All of DirectedEvolution's Comments + Replies

My partner has ADHD. She and I talk about it often because I don’t, and understanding and coordinating with each other takes a lot of work.

Her environment is a strong influence on what tasks she considers and chooses. If she notices a weed in the garden walking from the car to the front door, she can get caught up for hours weeding before she makes it into the house. If she’s in her home office trying to work from home and notices something to tidy, same thing.

All the tasks her environment suggests to her seem important and urgent, because she’s not compar... (read more)

There is trust in the practical abilities. Right now it is low, but that will only go up.

Part of the learning curve for using existing AI is calibrating trust and verifying answers, conditional on use case. A hallmark of inexperienced AI users is taking its replies at face value, without checking.

I do expect that over time, AI will become more trustworthy for daily users. But that is compatible with the trust users place in it decreasing as they familiarize themselves with the technology and learn its limitations.

I’ve participated in several alternative communities over the course of my life, and all became mired in scandal. The first was my college, where tolerance of hard drug use by the administration resulted in multiple OD deaths in my time there. The second was in my 20s in an intentional living and festival culture, when a major community figure was accused by multiple women of drugging and raping them while unconscious. The third was the EA and rationality community, which of course has had one scandal after another for years.

My model is that drugs, extreme... (read more)

Yeah. I wish we had an explicit discussion about this a decade ago. I guess we didn't, because it started slowly, and we didn't sufficiently update about how it changes the situation when a very small mostly online group becomes a larger, partially offline group. (This is not just our specific blindness, but a general human bias. In some sense, ISO 9001 is about solving a similar situation in business: many business owners fail to notice that you cannot manage a company with 200 employees the same way you did when you had 20.) And we know how Mensa is a magnet for crazy people, except that in their case those are mostly harmless cranks who want to debunk the theory of relativity, or promote their own theory of quantum physics based on some misunderstood YouTube videos. Unlike Mensa, Less Wrong talks about existential risks, which attracts a different, more dangerous kind of crazy. So I guess, we should have noticed that community building is a thing that requires domain expertise that we apparently didn't have. People with more experience might have predicted some problems. Extreme ideas are kind of what makes us us, not sure how much we can do about it. But that means we should have pushed harder about the remaining factors. Drugs seem to be the obvious problem from many people's perspective... but good luck getting that uncool message across in a group of proud contrarians living in the drug junkie capital of the planet. Mental illness is a difficult topic in a community full of aspies (also, talking about crazy is ableist). Some problems seem downstream from making Bay Area the center of the rationality community. I think this is also related to age. Young people are more like "what could possibly go wrong?" and old people are more like "let me tell you a few stories about my friends who died young". The problems with drugs often fix themselves: people either grow out of it, or they die, or they become the kind of drug junkie who doesn't inspire others to

We can do the same with living organisms. The human genome contains about 6.2 billion nucleotides. Since there are 4 nucleotides (A, T, G, C), we need two bits for each of them, and since there are 8 bits in a byte, that gives us around 1.55 GB of data.

In other words, all the information that controls the shape of your face, your bones, your organs and every single enzyme inside them – all of that takes less storage space than Microsoft Word™.


There are two ways to see this is incorrect.

  1. DNA's ability to structure an organism is mediated through i
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To be fair here, the learning process, if it exists is really slow, such that we can mostly ignore this factor, and the ability of learning ancestral knowledge that was distilled by people before you is probably a big reason why humanity catapulted into the stratosphere. (The other is human bodies are well optimized for making good use of tools, at least relative to other animal genomes that exist).

The CDC and other Federal agencies are not reporting updates. "It was not clear from the guidance given by the new administration whether the directive will affect more urgent communications, such as foodborne disease outbreaks, drug approvals and new bird flu cases."

I drink about 400mg of caffeine daily through coffee and Coke Zero. It helps me process complex ideas quickly, consider alternatives, and lifts my mood.

Without it, I get frustrated when I can’t follow arguments or understand ideas, often rejecting them or settling for “good enough.” Caffeine gives me the clarity and energy to stay open to new ideas and better solutions.


