From what I understand, individuals with natural immunity, who contracted COVID pre-vaccine, have a stronger antibody count than those who were vaccinated when vaccinations became first avaliable, but not as strong as those who were recently boosted. The data, along with the recent CDC guidlines make it clear that the effectiveness of vaccinations and boosters diminishes at a faster rate than that of natural immunity. Also, what makes you confident that an Omicron booster will develop before the next varient? Genuine question. Not trying to be combat...
Also I'm not sure rationality is as complex as you are suggesting. Its as simple as asking yourself "Do I have evidence for what I feel inclined to believe?" A persons ability to consciously ask along with their ability to objectively answer will lead to a rationality based existence. (to the extent at which it is possible)
I have a problem with the short term existence of real AI. I am new to this site and likely will discuss topics many are familiar with. I don't know if self consciousness can be created artificially through code influenced by even the smallest amount of human emotion and unconscious irrationality. Humans evolved through conditions that, when it comes down to it, were based in objective reality. Even if an "irrational" event threating existence occurred, it is safe to say that those influenced the most by objective reason survived, even if the example of "r...
All of these responses are faith-based arguments in the guise of rational explanation. At the same time though, they all demonstrate a healthy mindset that is indeed the most rational one to hold given the information at our disposal RIGHT NOW. Forecasting into the future, when all of the aforementioned unknowns and randomness inevitably become known and predictable, is when believing in determinism can lead one down a dark path. I empathize with your perspective and have dealt with these thoughts and feelings myself. In the end, it comes down to being abl... (read more)