All of Anna_Zhang's Comments + Replies

1.Hello, I'm Anna Zhang, a high school freshman and a thirteen year old. I'm sort of new to rationality, and only started on this site half a month ago. It's nice to meet everyone.

  1. I homeschool, (since I live in China right now), and whenever I have time, I try to learn new things. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time, because my family came up with the brilliant idea to have me take classes both for homeschooling and at the local Chinese school, and not just select courses either. It's very tiring, and I don't get much time to learn about rationali
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I would have loved to watch that.

This post taught me a lot, but now "There is no invisible dragon in my garage" will be popping into my head whenever I see a garage.

Hello, Less Wrong, I'm Anna Zhang, a high school student. I found this site about half a month ago, after reading Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. On Mr. Yudkowsky's Wikipedia page, I found a link to his site, where I found a link to this site. I've been reading the sequence How to Actually Change Your Mind, as Mr. Yudkowsky recommended, and I've learned a lot from it (though I still have a lot to learn...)

Welcome! If you want to meet other high schoolers, this looks like a good place to start.