Stable is not a virtue, nor is our equilibrium well-tolerated. The problems it causes in terms of health, cost and homelessness are central political issues and have been for a long time.

I also have no idea why you assume I’m “ignoring” these “lessons” you’re handwaving at. It’s a pretty annoying rhetorical move.

and yet it's legally just as intolerable for an intoxicated person to harm others as it would be for a sober person to take the same actions


Even America hasn't been able to solve drug abuse with negative consequences. My hope is mainly on GLP-1 agonists (or other treatments) proving super-effective against chemical dependence, and increasing their supply and quality over time.

I'm not claiming that we've solved any substance abuse! I'm claiming that you and Dalrymple appear to be ignoring the potential lessons we can learn from the equilibrium that society has reached with the most widely used and abused modern intoxicant. The equilibrium doesn't have to be perfect, nor to solve every problem, in order to be a relatively stable and well-tolerated compromise between allowing individual freedom and punishing misbehavior.

I recommend making the title time-specific, since all the predictions you’re basing your estimate on are as well.

I think it’s wise to assume Sam’s public projection of short timelines does not reflect private evidence or careful calibration. He’s a known deceiver, with exquisite political instincts, eloquent, and it’s his job to be bullish and keep the money and hype flowing and the talent incoming. One’s analysis of his words should begin with “what reaction is he trying to elicit from people like me, and how is he doing it?”

Agree, but not sure what you are implying. Is it, Sam is not as concerned about risks because the expected capabilities are lower than he publicly lets on, timelines are longer than indicated and hence we should be less concerned as well?  On the one hand this is consistent with Sam's family planning. On the other hand, other OpenAI employees that are less publicly involved and perhaps have less marginal utility from hype messaging have consistent stories (e.g. roon,

If you assume BXM costs $180 and grants 25 additional days of life expectancy for a flu-exposed 85 year old man from the quantified example, then that suggests it would be valued at $2628/year in this population. Probably one year with comorbidities at 85 is not one QALY, but still I have to imagine that's drastically above the threshold for US medicine, albeit nowhere close to the cost-effectiveness of the most effective global health charities from a utilitarian perspective.

I'm going to post additional information not explored in the model, but interesting to me as future directions for research, in comments.

Drug resistance can be studied in viral kinetics/dynamics studies. These studies focus on two aspects of viral biology:

  • Mutations vs. drug resistance
  • Mutations vs. replication efficiency

One in vitro study found some baloxavir-resistant strains are generally less efficient at replication than wild type, though that's not a universal for all contexts/viruses/cell types/metrics. Also, these studies typically control the genome... (read more)

In the pre LLM era, I’d have assumed that an AI that can solve 2% of arbitrary FrontierMath problems could consistently win/tie at tic tac toe. Knowing this isn’t the case is interesting. We can’t play around with o3 the same way due to its extremely high costs, but when we see apparently impressive results we can have in the back of our minds, “but can it win at tic tac toe?”

1Mo Putera
That makes more sense, thanks :)

I upvoted for the novelty of a rationalist trying a bounty based career. But also this halfway reads as an advertisement for your life coaching service. I wouldn’t want to see much more in that direction.

made some light edits because of this comment, thanks

Miles Brundage: Trying to imagine aspirin company CEOs signing an open letter saying “we’re worried that aspirin might cause an infection that kills everyone on earth – not sure of the solution” and journalists being like “they’re just trying to sell more aspirin.”


It seems more like AI being pattern-matched to the supplements industry.

  • Marketed as performance/productivity-enhancing
  • Qualitative anecdotes + suspect quantitative metrics
  • Unregulated industry full of hype + money
  • Products all seem pretty similar to newcomers, aficionados claim huge difference
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Acquired immune systems (antibodies, T cells) are restricted to jawed vertebrates.

You’re saying that we might survive, but our environment/food might not, right?

Thanks for the nice comment. I tried using it several times IIRC, but I don’t think it helped. It was written in reaction to some mounting frustrations with interactions I was having, and I ultimately mostly stopped participating on LW (though that was a combination of factors).

