I'm a little bit skeptical of the argument in "Transformers are not special" -- it seems like, if there were other architectures which had slightly greater capabilities than the Transformer, and which were relatively low-hanging fruit, we would have found them already.
I'm in academia, so I can't say for sure what is going on at big companies like Google. But I assume that, following the 2017 release of the Transformer, they allocated different research teams to pursuing different directions: some research teams for scaling, and others for the development o...
I think what's going on is something like:
Thanks for this post! More than anything I've read before, it captures the visceral horror I feel when contemplating AGI, including some of the supposed FAIs I've seen described (though I'm not well-read on the subject).
One thought though: the distinction between wrapper-minds and non-wrapper-minds does not feel completely clear-cut to me. For instance, consider a wrapper-mind whose goal is to maximize the number of paperclips, but rather than being given a hard-coded definition of "paperclip", it is instructed to go out into the world, interact with human...
Aha, thanks for clarifying this; was going to ask this too. :)
I'd be interested to see links to those papers!