Update: "AI achieves silver-medal standard solving International Mathematical Olympiad problems".
It now seems very likely I'm going to win this bet.
Early 2023 I bet $500 on AI winning the IMO gold medal by 2026. This was a 1:1 bet against Michael Vassar, meaning I attributed >50% to this. It now seems very likely that I'm going to win.
To me, this was to be expected as a straightforward application of AlphaZero-like self-play amplification and destillation. The missing piece was the analogous policy network, which was a convolutional neural network for the AlphaZero board games. Once it became quite clear that existing LLMs were capable of being smart enough to generate good heuristics to this (with...
My three fundamental disagreements with MIRI, from my recollection of a ~1h conversation with Nate Soares in 2023. Please let me know if you think any positions have been misrepresented.
MIRI thinks (A) evolution is a good analogy for how alignment will fail-by-default in strong AIs, that (B) studying weak AGIs will not shine much light on how to align strong AIs, and that (C) strong narrow myopic optimizers will not be very useful for anything like alignment research.
Now my own positions:
(A) Evolution is not a good analogy for AGI.
Also relevent is Steven Byrnes' excelent Against evolution as an analogy for how humans will create AGI.
It has been over two years since the publication of that post, and criticism of this analogy has continued to intensify. The OP and other MIRI members have certainly been exposed to this criticism already by this point, and as far as I am aware, no principled defense has been made of the continued use of this example.
I encourage @So8res and others to either stop using this analogy, or to argue explicitly for its continued usage, engaging with the argumen...
Does AI governance needs a "Federalist papers" debate?
During the American Revolution, a federal army and government was needed to fight against the British. Many people were afraid that the powers granted to the government for that purpose would allow it to become tyrannical in the future.
If the founding fathers had decided to ignore these fears, the United States would not exist as it is today. Instead they worked alongside the best and smartest anti-federalists to build a better institution with better mechanisms and with limited powers, which allowed th...
I think your argument is quite effective.
He may claim he is not willing to sell you this futures contract for $0.48 now. He expects to be willing to sell for that price in the future on average, but might refuse to do so now.
But then, why? Why would you not sell something for $0.49 now if you think, on average, it'll be worth less than that (to you) right after?
I see no contradictions with a superintelligent being mostly motivated to optimize virtual worlds, and it seems an interesting hypothesis of yours that this may be a common attractor. I expect this to be more likely if these simulations are rich enough to present a variety of problems, such that optimizing them continues to provide challenges and discoveries for a very long time.
Of course even a being that only cares about this simulated world may still take actions in the real-world (e.g. to obtain more compute power), so this "wire-heading" may not prevent successful power-seeking behavior.
Thank you very much for linking these two posts, which I hadn't read before. I'll start using the direct vs amortized optimization terminology as I think it makes things more clear.
The intuition that reward models and planners have an adversarial relationship seems crucial, and it doesn't seem as widespread as I'd like.
On a meta-level your appreciation comment will motivate me to write more, despite the ideas themselves being often half-baked in my mind, and the expositions not always clear and eloquent.
I feel quite strongly that the powerful minds we create will have curiosity drives, at least by default, unless we make quite a big effort to create one without them for alignment reasons.
The reason is that yes — if you’re superintelligent you can plan your way into curiosity behaviors instrumentally, but how do you get there?
Curiosity drives are a very effective way to “augment” your reward signals, allowing you to improve your models and your abilities by free self-play.
Sure, let me quote:
...We think this worry is less pressing than it might at first seem. The LLM in a language agent is integrated into the architecture of the agent as a whole in a way that would make it very difficult for it to secretly promote its own goals. The LLM is not prompted or otherwise informed that its outputs are driving the actions of an agent, and it does not have information about the functional architecture of the agent. This means that it has no incentive to answer prompts misleadingly and no understanding of what sorts of answers might stee
I fail to understand this option C is a viable path to superintelligence. In my model if you're chaining lots of simple or "dumb" pieces together to get complex behavior, you need some "force" or optimization process going on to steer the whole into high-performance.
For example, individual neurons (both natural and artificial) are simple, and can be chained up together in complex behavior, but the complex behavior only arises when you train the system with some sort of reward/optimization signals.
Maybe I'm wrong here and for "slightly smart" components suc...