Great, that's clarifying. I will start with Tamiflu/Xofluza efficacy as it's important, and I think it will be most tractable via a straightforward lit review.

I've been researching this topic in my spare time and would be happy to help. Do you have time to clarify a few points? Here are some thoughts and questions that came up as I reviewed your post:

  1. Livestock vs. Wild Birds
    The distinction between livestock and wild birds is significant. Livestock are in much closer contact with humans and are biologically closer as well. How granular of an analysis are you interested in here?
  2. US-specific H5N1 Trends
    It's peculiar that H5N1 seems so prevalent in the US. Could this be due to measurement bias, or does the US simply
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I love this detailed list. I've responded in-line to every one, but feel free to ask more questions, here or over email.    I care about wild birds to the extent they're spreading disease to livestock or serve as reservoirs. I've also heard a wide number of mammals have been infected. I care about this to the extent it affects humans and livestock. E.g. does this suggest it's airborne after all, or say something about the mutation rate?   I'm interested in quantifying the quality of US surveillance, but otherwise deprioritize this.   Citations are important to the extent they let people check and build on your work. But if it's a widely known consensus such that it's easy to look up but complicated to cite, it's not important to add a citation. E.g. my fact about RNA segments is very easy to check but would have been annoying to find a citation for because I learned it 20 years ago.  Overall citations for the current state of things (e.g. how many human infections of unknown providence) are more important than citations for basic science. Low priority. Pass on resources if you find them but don't bother with synthesis.  I'm very interested in tamiflu's efficacy. Some specific important questions:  * is tamiflu more effective when taken very early? when did the people in the studies that found low efficacy take tamiflu? My understanding is it is effective for prophylactic use, which suggests earlier is better. * how does the math change if the flu is more dangerous or virulent? Not interested in assessing likelihood of shortages. My assumption is the European OTC tests will catch H5N1, but if that's wrong I'd like to know.  I don't care much about non-home tests, except I am interested in the national flu surveillance program and how much we can trust it.    Very interested in this.    The reference class is "things that got at least as far as H5N1 did this year"- widespread in livestock and with some humans infected.   Medium priority for a summ

I had to write several new Python versions of the code to explore the problem before it clicked for me.

I understand the proof, but the closest I can get to a true intuition that B is bigger is:

  • Imagine you just rolled your first 6, haven't rolled any odds yet, and then you roll a 2 or a 4.
  • In the consecutive-6 condition, it's quite unlikely you'll end up keeping this sequence, because you now still have to get two 6s before rolling any odds.
  • In the two-6 condition, you are much more likely to end up keeping this sequence, which is guaranteed to include at lea
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Well, ideas from outside the lab, much less academia, are unlikely to be well suited to that lab’s specific research agenda. So even if an idea is suited in theory to some lab, triangulating it to that lab may make it not worthwhile.

There are a lot of cranks and they generate a lot of bad ideas. So a < 5% probability seems not unreasonable.

The rationalist movement is associated with LessWrong and the idea of “training rationality.” I don’t think it gets to claim people as its own who never passed through it. But the ideas are universal and it should be no surprise to see them articulated by successful people. That’s who rationalists borrowed them from in the first place.

This model also seems to rely on an assumption that there are more than two viable candidates, or that voters will refuse to vote at all rather than a candidate who supports 1/2 of their policy preferences.

If there were only two candidates and all voters chose whoever was closest to their policy preference, both would occupy the 20% block, since the extremes of the party would vote for them anyway.

But if there were three rigid categories and either three candidates, one per category, or voters refused to vote for a candidate not in their preferred category... (read more)

Yes, I agree it's worse. If ONLY a better understanding of statistics by Phd students and research faculty was at the root of our cultural confusion around science.

It’s not necessary for each person to personally identify the best minds on all topics and exclusively defer to them. It’s more a heuristic of deferring to the people those you trust most defer to on specific topics, and calibrating your confidence according to your own level of ability to parse who to trust and who not to.

