DeepMind Gemini Safety lead; Foundation board member
I work at GDM so obviously take that into account here, but in my internal conversations about external benchmarks we take cheating very seriously -- we don't want eval data to leak into training data, and have multiple lines of defense to keep that from happening. It's not as trivial as you might think to avoid, since papers and blog posts and analyses can sometimes have specific examples from benchmarks in them, unmarked -- and while we do look for this kind of thing, there's no guarantee that we will be perfect at finding them. So it's completely possible that some benchmarks are contaminated now. But I can say with assurance that for GDM it's not intentional and we work to avoid it.
We do hill climb on notable benchmarks and I think there's likely a certain amount of overfitting going on, especially with LMSys these days, and not just from us.
I think the main thing that's happening is that benchmarks used to be a reasonable predictor of usefulness, and mostly are not now, presumably because of Goodhart reasons. The agent benchmarks are pretty different in kind and I expect are still useful as a measure of utility, and probably will be until they start to get more saturated, at which point we'll all need to switch to something else.
Humans have always been misaligned. Things now are probably significantly better in terms of human alignment than almost any time in history (citation needed) due to high levels of education and broad agreement about many things that we take for granted (e.g. the limits of free trade are debated but there has never been so much free trade). So you would need to think that something important was different now for there to be some kind of new existential risk.
One candidate is that as tech advances, the amount of damage a small misaligned group could do is growing. The obvious example is bioweapons -- the number of people who could create a lethal engineered global pandemic is steadily going up, and at some point some of them may be evil enough to actually try to do it.
This is one of the arguments in favor of the AGI project. Whether you think it's a good idea probably depends on your credences around human-caused xrisks versus AGI xrisk.
One tip for research of this kind is to not only measure recall, but also precision. It's easy to block 100% of dangerous prompts by blocking 100% of prompts, but obviously that doesn't work in practice. The actual task that labs are trying to solve is to block as many unsafe prompts as possible while rarely blocking safe prompts, or in other words, looking at both precision and recall.
Of course with truly dangerous models and prompts, you do want ~100% recall, and in that situation it's fair to say that nobody should ever be able to build a bioweapon. But in the world we currently live in, the amount of uplift you get from a frontier model and a prompt in your dataset isn't very much, so it's reasonable to trade off against losses from over refusal.
The pivotal act link is broken, fyi.
Gemini V2 (1206 experimental which is the larger model) one boxes, so.... progress?
I'm probably too conflicted to give you advice here (I work on safety at Google DeepMind), but you might want to think through, at a gears level, what could concretely happen with your work that would lead to bad outcomes. Then you can balance that against positives (getting paid, becoming more familiar with model outputs, whatever).
You might also think about how your work compares to whoever would replace you on average, and what implications that might have as well.
This is great data! I'd been wondering about this myself.
Where were you measuring air quality? How far from the stove? Same place every time?
Practicing LLM prompting?
I haven't heard the p zombie argument before, but I agree that is at least some Bayesian evidence that we're not in a sim.
Probably 3 needs to be developed further, but this is the first new piece of evidence I've seen since I first encountered the simulation argument in like 2005.
I don't work directly on pretraining, but when there were allegations of eval set contamination due to detection of a canary string last year, I looked into it specifically. I read the docs on prevention, talked with the lead engineer, and discussed with other execs.
So I have pretty detailed knowledge here. Of course GDM is a big complicated place and I certainly don't know everything, but I'm confident that we are trying hard to prevent contamination.