All of arbimote's Comments + Replies

EDIT: The original post now has updated times and links, so refer to that instead.

Here are links to the times suggested, for convenience:

I'd suggest posting meeting times using, to help avoid confusion about time zones and daylight savings.

Perhaps what is missing is these rules:

AT = A (1)

AF = F (2)

A + T = T (3)

A + F = A (4)

Which can be derived from the given axioms, apparently. I'm not sure if some necessary axioms were omitted.

Using some of these, here's one way to derive B!A=!A from !B=AD:

!B = AD

!B + A = AD + A

!B + A = AD + AT (1)

!B + A = A(D + T) (Distributivity)

!B + A = AT (3)

!B + A = A (1)

!!B!A = !A (Duality)

B!A = !A


I registered and started posting a while back, but since then have reverted to lurking. Partly due to not having time, but I can also identify with reasons some others have given.


Voted down for being off-topic.

Nonononono, you say "this is an explanation for a downvote of an off-topic reply". This, by the way, is a clarification of thread protocol.

Verifying a proof is quite a bit simpler that coming up with the proof in the first place.

Verifying is hard. Specifying what a FAI is well enough that you've even got a chance of having your Unspecified AI developing one is a whole 'nother sort of challenge. Are there convenient acronyms for differentiating between Uncaring AIs and AIs actively opposed to human interests? I was assuming that xamdam's AGI will invent an FAI if people can adequately specify it and it's possible, or at least it won't be looking for ways to make things break. There's some difference between Murphy's law and trying to make a deal with the devil. This doesn't mean I have any certainty that people can find out which one a given AGI has more resemblance to. I will say that if you tell the AGI "Make me an FAI", and it doesn't reply "What do you mean by Friendly?", it's either too stupid or too Unfriendly for the job.
That is true, but specifying the theorem to be proven is not always easy.
It becomes more complicated when the author of the proof is a superintelligence trying to exploit flaws in the verifier. Probably more importantly, you may not be able to formally verify that the "Friendliness" that the AI provably possesses is actually what you want.

Perhaps keep anonymous votes too, but make them worth less or only use them to break ties.

It should be enough to let people volunteer to be non-anonymous voters to change the reputational impact (then, big enough inadequacy of the karma proxy will become visible).

A sequence of wins and non-wins is enough to tell you whether a given approach can result in intelligent behaviour. That alone is enough to make it a useful experiment.


A man with one watch might have the wrong time; a man with two watches is more aware of his own ignorance.

The only problem with this quote is that if I have two watches and they have the same time on them, maybe I synchronized them at some point, then that would seem to make me more confident about what time it actually was, given that if I have a single watch, the battery could be dying and the watch tick a little slower. Or maybe I'm thinking too much.

The basement is the biggest

I like that turn of phrase.

I was about to point out that the fascinating and horrible dynamics of over-the-top threats are covered in length in Strategy of Conflict. But then I realised you're the one who made that post in the first place. Thanks, I enjoyed that book.

It's much easier to limit output than input, since the source code of the AI itself provide it with some patchy "input" about what the external world is like. So there is always some input, even if you do not allow human input at run-time.

ETA: I think I misinterpreted your comment. I agree that input should not be unrestricted.


You sir, have made a gender assumption.


So have you - yours just happened to be correct. But, point taken - sir or madam.

Similar topics were discussed in an Open Thread.

Luckily digital constructs are easier to perfect that wooden ones. Although you wouldn't think so with the current state of most software.

It is difficult to constrain the input we give to the AI, but the output can be constrained severely. A smart guy could wake up alone in a room and infer how he evolved, but so long as his only link to the outside world is a light switch that can only be switched once, there is no risk that he will escape.

A man in a room with a light switch isn't very useful. An AI can't optimize over more bits than we allow it as output. If we give a 1 time 32 bit output register then well, we probably could have brute forced it in the first place. If we give it a kilobyte, then it could probably mindhack us. (And you're swearing to yourself that you won't monitor it's execution? Really? How do you even debug that?) You have to keep in mind that the point of AI research is to get to something we can let out of the box. If the argument becomes that we can run it on a headless netless 486 which we immediately explode...then yes, you can probably run that. Probably.
You just need to hope the room was made by an infallible carpenter and that you never gave the AI access to MacGyver.

If Dave holds a consequentialist ethical theory that only values his own life, then yes we are screwed.

If Dave's consequentialism is about maximizing something external to himself (like the probable state of the universe in the future, regardless of whether he is in it), then his decision has little or no weight if he is a simulation, but massive weight if he is the real Dave. So the expected value of his decision is dominated by the possibility of him being real.

If we accept the simulation hypothesis, then there are already gzillions of copies of us, being simulated under a wide variety of torture conditions (and other conditions, but torture seems to be the theme here). An extortionist in our world can only create a relatively small number of simulations of us, relatively small enough that it is not worth taking them into account. The distribution of simulation types in this world bears no relation to the distribution of simulations we could possibly be in.