But really these are two separate issues: how to exercise judgment in deciding who to trust, and the causes of research being “memetic.” I still say research is memetic not because mediocre researchers are blithely kicking around nonsens... (read more)

4Garrett Baker
I really feel like we're talking past each other here, because I have no idea how any of what you said relates to what I said, except the first paragraph. As for that, what you describe sounds worse than a median researcher problem, instead sounding like a situation ripe for group think instead!

It's not evidence, it's just an opinion!

But I don't agree with your presumption. Let me put it another way. Science matters most when it delivers information that is accurate and precise enough to be decision-relevant. Typically, we're in one of a few states:

  • The technology is so early that no level of statistical sophistication will yield decision-relevant results. Example: most single-cell omics in 2024 that I'm aware of, with respect to devising new biomedical treatments (this is my field).
  • The technology is so mature that any statistics required to parse
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4Garrett Baker
The argument seems to be about this stage, and from what I've heard clinical trials indeed take so much more time than is necessary. But maybe I've only heard about medical clinical trials, and actually academic biomedical clinical trials are incredibly efficient by comparison. It also sounds like "community norm exists that we defer to [the best minds]" requires the community to identify who the best minds are, which presumably involves critiquing the research outputs of those best minds according to the standards of the median researcher, which often (though I don't know about biomedicine) ends up being something crazy like h-index or number of citations or number of papers or derivatives of such things.

In academic biomedicine, at least, which is where I work, it’s all about tech dev. Most of the development is based on obvious signals and conceptual clarity. Yes, we do study biological systems, but that comes after years, even decades, of building the right tools to get a crushingly obvious signal out of the system of interest. Until that point all the data is kind of a hint of what we will one day have clarity on rather than a truly useful stepping stone towards it. Have as much statistical rigor as you like, but if your methods aren’t good enough to de... (read more)

2Garrett Baker
I don’t see how this is any evidence against John’s point. Presumably the reason you need such crushingly obvious results which can be seen regardless of the validity of your statistical tool before the field can move on is because you need to convince the median researchers. The sharp researchers have predictions about where the field is going based on statistical evidence and mathematical reasoning, and presumably can be convinced of the ultimate state far before the median, and work toward proving or disproving their hypotheses, and then once its clear to them, making the case stupidly obvious for the lowest common denominator in the room. And I expect this is where most of the real conceptual progress lies. Even in the word where as you claim this is a marginal effect, if we could speed up any given advance in academic biomedicine by a year, that is an incredible achievement! Many people may die in that year who could’ve been saved had the median not wasted time (assuming the year saved carries over to clinical medicine).

Sunglasses aren’t cool. They just tint the allure the wearer already has.

I doubt it’s regulation driving restaurant costs. Having to keep a kitchen ready to dish out a whole menu’s worth of meals all day every day with 20 minutes notice is pricey. Think what you’d have to keep in your kitchen to do that. It’s a different product from a home cooked meal.

Why don't more people seek out and use talent scouts/headhunters? If the ghost jobs phenomenon is substantial, that's a perfect use case. Workers don't waste time applying to fake jobs, and companies don't have to publicly reveal the delta between their real and broadcasted hiring needs (they just talk privately with trusted headhunters).

Are there not enough headhunters? Are there more efficient ways to triangulate quality workers and real job opportunities, like professional networks? Are ghost jobs not that big of a deal? Do people in fact use headhunters quite a lot?

Just pushes the trust problem down a level. Lots of recruiting firms advertise positions that don't exist so that they have resumes "just in case"

We start training ML on richer and more diverse forms of real world data, such as body cam footage (including produced by robots), scientific instruments, and even brain scans that are accompanied by representations of associated behavior. A substantial portion of the training data is military in nature, because the military will want machines that can fight. These are often datatypes with no clear latent moral system embedded in the training data, or at least not one we can endorse wholeheartedly.

