely found it harder than making equivalent progress in French, Chinese, or Japanese, and those last two are famously considered difficult for English-natives.  It requires manual dexterity!  If you get confused in the middle of a sign language sentence you're going to poke yourself in the ear or t... (read more)

As a deaf person, I'm always teaching people to sign, like when I move into a new house, and I do see a difference between learners. Some people don't know what to do with their hands and end up "tangling their elbows together", as you so vividly describe, while others have a talent as if they'd been waiting to sign all their lives. But this gap mostly closes after 3-5 months of living together. Even people who were pretty bad at the beginning end up being able to interpret a group conversation for me. Not to diminish the difficulty -- to do anything like interpret a group conversation, the whole group needs to put in some effort to slow down and speak only one at a time, and it's still exhausting for an interpreter who's only been learning for a few months. Not to mention the food on their plate goes cold. I'm just saying. I don't think a lack of progress necessarily something to scare you, but then again, I don't know what it's like to learn sign without someone to sign with. Pretty sure it's usually a lot faster to become a productive conversator in any sign language than any spoken natural lang -- the only thing you really need is the hand alphabet, and then the person you're talking to can show you the signs for every new word you spell out.

A few years ago most of the people who lived in my house at the time all signed up for an ASL class together.  I mostly retain the alphabet, though not very quickly or fluidly, but most of the others don't, even though I stopped going halfway through because I was too pregnant and nobody else had that problem.  I have never encountered an opportunity to use any signs "in the wild" since this occasion, even opportunities that weren't usable at my level but would have been if I were more conversational.  Once, before I'd ever studied ASL, I en... (read more)

Sign for babies is totally useful, even if more in the way of dog buttons. It's quite cute seeing my <1 year old niece ask for food, show that she needs the toilet etc. using simple hand gestures that both sides understand. She doesn't have a large vocabulary by any standard, but it makes communication a lot easier and cuts down on mutual frustrations. In practice you both say and sign what you want - the baby will pick it up quite quickly and start using the signs as soon as it can handle the physical movements, after which you can just use the verbal part and watch for the appropriate reaction. I only recognize asking for milk (closed fist up and down) and asking for more (she opens her mouth and shows her tongue to show that her mouth is empty), but my sister uses more.
2Yoav Ravid
Good point and interesting question. I guess when they're slightly older there are more opportunities to sign at them, and before that maybe other people around the baby need to sign too (including when they're talking to you). This raises an interesting question of how much of getting talked to vs hearing others talk to each other accounts for language adoption in babies.
-1Noah Topper
FWIW I genuinely think ASL is easy to learn with the videos I linked above. Overall I think sign is more worthwhile to learn than most other languages, but yes, not some overwhelming necessity. Just very personally enriching and neat. :)

I liked this story enough to still remember it, separately from the original Sort By Controversial story.  Trade across moral divide is a useful concept to have handles for.

This one was fun to play with and it was nice to feel like I was helping.

"Anyone who resists? Why, I'll simply mulch them," said Tyranicca. Many, many people resisted, and Tyrannica prepared her mulching machine.

Her workers did the rest. 0.15%

I appreciate this post, though mostly secondhand.  It's special to me because it provided me with a way to participate more-or-less directly in an alignment project: one of my glowfic buddies decided to rope me in to write a glowfic thread in this format for the project [here](  I'd like to hear more updates about how it's gone in the last year, though!

I get a lot of headaches, and for a while had the cached belief that ibuprofen was the way to go and acetaminophen (paracetemol) doesn't work on me at all.  But after a c-section I was given the big doses of both, and told to alternate, and I noticed that I could definitely tell the difference between skipping/delaying an acetaminophen and taking it on time.  So now I use that for headaches, especially sinus-y headaches where I don't want to suppress my immune response that's trying to get my cold to go away.

I will also match this bounty, and encourage others to do the same.

I pledge to match the bounty of the next person to pledge $5,000, because of research showing this encourages people to donate money.

So if someone else pledges, we’ve reached a third of the median US salary.

I really like this, I've never seen a premise quite like it!

