I hope you can make it. I'll do my best to stay entertaining long enough for you to come :)
I'm not that furry!
Thanks for setting this up, Kaj! Looking forward to it!
Looking forward to meeting you all! See you on Sunday.
Looking forward to spending time with LW Tel Aviv!
Hello everyone!
Thank you so much for the warm welcome and endorsements! I'm not certain I can live up to the awesomeness people have painted me with but I'll do my best to make you all proud :)
The past few weeks have been a mad dash to get plans settled and travel arrangements set. I'll do my best to respond to all the kind invitations (I'm sorry if I've had delayed responses, I'm wading through emails as you read this). My itinerary is set for the first few weeks of my trip. My plans after May 15 are uncertain as we haven't decided if I'll be returning t...
I'll happily publish my itinerary.
I'd love to visit the May 18th meet up in Vienna (I noticed you're speaking at it, I'm looking forward to that!) My plans post May 15 are still a little uncertain, but as long as I'm in Europe during that time you can expect me to come visit :)
I absolutely can visit Moscow! I'm waiting to receive more info on my itinerary but I expect I'll be able to make it out to Moscow sometime during the last week of May/first week of June.
:) Can't wait to visit!
Thanks :) So looking forward to seeing you and meeting the London LWers!
Hello :) I'll be arriving in London next week! Looking forward to meeting and learning from the communities I encounter. Feel free to contact me for meet ups, the possibility of free CfAR classes or even just to share a meal or drink. I'm fleshing out my itinerary during the next few days so please do email me and let me know if you'd like to connect or if there's some LW (or other) to attend.
So far, I intend to be in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, and Switzerland over the next 3 weeks.
Email: Cat@appliedrationality.org
Wanted to let everyone know that I will be an hour late because of train complications ('m arriving from Frankfurt today). Hope to see you all soon. Cat