I agree that current “language agents” have some interesting safety properties. However, for them to become powerful one of two things is likely to happen:
A. The language model itself that underlies the agent will be trained/finetuned with reinforcement learning tasks to improve performance. This will make the system much more like AlphaGo, capable of generating “dangerous” and unexpected “Move 37”-like actions. Further, this is a pressure towards making the system non-interpretable (either by steering it outside “inefficient” human language, or by encodi...
I see about ~100 book in there. I met several IMO gold-medal winners and I expect most of them to have read dozens of these books, or the equivalent in other forms. I know one who has read tens of olympiad-level books in geometry alone!
And yes, you're right that they would often pick one or two problems as similar to what they had seen in the past, but I suspect these problems still require a lot of reasoning even after the analogy has been established. I may be wrong, though.
We can probably inform this debate by getting the latest IMO and creating a contest for people to find which existing problems are the most similar to those in the exam. :)
My model is that the quality of the reasoning can actually be divided into two dimensions, the quality of intuition (what the "first guess" is), and the quality of search (how much better you can make it by thinking more).
Another way of thinking about this distinction is as the difference between how good each reasoning step is (intuition), compared to how good the process is for aggregating steps into a whole that solves a certain task (search).
It seems to me that current models are strong enough to learn good intuition about all kinds of things with enou...
I take from this comment that you do not see "AI winning the gold medal" as a good predictor of superintelligence arriving soon as much as I do.
I agree with the A/B < C/D part but may disagree with the "<<". LLMs already display common sense. LLMs already generalize pretty well. Verifying whether a given game design is good is mostly a matter of common sense + reasoning. Finding a good game design given you know how to verify it is a matter of search.
A expect an AI that is good at both reasoning and search (as it has to be to win the IMO gold meda...
From Metaculus' resolution criteria:
This question resolves on the date an AI system competes well enough on an IMO test to earn the equivalent of a gold medal. The IMO test must be most current IMO test at the time the feat is completed (previous years do not qualify)."The IMO test must be most current IMO test at the time the feat is completed (previous years do not qualify)."
I think this was defined on purpose to avoid such contamination. It also seems common sense to me that, when training a system to perform well on IMO 2026, you cannot include any dat...
I dunno, I think there are a LOT of old olympiad problems—not just all the old IMOs but also all the old national-level tests from every country that publishes them. (Bottom section here.) I think that even the most studious humans only study a small fraction of existing problems, I think. Like, if someone literally read every olympiad-level problem and solution ever published, then went to a new IMO, I would expect them to find that at least a couple of the problems were sufficiently similar to something they’ve seen that they could get the answer without...
One thing that appears to be missing on the filial imprinting story is a mechanism allowing the "mommy" thought assessor to improve or at least not degrade over time.
The critical window is quite short, so many characteristics of mommy that may be very useful will not be perceived by the thought assessor in time. I would expect that after it recognizes something as mommy it is still malleable to learn more about what properties mommy has.
For example, after it recognizes mommy based on the vision, it may learn more about what sounds mommy makes, and wh...
Another strong upvote for a great sequence. Social-instinct AGIs seems to me a very promising and very much overlooked approach to AGI safety. There seem to be many "tricks" that are "used by the genome" to build social instincts from ground values, and reverse engineering these tricks seem particularly valuable for us. I am eagerly waiting to read the next posts.
In a previous post I shared a success model that relies on your idea of reverse engineering the steering subsystem to build agents with motivations compatible with a safe Oracle design, including ...
While I am sure that you have the best intentions, I believe the framing of the conversation was very ill-conceived, in a way that makes it harmful, even if one agrees with the arguments contained in the post.
For example, here is the very first negative consequence you mentioned:
...(bad external relations) People on your team will have a low trust and/or adversarial stance towards neighboring institutions and collaborators, and will have a hard time forming good-faith collaboration. This will alienate other institutions and make them not want to w
I think you are right! Maybe I should have actually written different posts about each of these two plans.
And yes, I agree with you that maybe the most likely way of doing what I propose is getting someone ultra rich to back it. That idea has the advantage that it can be done immediately, without waiting for a Math AI to be available.
To me it still seems important to think of what kind of strategical advantages we can obtain with a Math AI. Maybe it is possible to gain a lot more than money (I gave the example of zero-day exploits, but we can most likely get a lot of other valuable technology as well).