3Adam Scherlis
Coming from you that's high praise!

(Wow, I was commenting on LW thirteen years ago...)  I didn't suggest saying this out of the blue!  My recommended riposte borrows the story protagonist's vocabulary and tone.  If a woman asks you:

"What you're saying is tantamount to saying that you want to fuck me. So why shouldn't I react with revulsion precisely as though you'd said the latter?"

then, it may be appropriate to discuss, optionally using the word "fuck", why she'd react that way if you'd asked that question, which you didn't, having instead (as in the story) made a much more innocuous suggestion, neither culturally inappropriate nor abrupt and crass.

I understood that much the first time. I think the protagonist makes an excellent point. In fact, she understates it. She mentions plenty of reasons to expect essentially any heterosexual male classmate to be interested in having sex with her if given the chance, so if she's going to be revolted by that, she might as well go ahead and be revolted without waiting for anyone to tell her anything. The obvious way out of this conundrum, as you pointed out, is to question the premise that she should be revolted by her male peers' sexual desires toward her. This doesn't seem to stop people in general from agreeing with that premise and deeming it self-evident. As Ilyssa herself argues, how is focusing on the first domino any more innocuous than admitting the hundredth will fall, too? Is there anything to what you call socially appropriate behavior, not abrupt or crass, beyond a lame attempt to deceive her? In fact, since he's probably well aware she won't be fooled, I don't even know which simulacrum level he's trying to operate at; likely 4. I wish I'd been asked that kind of questions, including the ones in the few following paragraphs, while being both young enough for them to make sense and the situation not to be too disgusting, and mature enough to understand them and know my true answers. At Eric and Ilyssa's age, I'm sure I would have enjoyed and come to crave an unbounded amount of physical intimacy with almost any of my female classmates, provided we got along and could trust each other, but I didn't really know it. I just knew I wanted to get to know them, necessarily slowly, much like I found out, half a decade later, that women tend to emphasize. Funny; in my case, it probably comes from being perpetually isolated and vulnerable. Also, I didn't have the vocabulary to know what "if I offered myself to you" means, so I'd just be puzzled by the question and probably look like a hypocrite to everyone. Also, my parents would have put a stop to that kind of rel

My impulse here is to itemize - X hours for this step, Y for that step, Z as safety margin in case of P, Q, or R.

I don't have a great episodic memory so I can't be as detailed as one might hope about the trajectory from 2010, but I think it worked fine!  I no longer do much active mood maintenance.  I'm on an SSRI again as of last year, but that's about energy levels and "anxiety" (I don't experience anxiety-the-emotion that often, but I seem to maybe have the underlying correlate of anxiety disorders that just pops out differently).  I am sometimes irritated, frustrated, bored, exasperated, etc., but seldom sad and often happy..


This post is very interesting and I'm excited to hear back from anyone who is going to experiment based on it.  My experience with sleep deprivation is mostly centered around having children; my functioning is unquestionably impacted by that kind of fragmented and reduced sleep (especially emotionally) but maybe a solid yet shorter period of sleep would actually be fine.  The trouble is I'm not sure how I'd check... because I've found that if I have an alarm set to go off in the morning, not only is it in itself staggeringly unpleasant, it makes me anxious enough that I sleep very poorly the night before.  I've gone to a lot of effort to (kids and all) arrange that I can sleep in as late as feels right.

Hmm, we seem to have very different subjective experiences around sleep. While I'm sure that I would also feel bad if my sleep was disrupted at random periods, I have no issue with alarms and I feel like I sleep better with an alarm, knowing that I will not just sleep through everything I wanted to do in the morning...

Isn't lithium in water linked to lower depression rates and not really something you'd want to straightforwardly remove even if it turned out to be making people fat?  I guess you might win on net if it turned out you could cure about that much depression with lotsalightboxes and be rid of obesity in the bargain, but it's at least a little complicated.

Your link to Quillette is broken for me.

2Jacob Falkovich
I'm not sure what's wrong, it works for me. Maybe change the https to http? Googling "sex negative society quillette" should bring it up in any case.