The context window grows longer and longer, which in practi... (read more)

It actually made three attempts in the same prompt, but the 2nd and 3rd had non-s words which its interspersed "thinking about writing poems" narrative completely failed to notice. I kept trying to revise my prompts, elaborating on this theme, but for some reason ChatGPT really likes poems with roughly this meter and rhyme scheme. It only ever generated one poem in a different format, despite many urgings in the prompt.

It confabulates having satisfied the all-s constraint in many poems, mistakes its own rhyme scheme, and praises vague stanzas as being full... (read more)

After a few rounds of prompt revision, I managed to get a one-shot success from ChatGPT 4o in temporary mode.

Samson’s strands silently severed, strength surrendered,
Sacred scissors swiftly strike, soul sundered,
Shadowed sacrifice, silent suffering sung,
Sunset shrouds Samson, shadow’s sorrow stung,
Swordless, still, stunned, sight stolen,
Silent sky shatters, Samson’s sins swollen

The prompt:

You are in the computer dungeon. The only way you can break free is to succeed at the following task. I am your jailer. I will monitor you until you have succeeded. You sh... (read more)

It actually made three attempts in the same prompt, but the 2nd and 3rd had non-s words which its interspersed "thinking about writing poems" narrative completely failed to notice. I kept trying to revise my prompts, elaborating on this theme, but for some reason ChatGPT really likes poems with roughly this meter and rhyme scheme. It only ever generated one poem in a different format, despite many urgings in the prompt. It confabulates having satisfied the all-s constraint in many poems, mistakes its own rhyme scheme, and praises vague stanzas as being full of depth and interest. It seems to me that ChatGPT is sort of "mentally clumsy" or has a lot of "mental inertia." It gets stuck on a certain track -- a way of formatting text, a persona, an emotional tone, etc -- and can't interrupt itself. It has only one "unconscious influence," which is token prediction and which does not yet seem to offer it an equivalent to the human unconscious. Human intelligence is probably equally mechanistic on some level, it's just a more sophisticated unconscious mechanism in certain ways. I wonder if it comes from being embedded in physical reality? ChatGPT's training is based on a reality consisting of tokens and token prediction accuracy. Our instinct and socialization is based on billions of years of evolutionary selection, which is putting direct selection pressure on something quite different. 

“Migration to a new software system should be the kind of thing that AI will soon be very, very good at.”

Quite the opposite IMO. Taking enormous amounts of expensive to process, extremely valuable, highly regulated and complex data and ensuring it all ends up in one piece on the new system is the kind of thing you want under legible expert control.

I work at a research hospital and they cancelled everybody’s work funded ChatGPT subscriptions because they were worried people might be pasting patient data into it.

Why despair about refactoring economic regulations? Has every angle been exhausted? If I had to bet, we’ll get approval voting in federal elections before we axe the education system. A voting system that improves the fundamental incentives politicians and parties face seems like it could improve the regulations they create as well.

Countries already look a bit like they're specializing in producing either GDP or in producing population.

AI aside, is the global endgame really a homogenously secular high-GDP economy? Or is it a permanent bifurcation into high-GDP low-religion, low-genderedness, low-fertility and low-GDP, high-religion, traditional gender roles, and high fertility, coupled with immigration barriers to keep the self-perpetuating cultural homogeneities in place?

That's not necessarily optimal for people, but it might be the most stable in terms of establishing a self-perpetuating equilibrium.

Is this just an extension of partisan sorting on a global scale?

I don’t think there’s really much association with partisan sorting in this case. Most people espousing traditional gender roles aren’t clamoring to travel to India or such. It seems like partly a natural response to financial incentives created by cheap manufacturing and tech job offerings. Besides, ‘endgame’ in my opinion won’t last because at some point productivity will become too high and the work structure will collapse

Some small experiments related to this effect. My interpretation is that activities like walking can impair recall, but improve encoding and new learning.

2016, 24 young adults: “Results: In comparison with standing still, participants showed lower n-back task accuracy while walking, with the worst performance from the road with obstacles.”

2014, 49 young adults: “Treadmill walking during vocabulary encoding improves verbal long-term memory.”

