I'm midway through your post and I want to say that I've also been deep in Mad Investor Chaos. In addition to loving it, I am very inspired by it.
Inspired to look for ways to improve my thinking. Looking for things I'm flinching away from - and narrow in on those things for inspection.
I keep asking myself - what is it that I already know about the world that I'm pretending not to see? What are things that I can expect to believe later that I should just update and believe now?
I imagine your writing style here reminds me of the manic way of the charac...
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I realized I had the "I'm not a math person" false narrative a few months ago!
Which I imagine comes from a higher-level belief I learned super early on, that runs parallel to the "I'm in a story in which I'm the hero" delusion. That (almost subconscious) belief is something like "if I'm not instantly amazing at something then I suck and I should give up".
But it's not even that well defined. I'm more muddled than that.
It could be a barely-conscious rationalization for something closer to "I don't like how I feel when I fail, it hurts my identi... (read more)