I think the various kinds of soma (drink, TV, internet) are a different species of thing. They don't just pretend to solve the problem, they actually solve it, make nonspecific discomfort go away. Not in the most healthy way, but I think they can often distract people from worse things.

I do usually roast it, and would only sauté if I were being miserly with dishes or didn't want to turn on the oven, but I would expect it to be fine, yeah.

...I'm a pretty good cook and can't actually think of any reason you shouldn't sauté asparagus.  You shouldn't sauté... lettuce?  I can't think of a good reason to sauté seaweed?  But asparagus seems like it'd be fine.

I've done both – asparagus and lettuce – and it works. (Especially for the more bitter kinds of leafy greens, it somewhat reduces bitterness. It can also soften the stems / bottom bits and make them more usable. So e.g. finely chopping the stem and sauteing with some onion and mushrooms can be a good way to use what you'd otherwise discard.) There's even salad-based soups (both with something like e.g. romaine added just before the end, and also with e. g. iceberg shredded, cooked, and blended), and while it may seem strange initially and mess with your expectations, they work just fine. (The end result doesn't match "what salad is supposed to be like", so the gut reaction for many is to reject it. But actually it's just leafy greens.)
1Patrick Breitenbach
You can absolutely sauté asparagus and it's delicious with just a little oil, salt & pepper. Cut it into 1-2 inch pieces or leave it whole.
Most people, myself included, think it tastes better roasted. But you can sauté it, and I know someone who prefers it that way.
I'm a pretty good cook who has sauteed and enjoyed asparagus. :D

Does it seem likely that soybean oil in particular is special?  I think I could pretty straightforwardly eliminate it from my diet - I never cook with it and am not specifically attached to snacks that contain it - but I'd have a harder time if I also couldn't use canola, sesame, avocado, coconut...  Let alone other soy products like tofu.

FWIW I mostly eliminated (>90% reduction) corn, soy, canola, and most other highly processed oils from my diet in January 2020. I kept or increased olive, avocado, coconut, some sesame and nut oils, and butter (from mostly-grass-fed cows). No idea about long term health impacts, but since about 6 months from that shift I've found that if I did eat those oils in significant quantities at a meal (especially things like battered fried food), I consistently notice substantial negative effects on mood, energy level, and nasal congestion, typically for the rest of the day. This does not happen if I eat the same foods made with other oils, nor if I eat actual corn, or other soy products like tofu. Also: this change led to a bit of initial weight loss (from ~235 down to ~220), but that's mostly where I've stayed for the past 2.5 yrs. BMI says I need to lose another 40 pounds, but I disagree and haven't been that weight since I was 16. I would like to get down to ~195.
Jeff Nobbs (one of OP's sources) says polyunsaturated fatty acids are the real culprit and provides a helpful chart. Tl;dr coconut oil is great, olive and avocado oil are pretty good, avoid canola/peanut/rice bran/corn/sunflower. (Sesame isn't on the chart but IME it's used in pretty small quantities anyway). It's hard to get much oil from whole versions of the source foods. My quick calculation say you can add '5 tbs soybean oil requires six blocks of tofu'.
As for the other soy products, I have heard some concerns about the lectins, which are poisonous. Vegetables in general have toxins, which are usually there to protect them from insects. Humans, like most animals that eat plants, have adaptations to deal with this, so vegetables in general are not thought to be unhealthy, and probably not all of their effects are harmful, so I'm not sure what to make of this. Most legumes, nuts, whole grains, and nightshades (e.g. tomatoes) contain a concerning amount of lectins, but cooking and fermentation can mostly break them down, and soaking and rinsing can also get rid of them. Most lectins break down with heat, but those found in peanuts and soybeans seem to be an exception, and might explain why allergies to these two foods are so common. Maybe some types of lectins are harmful and others are not, at natural doses.
I'm also suspicious of canola, but avocado and coconut oil have very different properties from soybean oil. Canola is from recently developed cultivars of rapeseed, is high in pro-inflammatory omega-6 polyunsaturated fat, which also oxidizes (becomes rancid) more easily, and since canola is usually extracted with solvents and heat, it usually contains some amount of very unhealthy trans fats. This gets worse if you cook with it. If your only goal was to avoid saturated fats, then it sounds good on paper, but it's probably bad for you. Sesame is a seed oil like canola. It's even higher in omega-6. Sesame oil tastes fine when cold-pressed, so trans fats would be less of a concern in that case. It's probably still bad for you overall. Coconut oil is mostly saturated fat. It's resistant to oxidation, shouldn't contain trans fats, and is safe to fry with. Are saturated fats bad for you though? Some say so, but I'm not sure if I believe them. Avocado oil is mostly monounsaturated fat, which isn't the supposedly unhealthy saturated fat, and is more resistant to oxidation and heat than polyunsaturated fat, though not as resistant as saturated fat. It should be safe too cook with as long as you're not using high heat. Its composition is actually really similar to olive oil. If you're going to add oil at all, avocado oil is probably one of the healthiest choices. Olive is good too for the same reasons, but it might have additional beneficial compounds when it's fresh.
Soybean oil grew the most in the USA, and some studies in mice make it look quite bad. I’m not positive, but my takeaway is that it is very low downside and quite easy to cut it out of my diet. On the one hand it is new, and our ancestors were fine without it, whether it is bad or not. And two, it’s highly concentrated in processed junk that everyone agrees to avoid anyways. As for general soy products, not my area of expertise but I’m not going out of my way to avoid them if they’re not highly processed

