Nor is there a law of physics saying "your subjective point of view immediately blips out of existence and is replaced by Someone Else's point of view if your spacetime coordinates change a lot in a short period of time (even though they don't blip out of existence when your spacetime coordinates change a little or change over a longer period of time)".
I feel like this isn't a fair comparison, as if I were cloned completely and relocated (teleportation), I wouldn't expect to experience both original me and cloned me.
The best analogy I can think of is as fo...
It is much harder to motivate myself to exercise, for example, because it is a painful task with no reward in the near future.
When the reward is the reason you want to do something you don't want to do, why do you care about the reward?
Imagine a man who lives on an island large enough to sustain him. In the distance, he can see other islands and has heard from passing ships that they hold great wonders, which sounds great. Problem is, he can't motivate himself to do the work to build a raft and travel over because his island already has everything he...
Why bother with effort and hardship if, at the end of the day, I will always do the one and only thing I was predetermined to do anyway?
Say we plug in a specific example here: "Why bother making breakfast if, at the end of the day, I will always do the one and only thing I was predetermined to do anyway?" Answers may vary, but I imagine most will boil down to 'Well if I don't I'll be hungry/tired/unpleasant feeling, and the effort it takes to make breakfast is worth avoiding those feelings' or the inverse "If I do make breakfast I'll be full/energized/plea...
This feels like a typo, maybe "You are lucky I am cleared.."?