All of canadaduane's Comments + Replies

Your second point is one I hadn't considered. I suppose for some conditions, there would be a correlation between lowered quality of life and early death, in which case a 'longevity insurance' company would calculate quality of life as a correlated factor of longevity. For example, blindness probably has a higher rate of accidental death, so there would be some incentive for the insurance company to help, but the incentive is not as strong as the individual's desire for the improved quality of life that sight would bring.

As an aside, it seems to me that ev... (read more)

I wonder if people with ADHD experience less pain at having to leave what one is currently doing to make a decision.

You might be underestimating the value of social involvement in your equation. If new people become involved in the organization as a result of a "fundraiser" then this may lead to a higher expected value than direct donation, all things being equal.

From direct experience: Most charities encourage volunteer time for one and only one reason: The more someone has volunteered their time, the higher the expected dollar amount they will donate. The main purpose of volunteering is to establish emotional engagement.

Also in the news two days ago:

"Compound shows potential for slowing progression of ALS"

FYI, there is a new report from the American Academy of Neurology out just today that offers new guidelines for the best treatments for ALS:

Also in the news two days ago: "Compound shows potential for slowing progression of ALS"