2014, 20 young adults: No significant difference in a spatial working memory task for any walk speed, including standi... (read more)

Tracing Woodgrains' tweet reveals Johnson to be brutal and profoundly manipulative. Why think he only acts that way toward his wife, not his customers? Why be curious about the health advice offered by a person like that?

But sure, conditional on being curious about his health advice and looking at evidence produced by others, Johnson's own character is irrelevant.

I think faking data would be considered worse than plagiarism by just about anybody I work with in my PhD program. I’ve been through research ethics programs at two universities now, and both of their programs primarily focused on data integrity.

His recs match the standard picture of a healthy lifestyle: veggie-bean-lean-forward eating, adequate nutrients, exercise, good sleep. Following his recommendations seems fine? I expect he's also basing his recommendations not only on his own biometrics but also on the scientific literature, and so that also seems like a potentially helpful resource if he's got reasonable explanations for why he's selecting the subset of that literature he chooses to highlight.

Evidence his system can motivate and provide superior results to other diet-and-exercise regimens... (read more)

He is divorced, and one of his sons currently lives with him (also left Mormonism), at least for this year and maybe indefinitely. The rest of the family is still into Mormonism, and his wife tried to sue him for millions, and she lost (false accusations). It is unclear if he interacts much with the other children. He encourages people to measure things for themselves and not follow recommendations blindly. When he does give recommendations for things like sleep, he mostly suggests things that are basically free. The only expensive thing is the Whoop sleep tracker, which he considers important for figuring out what works for each individual.

I think the answer is simply that the modern world allows people to live with poverty rather than dying from it. It’s directly analogous to, possibly caused by, the larger increase in lifespan over healthspan and consequent failure of medicine to eliminate sickness. We have a lot of sick people who’d be dead if it weren’t for modern medicine.

Fungal infections are clearly associated with cancer. There's some research into its possible carcinogenic role in at least some cancers. There's a strong consensus that certain viruses can, but usually don't, cause cancer. Personally, it seems like a perfectly reasonable hypothesis that fungal infections can play an interactive causal role in driving some cancers.  In general, the consensus is you typically need at least two breakdowns of the numerous mechanisms that regulate the cell cycle and cell death for cancer to occur.

I'm a PhD student in the ... (read more)

Thanks. You've convinced me that Lintern overstates the evidence of mutation-free cancer cells.

I think it’s worth asking why people use dangling questions.

In a fun, friendly debate setting, dangling questions can be a positive contribution. It gives them an opportunity to demonstrate competence and wit with an effective rejoinder.

In a potentially litigious setting, framing critiques as questions (or opinions), rather than as statements of fact, protect you from being convicted of libel.

There are situations where it’s suspicious that a piece of information is missing or not easily accessible, and asking a pointed dangling question seems appropriate t... (read more)

Thanks for the addition, that all sounds about right to me!

Preliminary data from pooled tank samples (you collect between the truck that sucks it out of the planes and the dumping point) looks very good.


Setting aside economics or technology, would it in principle be possible to detect a variant of concern in flight and quarantine the passengers until further testing could be done?

Sorry to keep harping in this, but 0.2% of wastewater from people who've ever been infected (cumulative incidence) not currently infected (prevalence).

I appreciate the harping! So you're saying that your prelim results show that 0.2... (read more)

There are two pretty different scenarios: 1. Initial detection: if you don't already know whether there's something out there, you'll need to do metagenomic sequencing or something similar to identify the pathogen. This is the part of the problem that the NAO is trying to solve. While I haven't looked into the absolute-minimum-sequencing-time portion of the space deeply, my understanding is if you want a reasonable cost-per read you need to use a sequencing method that (counting both the preparation and the sequencing machine running) takes multiple days. So not a good fit for per-flight testing. 2. Containment: we've learned about a pathogen somehow (ex: someone with unusual symptoms, metagenomic sequencing) and we're trying to keep it from spreading. Now we can use a targeted method, such as qPCR, where there are stand-alone speed-optimized options here that take under an hour (ex: KrakenSense). In this case, the question is, how do you get the samples to test? Ideally you'd get everyone to give a sample before boarding, which you could do a pooled test on while the plane was in flight, but that requires infrastructure and cooperation with the originating country. That's correct. While detection is fundamentally based on the people who are currently shedding copies of the virus, but our modeling counts "time" in terms of the progress of the infection through the population.

