Impact Academy was doing this, before they pivoted towards the Global AI Safety Fellowship. It's unclear whether any further fellowships should be in India or a country that is particularly generous with its visas.
I posted this comment on Jan's blog post
Underelicitation assumes a "maximum elicitation" rather than a never-ending series of more and more layers of elicitation that could be discovered.You've undoubtedly spent much more time thinking about this than I have, but I'm worried that attempts to maximise elicitation merely accelerate capabilities without actually substantially boosting safety.
In terms of infrastructure, it would be really cool to have a website collecting the more legible alignment research (papers, releases from major labs or non-profits).
I think I saw someone arguing that their particular capability benchmark was good for evaluating the capability, but of limited use for training the capability because their task only covered a small fraction of that domain.
(Disclaimer: I previously interned at Non-Linear)
Different formats allow different levels of nuance. Memes aren't essays and they shouldn't try to be.
I personally think these memes are fine and that outreach is too. Maybe these posts oversimplify things a bit too much for you, but I expect that average person on these subs probably improves the level of their thinking from seeing these memes.
If, for example, you think r/EffectiveAltruism should ban memes, then I recommend talking to the mods.
Well done for managing to push something out there. It's a good start, I'm sure you'll fill in some of the details with other posts over time.
What if the thing we really need the Aligned AI to engineer for us is... a better governance system?
I've been arguing for the importance of having wise AI advisors. Which isn't quite the same thing as a "better governance system", since they could advise us about all kinds of things, but feels like it's in the same direction.
Excellent post. It helped clear up some aspects of SLT for me. Any chance you could clarify why this volume is called the "learning coefficient?"
I suspect that this is will be an incredibly difficult scenario to navigate and that our chances will be better if we train wise AI advisors.
I think our chances would be better still if we could pivot a significant fraction of the talent towards developing WisdomTech rather than IntelligenceTech.
On a more concrete level, I suspect the actual plan looks like some combination of alignment hacks, automated alignment research, control, def/acc, limited proliferation of AI, compute governance and the merging of actors. Applied wisely, the combination of all of these components may be enough. But figuring out the right mix isn't going to be easy.
Fellowships are typically only for a few month and even if you're in India, you'd likely have to move for the fellowship unless it happened to be in your exact city.