All of clwainwright's Comments + Replies

It appears that the first link to the "Ask/Guess Culture model" is broken, or the associated content has been removed. Is there an alternate link to use?

There's this LW post now which may give you the context.

This seems like a good definition of optimization for algorithmic systems, but I don't see how it works for physical systems. Going by the primary definition,

An optimizing system is a system that has a tendency to evolve towards one of a set of configurations that we will call the target configuration set, when started from any configuration within a larger set of configurations, which we call the basin of attraction.

But in the physical world, there are literally zero closed systems with this property. Entropy always increases*, and the target configu... (read more)

3Thomas Kwa
I agree that closed physical systems aren't optimizing systems. It seems like the first patch given by the author works when worded more carefully: "We could stipulate that some [low-entropy] power source [and some entropy sink] is provided externally to each system we analyze, and then perform our analysis conditional on the existence of that power source." Then an optimizing system with X bits of "optimization power" (which is log(target states / basin of attraction size) or something) has to sink at least X bits, and this seems like it works. Maybe it gets hard to rigorously define the exact form of the power source and entropy sink though? Disclaimer: I don't know statistical mechanics.