All of CommanderShepard's Comments + Replies

"god this is even more phygish than just that quote about eliezer getting fed mnms"

That strikes me as goofy, not phygish.
what's "phygish"?
Ah yes, "Paperclip Maximizers..."

Makes sense if you assume EY had a poor model of women's sexuality and romantic preferences, which is remarkably easy since most of pop culture is basically disinformation on the subject.

It would very much help if you could name three examples of each of your complaints, this would help you see if this really is the source of your unease. It would also help others figure out if you are right.

an uncomfortable air of superiority

Overestimating our rationality and generally feeling clearer thinkers than anyone ever? Or perhaps unwilling to update on outside ideas like Konkvistador recently complained?

a bit too much association with right wing politics.

There is a lot of right wing politics on the IRC channel, but overall I don't think... (read more)

I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions.

Gains Renegade Points

I'm going with this commenter being Will.

I've had enough of your snide insinuations.

Gains Renegade Points

I hope you'll tell me what you find.

If this has anything to do with Eldritch abominations lurking in dark space or clandestine conspiracies and organizations with vast resource and advanced technology I think it is best you share this information with me.

Or you could just be your annoying self and refuse to be helpful by bridging inferential gaps. At least until I stomp on and break your ankles.

Gains Renegade Points

It's a sad fact that I saw this comment and thought, "Oh, someone's RPing Commander Shepard. That's more interesting/useful than much of this thread."
Haven't I given you enough of a hint with all this drama? I gave you what I could -- the world is out there, you can explore it yourself, Commander.

You need more paragon points before that will work.

Can it wait a little bit? I'm in the middle of some calibrations...

But he didn't do anything wrong before this.


Because he's the hero LessWrong deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

Why is Will Newsome doing this? My model of him just broke.

I'm going with this commenter being Will. What do I win?
Because we have to down vote him.