All of beetle's Comments + Replies


A category of conversations that is extremely useful is small talk:

Small talk (phatic communication) is an idiomatic expression which denotes informal discourse not covering any functional topics of conversation or any transactions that need to be addressed. Such talk serves two primary functions. The first is to fill in the gaps during awkward silences during conversations. The second function is to generate interest in having a conversation and start engaging the other party in order to start a deeper level of conversation.

Small talk helps to strengt... (read more)


Hi, I found this place because of that Guardian article. Do you know who authored It only reads [deleted], was the account of the author suspended for some reason? I might cite that article on a future occasion and want to give due credit. Thanks.

The author is user:Roko and that it reads "deleted" means that he deleted his post so that only people who have the URL can view it. The reason for the deletion is an "ugh field" shared by many people here on lesswrong, better don't ask.
Hi, The author wasn't suspended, but deleted his account about a year ago; as well as his other online presence; some quick googling couldn't find his email address, maybe someone else has it.