All of BarryGrimes's Comments + Replies

Thanks Ryan. I wouldn't say they're the same thing. Reputation is an asset (similar to social capital). Public relations is the work you do to increase the value of that asset.

I'm not aware of any data on how many organisations have adopted the framework I'm afraid. My very rough hypothesis is that the bigger the organization, the more likely they are to be using a framework along these lines.

 I did find this quote from the Executive Director of Government Communications in the UK:

Across the UK Government, the AMEC Principles have helped us to make su

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I have a postgraduate diploma in public relations and I was a member of the UK Chartered Institute for Public Relations for several years. I'd like to defend the honour of the public relations profession by sharing the definition used by the CIPR:

Every organisation, no matter how large or small, ultimately depends on its reputation for survival and success.

Customers, suppliers, employees, investors, journalists and regulators can have a powerful impact. They all have an opinion about the organisations they come into contact with - whether good or bad, righ

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I appreciate you showing up to give the when-it-is-done-right perspective. To strongly oversimplify, the CIPR position appears to be that the two things contrasted in the post should really be the same thing. Question: how much penetration does the CIPR perspective have in companies in the UK (or AMEC globally)? I'm sort of operating under the assumption here that both organizations collect data on this, such that a "X% of public companies and government agencies successfully practice AMEC principles" or similar number is available.