

Best boundaries/membranes by Chipmonk


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another weird bug is if i click the link i was just sent in my email, it brings me to a 403 Forbidden page (even though the URLs of this functional page and that 403 page look identical)


I've run two workshops at LightHaven and it's pretty unthinkable to run a workshop anywhere else in the Bay Area. Lightcone has really made it easy to run overnight events without setup

Yeah i'm confused about what to name it. we can always change it later i guess.

also let me know if you have any posts you want me to definitely tag for it that you think i might miss otherwise

Do we have a LessWrong tag for "hierarchical agency" or "multi-scale alignment" or something? Should I make one?

I just made a twitter list with accounts interested in hierarchical agency (or what i call "multi-scale alignment"). Lmk who should be added

Random but you might like this graphic I made representing hierarchical agency from my post today on a very similar idea. What would you change about it?


This was an impressive demonstation of Claude for interviews. Was this one take?

(Also what prompt did you use? I like how your Claude speaks.)

I'm glad you wrote this! I've been wanting to tell othres about ACS's research and finally have a good link

Great question, thanks!

I think you're correct in pointing towards the existence of basically-all-downside genetic conditions, but I still think these are in the minority. Moreover, even most of those don't create a big issue on the object level— compared to how people might feel about the issue as a result.

This argument doesn't extend to conditions like Huntington's, but if a person is missing a pinky finger, most of the issues the person is going to face are related to social factors and their own emotions, not the physical aspect.

I also just say this from experience helping others

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