If we want to gain information about what sort of simul... (read more)

That isn't a strong implication of simulation, but is of MWI.
The gzillions of other copies of you are not relevant unless they exist in universes exactly like yours from your observational perspective. That being said, your point is interesting but just gets back to a core problem of the SA itself, which is how you count up the set of probable universes and properly weight them. I think the correct approach is to project into the future of your multiverse, counting future worldlines that could simulate your current existence weighted by their probability. So if it's just one AI in a box and he doesn't have much computing power you shouldn't take him very seriously, but if it looks like this AI is going to win and control the future then you should take it seriously.

Here's an idea for how a LW-based commercial polling website could operate. Basically it is a variation on PredictionBook with a business model similar to TopCoder.

The website has business clients, and a large number of "forecasters" who have accounts on the website. Clients pay to have their questions added to the website, and forecasters give their probability estimates for whichever questions they like. Once the answer to a question has been verified, each forecaster is financially rewarded using some proper scoring rule. The more money as... (read more)

Perhaps start by giving it away, or sell it to small buyers (eg. individuals).

But I've got to admit I don't have experience in this area, so my suggestions are mostly naive speculation (but hopefully my speculation is of high quality!). Research into existing prediction companies is called for.

If we are the kind of people who would delete lots of AIs, I don't see why AIs would not see it as similarly ethical to delete lots of us.

So just in case we are a simulated AI's simulation of its creators, we should not simulate an AI in a way it might not like? That's 3 levels of a very specific simulation hypothesis. Is there some property of our universe that suggests to you that this particular scenario is likely? For the purpose of seriously considering the simulation hypothesis and how to respond to it, we should make as few assumptions as poss... (read more)

I'm concerned about the moral implications of creating intelligent beings with the intent of destroying them after they have served our needs [...]

Personally, I would rather be purposefully brought into existence for some limited time than to never exist at all, especially if my short life was enjoyable.

I evaluate the morality of possible AI experiments in a consequentialist way. If choosing to perform AI experiments significantly increases the likelihood of reaching our goals in this world, it is worth considering. The experiences of one sentient AI ... (read more)

I merely wanted to point out to Kaj that some "meaningful testing" could be done, even if the simulated world was drastically different from ours. I suspect that some core properties of intelligence would be the same regardless of what sort of world it existed in - so we are not crippling the AI by putting it in a world removed from our own.

Perhaps "if released into our world" wasn't the best choice of words... more likely, you would want to use the simulated AI as an empirical test of some design ideas, which could then be used in a separate AI being carefully designed to be friendly to our world.

People would hire the firm if it could be demonstrated that the firm consistently produced accurate results. So initial interest might be low, but pick up over time as the track record gets longer.

Right, but how do you get started? Begin by giving away the service? Work on spec? What kind of companies/organizations would hire such a firm?

You could observe how it acts in its simulated world, and hope it would act in a similar way if released into our world. ETA: Also, see my reply for possible single-bit tests.

3Eliezer Yudkowsky
Sounds like a rather drastic context change, and a rather forlorn hope if the AI figures out that it's being tested.

I have had some similar thoughts.

The AI box experiment argues that a "test AI" will be able to escape even if it has no I/O (input/output) other than a channel of communication with a human. So we conclude that this is not a secure enough restraint. Eliezer seems to argue that it is best not to create an AI testbed at all - instead get it right the first time.

But I can think of other variations on an AI box that are more strict than human-communication, but less strict than no-test-AI-at-all. The strictest such example would be an AI simulatio... (read more)

I'm concerned about the moral implications of creating intelligent beings with the intent of destroying them after they have served our needs, particularly if those needs come down to a single bit (or some other small purpose). I can understand retaining that option against the risk of hostile AI, but from the AI's perspective, it has a hostile creator. I'm ponder it from the perspective that there is some chance we ourselves are part of a simulation, or that such an AI might attempt to simulate its creators to see how they might treat it. This plan sounds like unprovoked defection. If we are the kind of people who would delete lots of AIs, I don't see why AIs would not see it as similarly ethical to delete lots of us.
An idea that I've had in the past was playing a game of 20 Questions with the AI, since the game of 20 Questions has probably been played so many times that every possible sequence of answers has come up at least once, which is evidence that no sequence of answers is extremely dangerous.

I personally don't mind "tl;dr", but I agree that where practical it is best to use language that will be understood by as wide an audience as possible. (Start using "tl;dr" again when it becomes mainstream :) )

Please don't. I need to budget my downvotes!

Are extensional and intensional definitions related to outside views and inside views? I suppose extensional definitions and outside view are about drawing conclusions from a class of things, while the intensional and inside use specific details more unique to the thing in question.

It seems to me that they are at least somewhat related. Recently, I've been wondering to which degree extensional/intensional definitions, the outside/inside view and the near/far view might be different ways of looking at the same two modes of reasoning. (I had a longer post of it in mind, and thought I had come up with something important, but now I've forgotten what the important part of it was. :-( )

I agree with the gist of your post, but this paragraph:

Conversely, we know the LHC is not going to destroy the world, because nature has been banging particles together at much higher energy levels for billions of years...

is a common argument, that doesn't really stand up once you take into account anthropic bias.