I think it is an interesting idea, and it may be worthwhile even if Dagon is right and it results in regulatory capture.
The reason is, regulatory capture is likely to benefit a few select companies to promote an oligopoly. That sounds bad, and it usually is, but in this case it also reduces the AI race dynamic. If there are only a few serious competitors for AGI, it is easier for them to coordinate. It is also easier for us to influence them towards best safety practices.
Hi maggo. Welcome to LessWrong.
I'm afraid there is not much you can do to save yourself once unaligned strong AI is there. Focusing less on the long-term and just having fun is always an option, but I'd also strongly recommend against that.
I don't know you, but it is possible that there is more you can do to help prevent strong unaligned AGI than you think. There are other very smart people working on preventing x-risk (e.g. Steven Byrnes), and some of them believe they might help turn the game around. I have suggested a possible AI-in-a-box success model ...
Having read Steven's post on why humans will not create AGI through a process analogous to evolution, his metaphor of the gene trying to do something felt appropriate to me.
If the "genome = code" analogy is the better one for thinking about the relationship of AGIs and brains, then the fact that the genome can steer the neocortex towards such proxy goals as salt homeostasis is very noteworthy, as a similar mechanism may give us some tools, even if limited, to steer a brain-like AGI toward goals that we would like it to have.
I think Eliezer's comment is als...
That is, that we shouldn't worry so much about what to tell the genie in the lamp, because we probably won't even have a say to begin with.
I think you summarized it quite well, thanks! The idea written like that is more clear than what I wrote, so I'll probably try to edit the article to include this claim explicitly like that. This really is what motivated me to write this post to begin with.
Personally I (also?) think that the right "values" and the right training is more important.
You can put the also, I agree with you.
At the current state of confu...
I agree my conception is unusual, I am ready to abandon it in favor of some better definition. At the same time I feel like an utility function having way too many components makes it useless as a concept.
Because here I'm trying to derive the utility from the actions, I feel like we can understand the being better the less information is required to encode its utility function, in a Kolmogorov complexity sense, and that if its too complex then there is no good explanation to the actions and we conclude the agent is acting somewhat randomly.
Maybe tryi...
What we think is that we might someday build an AI advanced enough that it can, by itself, predict plans for given goal x, and execute them. Is this that otherworldly? Given current progress, I don't think so.
I don't think so either. AGIs will likely be capable of understanding what we mean by X and doing plans for exactly that if they want to help. Problem is the AGIs may have other goals in mind by this time.
...As for re-inforcement learning, even it seems now impossible to build AGIs with utility functions on that paradigm, nothing gives us the assur
I agree. Regarding biases that I would like to throw away one day in the future, being careful enough to protect modules important for self-preservation and self-healing, I'd probably like to excessive energy-preserving modules such as ones responsible for laziness, that are only really useful in ancestral environments where food is scarce.
I like your example of senseless winter bias as well. There are probably many examples like that.
I am still confused about these topics. We know that any behavior can be expressed as a complicated world-history utility function, and that therefore anything at all could be rational according to these. So I sometimes think of rationality as a spectrum, in which the simpler the utility function justifying your actions the more rational you are. According to such a definition rationality may actually be opposed to human values at the highest end, so it makes a lot of sense to focus on intelligence that is not fully rational.
Not really sure what you mean b...
I am aware of Reinforcement Learning (I am actually sitting right next to Sutton's book on the field, which I have fully read), but I think you are right that my point is not very clear.
The way I see it RL goals are really only the goals of the base optimizer. The agents themselves either are not intelligent (follow simple procedural 'policies') or are mesa-optimizers that may learn to follow something else entirely (proxies, etc). I updated the text, let me know if it makes more sense now.
Hi! I'm Kelvin, 26, and I've been following LessWrong since 2018. Came here after reading references to Eliezer's AI-Box experiments from Nick Bostrom's book.
During high school I participated in a few science olympiads, including Chemistry, Math, Biology and Informatics. Was the reserve member of the Brazilian team for the 2012 International Chemistry Olympiad.
I studied Medicine and later Molecular Science at the University of São Paulo, and dropped out in 2015 to join a high-frequency trading fund based on Brazil. Had a successful career there, and rose u...
Curious to hear your thoughts @paulfchristiano, and whether you have updated based on the latest IMO progress.