I don't have a Facebook account.  I use my spouse's so I can read things but I don't eve know how to do the rest.

Can't say that's a mistake. But for organizing events in particular, FB is really useful. I would be happy to create an event for things like this in the future and invite people who are nearby if you send me a PM.

Attendance of the meet wound up being: 

  • me
  • my four year old, for about the first half hour
  • an adult and child who were over anyway for a playdate
  • one other person

I am curious if there are things I could have done to improve turnout, if anyone has ideas.

[Epistemic status: just my gut reactions. I knew I wasn't going to go because I'm moving in two days and so was busy, but also probably wouldn't have gotten up the courage/agency/will to go anyway (maybe 20% chance I would have gone).] I think the "there are only eight chairs" thing maybe gave a bit of a vibe of exclusivity and/or set expectations low for attendance, which makes it less appealing as a getting-to-know-people event.  I also think a large part of it is just that the first instance of a thing is harder to get buy-in for — with choir there's a very established structure and a core of people who show up, so you really know what you're getting into, whereas with this I was unsure what to expect. I guess I'm not sure if there's an action item here. Maybe more assertive wording? I notice I also felt weird about the idea of drawing outside. I just like to draw on a nice smooth table, and I don't want bugs on my paper. Obviously I get why you would have the event outside, and besides, I don't even know if this would be a deterrent for anyone else.
Was there an FB event? In my experience it's hard to get people to show up to anything without inviting them on FB or very directly via PM or individual emails.  In the future, maybe we can somehow figure out how to get better visibility to the right people by just creating a LW event, but sadly, at this point in time, I think it's necessary to post the event other places to get the right amount of visibility and turnout.

How do you motivate the embedded assumption that there is no such thing as harmless variation?

I was thinking about less ideal variations more than explicitly harmful ones.  If we're optimizing for a set of values - like happiness, intelligence, virtuousness - through birth and environment, then I thought it unlikely that we'd have multiple options with the exact same maximal optimization distribution.  If there are, the identical people part of it doesn't hold yeah - if there's more than one option, it's likely that there are many, so there might not be identicals at all.

I think an important obstacle to "I'll apologize if they'll apologize" situations is that people often have very specific needs for the traits of an apology they're receiving, doing it correctly without instructions is a very important signal of being on the same page about what went wrong, and incorrect apologies can be downright insulting (such as "I'm sorry you feel that way", a classic, or, "I'm sorry about X" "this whole time you thought I was mad about X???  I don't give a crap about X!")  The existence of a hypothetical apology doesn't serve the same purposes as a fully featured one.

