[APPRENTICE] I'd be interested in starting to work in AI alignment, and aligning language models sounds particularly interesting.
I'm an incoming new grad SWE at Google and have a degree in Statistics and Data Science, to give an idea of my background and skillset. I have a modest amount of experience with machine/deep learning, mainly through coursework and a few personal projects (taken and TAd a class on Natural Language Processing, taken a survey Deep Learning class, wrote my undergraduate thesis on applying neural networks to causal inference pro...
Yup, their podcast is my primary means of staying up to date with fitness content.
I'm pretty passionate about physical fitness and body composition and would recommend the following sources/figures to follow:
Menno Henselmans (known for "bayesian bodybuilding", website)
Mike Israetel (co-founded RP (disclosure: I intern here), wrote these books of some potential interest). I'm a friend of Mike's and can also vouch that his thinking style is very rationalist-adjacent.
Eric Helms (founded 3DMJ and wrote these books which are great)
Lyle McDonald (good FB group here, website here). Lyle is extremely abrasive, but he knows his shit. He's also n...
Also interested in the crypto opportunity.
[NORMAL] Already posted something quite similar as a reply, but posting as a main comment to indicate broader interest as well.
[APPRENTICE] AI Alignment, Machine Learning Research
I'm an incoming new grad SWE at Google and have a degree in Statistics and Data Science, to give an idea of my background and skillset. I have a modest amount of experience with machine/deep learning, mainly through coursework and a few personal projects (taken and TAd a class on Natural Language Processing, taken a survey Deep Learning class, wrote my undergraduate thesis on appl... (read more)