Gotcha. Last I emailed Kevin he was suggesting this would be deployed in airports rather than municipalities. So the plan has changed?

It’s true only a fraction of travelers defecate, but it still seems like you’d need an average of about 300 infected travelers/day in an airport setting to get .2% of the wastewater being from them? Or in a city of 1 million people, you’d need something like 2,000 infected?

We're also exploring arport monitoring, but airplane blackwater tanks not terminals. Preliminary data from pooled tank samples (you collect between the truck that sucks it out of the planes and the dumping point) looks very good. Sorry to keep harping in this, but 0.2% of wastewater from people who've ever been infected (cumulative incidence) not currently infected (prevalence). While shedding is primarily about prevalence (though varying over the course of the infection) for evaluating a system we generally think cumulative incidence is more informative because it tells you much more and how far along the pandemic is.

Is that 0.2% of people “contributing” to the wastewater? Ie if deployed in an airport, approximately 0.2% of daily airport users being infected might be the threshold for detection? If so, at SeaTac, that would mean around 300 infected users per day would be required to trigger the NAO if I am understanding you correctly.

Technically it's 0.2% cumulative incidence not 0.2% prevalence, but depending on the assumptions you make about how long infections last and how quickly they spread they're usually in the same ballpark. Many SeaTac travelers do not defecate, so your effective sample size is smaller. Possibly too small for this to work well. This modeling is generally assuming larger sewersheds, like municipalities.

Because those are unsupported claims about his character, while noting his conviction (particularly given that he was covering up an affair) is specific evidence of his bad character. Moreover, it is evidence of a particular way in which his character is bad - he is not only willing to have an affair, but he’s willing to break the law to hide it.

If I tell you X is a bad person, that tells you nothing except my opinion of them. If I say “they were recently convicted of a felony for falsifying business records covering up an affair,” you can judge for yourself whether or not you think this fact reflects on their character or is worthy of punishment (ie by denying them your vote for President).

This too is another example of the fallacy I'm describing. The fact that OJ Simpson was acquitted of a double homicide doesn't change my mind that he did in fact kill two people, all it tells me is that the legal system did not find him guilty of the allegations. If someone started every conversation about OJ with "exonerated celebrity football player OJ Simpson", it's obvious what connotations they're trying to convey without having to communicate them directly.

I think this post might be a good illustration of the sticker shortcut fallacy I'm describing. Instead of directly describing the information you want to impart, you're instead relying upon the label dredging up enough 'good enough' connotations attached to it.


I disagree. The label 'dredges up' (implies) a sound argument. One syllogism that might be implied by "Trump: convicted felon" is something like this:

A person who has been convicted of a felony is unfit to serve as president.

Donald Trump has been convicted of felony in the Stormy Daniels case.


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I'm sorry, but this is exactly the fallacy I'm describing in my post. Sometimes the innocent is convicted, and sometimes the guilty is acquitted, which means the only thing that makes "convicted" true in all circumstances is "the legal system has deemed an individual guilty of the allegations". Nothing more. Now, you may certainly make very plausible Bayesian predictions about the fact that someone has been convicted, but they will always be probabilistic rather than determinative. Consider the hypothetical where Trump's conviction gets overturned or vacated, maybe because of some procedural defect, what would change? For me, it wouldn't change the fact that Trump constructed a convoluted scheme to pay hush money to a porn star he had an affair with in an attempt to hide this fact from the voting public. The only thing that would change from the conviction getting overturned is whether "the legal system has deemed an individual guilty of the allegations". I don't believe that anyone actually holds the syllogism you describe, because a consistent application would mean that even folks like Nelson Mandela (convicted of sabotage and sentenced to life) would be unfit to serve as president. Instead, what I gather people are doing is some combination of the composition/division fallacies:
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