All of chunkzer0's Comments + Replies

Can someone with knowledge comment on whether the broken AFT critical thinking PDF link went to the document that's now located here?


FYI: The link to "The New York Times," by Robert Rhinehart, appears to be broken.  I tried for a few minutes, but didn't find an alternate.

To what extent can the model's superficial resemblance to a person be factored out from the fact that it's hacking you, do you think?  For example, a lot of people are familiar with what it feels like to be hacked by an AI from the akrasia they feel about using Facebook less.  But Facebook can't itself be mistaken for a person; it's more like a distorting lens that shows you versions of already-existing people.

I definitely acknowledge that an AI can hack one's mind without interacting with the person in a conversational format, in this case, through adjusting your perception of the social discourse by filtering what content to show you, or by generating a different search results page. I don't know what follows from this or which mode of interaction is more effective, direct interaction or reality filter. Both seem to have potential for achieving the mind manipulation goals. Direct interaction seems to be less passive, more versatile and able to draw on/learn from endless persuasion attempts from human interactions on the internet.

Is there some reason not to select the "friends and family" option in the PayPal interface, for contracts like this?  I decided to participate just now, and I didn't seem to be charged for sending money.