I don't think anthropic arguments can be used here because you could equally argue that it's more likely we're living in a universe where the laws of physics are such that high energy particle collisions are rarely or never world-destroying than it is that we're living in a universe where they are world-destroying, and we've just gotten lucky a whole bunch of times so far. Also, we can observe that nothing world-destroying seems to happen on other planets that are also exposed to high-energy particles.

Saying "oh sorry I hurt your feelings" is just plain being nice, which is a good idea whether you are aiming to be rational or not.

Someone actually made a top-level post on this the other day. Just sayin'.

This comment and that post are actually within seventeen minutes of each other. I think Psychohistorian may be forgiven for not noticing dclayh.

You can have emotions while being rational, and you can be rational while having emotions. They are opposed sometimes, but they do not always have to be. But when there is a conflict between them, rationality (so long as you practice it properly) is more reliable in reaching correct, useful conclusions.


It would be great for this rationalist community to be able to discuss any topic, but in a way that insulates the main rationality discussions from off-topic discussions. Perhaps forum software separate from the main format of LessWrong? Are monthly open threads enough for off-topic discussions?

A rationalist forum would be interesting not only for the discussions themselves, but also because it would materialize and test some of the more abstract stuff from this site. Reading the new year/decade predictions conversations, it struck me that effective treatment of outside content should be Less Wrong's crowning jewel--the real proof that rationality makes good ideas.

Add a term granting a large disutility for deaths, and this should do the trick.

What if death isn't well-defined? What if the AI has the option of cryonically freezing a person to save their life - but then being frozen, that person does not have any "current" utility function, so the AI can then disregard them completely. Situations like this also demonstrate that more generally, trying to satisfy someone's utility function may have an unavoidable side-effect of changing their utility function. These side-effects may be complex enough that... (read more)

It's simple, it's well defined - it just doesn't work. Or at least, work naively the way I was hoping. The original version of the hack - on one-shot oracle machines - worked reasonably well. This version needs more work. And I shouldn't have mentioned deaths here; that whole subject requires its own seperate treatment.

I sent an email on January the 10th, and haven't yet got a reply. Has my email made it to you? Granted, it is over a month since this article was posted, so I understand if you are working on things other than applications at this point...

If there is, I'd like to know too, for when(/if) I try my hand at a top-level post. Hopefully the rating and moderation system is good enough such that no formal rule is needed.

Or the two are fairly independent - you can be good or bad at seeking status, intelligent or not-so intelligent, and it is possible to have any combination of those, including that of being unintelligent and yet still good at obtaining status.

That claims of this type are sometimes made to advance agendas does not mean we shouldn't make these claims, or that all such claims are false. It means such claims need to be scrutinised more carefully.

I agree that more often than not there is not a simple solution, and people often accept a false simple solution too readily. But the absence of a simple solution does not mean there is no theoretical optimal strategy for continually working through the difficulty.

I agree with the message of the article, but I do not think it is forever going to be impossible to query what science currently knows.

Improvements in search technology cause a decrease in the time taken to do a reasonable search for any existing knowledge on a topic. Before the internet you might have had to read dozens of journals to have a vague idea of whether a field had discovered something in particular. Now you can do an online search. Conceivably, a future search engine could be good enough that it could take some imprecise (non-jargon) search ... (read more)

... seems to have this belief that there is some perfect cure for any problem.

There may not be a single strategy that is perfect on it's own, but there will always be an optimum course of action, which may be a mixture of strategies (eg dump $X into nanotech safety, $Y into intelligence enhancement, and $Z into AGI development). You might never have enough information to know the optimal strategy to maximise your utility function, but one still exists, and it is worth trying to estimate it.

I mention this because previously I have heard "there is n... (read more)

It isn't just that there is no "perfect" solution, to many problems there is no solution at all; just a continuing difficulty that must be continually worked through. Claims of some optimal (or even good enough) solution to these sorts of social problems is usually a means to advance the claimants' agendas, especially when they propose using gov't coercion to force everybody to follow their prescriptions.

For some things (especially concrete things like animals or toothpaste products), it is easy to find a useful reference class, while for other things it is difficult to find which possible reference class, if any, is useful. Some things just do not fit nicely enough into an existing reference class to make the method useful - they are unclassreferencable, and it is unlikely to be worth the effort attempting to use the method, when you could just look at more specific details instead. ("Unclassreferencable" suggests a dichotomy, but it's more of... (read more)

  • Handle: arbimote
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 22 (born 1987)
  • Location: Australia
  • Occupation: Student of computer science

I've been lurking since May 2009. My views on some issues that are often brought up on LW are:

  • It's a good idea to sign up to cryonics if you have the money, due to a Pascal's Wager type argument. I have not signed up, since I do not yet have the money (and AFAIK there are further complications due to being in Australia).
  • It is possible and desirable for humans to create AGI.
  • MWI seems intuitive to me, but I have not read enough about the subj
... (read more)
0Paul Crowley
No, this is fine - thanks for commenting!