(this comment let me through a chain of thoughts culminating in ", except instead of 'I'd like to date or something' you check boxes for 'I'm secretly mad but want you to apologize first.'")
Yeah. 'I didn't get into some of the messy implementation details here because it was hard to come up with good-but-hypothetical-examples. But, I do think it's pretty key that often the steps along an iterated trust kickstarter are pretty oddly specific, and yeah it's often important to do without spelling out the particular thing you want someone to do.  A sort of generic version of a message I might send, if I were in some situations like this is "hey, I'm pretty mad. I see you are pretty mad. I'd be willing to invest effort trying to empathize with you and figure out where you're coming from if you were willing to invest effort trying to empathize with me and figure out where I'm coming from." (where, something is lost here from Bob not figuring out on his own what exactly Alice is mad about and revealing himself to already be on the same page. But, I’m assuming by the time you get to consider an ITK type solution, its already revealed that you’re not in the nicest of worlds where that was an option) ((also: an okay outcome is that Alice wanted to check if Bob was on the same page, and then if bob reveals himself to not be on the same page, the ITK  truncates, hopefully as gracefully as possible))

We tried to buy a place around the corner (not right adjacent, but no crossing streets, so we could have let pretty small kids walk it alone), but we could only afford to lowball it and didn't get it.  We don't want to move because moving is horrible but if the place burned down or something we would probably all or mostly all move together.

I would like to see this energy directed somewhere more empathetic.  Can many humans with a healthy relationship to food and no medical dietary restrictions be physically healthy on a vegan diet (and a B12 supplement)?  Probably.  Does everyone you're talking to have all those qualities?  Absolutely not.  Are their traditions, tastes, and convenience, and every flowthrough effect of their culture, enjoyment, and flexibility, wholly worthless?  You aren't likely to save many animals by telling them so even if you feel that way.... (read more)

We did this approximately by accident.  We had a kid, and separately had a habit of letting our friends crash in our spare bedrooms, and one of them did enough caretaking (letting us SLEEP!) that we were like "wait... if she leaves... that will hit the kid like a divorce" and arranged to keep her forever.  Now we live with her and her fiancée and additional Spare Room Friends and a second kid, and we are very crowded in our large house and don't have room for any more Spare Room Friends which is very sad, and plot to purchase neighboring houses a... (read more)

Thanks! This gives me a lot of hope, that it can happen by accident. I would love to hear if you end up purchasing adjacent property, or if you would consider moving all together to another spot!

It's not really workable to say "oh yeah, I can keep secrets, I keep so many secrets, like for example," so I tend to describe my surface area - things like "sometimes my literate three year old looks at my screen and asks me what a phrase means in front of the contents of my living room, I'm not good at not laughing at things I read if they're funny, I consider it morally wrong to lie and am not volunteering to do it anyway for you but am good at deflecting with the truth so cannot guarantee to conceal the existence of a secret but can decline to elaborat... (read more)

Yeah, that all sounds about right. 

I'd like to do something like this - it turns out we go through flour with breathtaking speed if I'm trying to personally keep up with household bread consumption through baking. But I can't find a distributor! I looked at the ones in my area listed on King Arthur Flour's website, and one doesn't have it (I think; they have no search function so I had to look manually through pages of random foods), and the other won't let me check without my having a restaurant account.

You could try asking a local bakery if they would be willing to sell to you. They might be willing to tell you who their supplier is too. Just be sure to go to the location with the active ovens (if there are multiple locations) or call ahead.
It looks to me like you could get King Arthur Special Patent? It's slightly higher gluten (12.7% instead of 11.7%: but I think it's a decent all-purpose? Or you could get You could get high gluten flour, low gluten flour, and mix them depending on what you wanted to make? For the KA SP, , it looks to me like it would ship to you at $38 for one bag or $33/each for ten bags. If you choose larger quantities it gets even cheaper, but they'll want to do common carrier shipping which is a pain to unload (because getting the good of the truck is your job and not the driver's).
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