"The pandemic’s true health cost: how much of our lives has COVID stolen? Researchers are trying to calculate how many years have been lost to disability and death." https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-01341-7 (published May 18th 2022)
You can also do the same thing with just one debian thumbdrive and enable a persistent partition. The easiest is to use Rufus when creating the live thumbdrive: https://www.linuxuprising.com/2019/08/rufus-creating-persistent-storage-live.html Then you can run debian (eg. Ubuntu) and all your changes will be saved on the same stick.
My summary: A mysterious answer is a fake explanation that acts as a semantic stop sign. Signs for mysterious answers:
Explanation acts as curiousity-stopper rather than anticipation-controller
Hypothesis is a black box (no underlying principles to derive from)
Social indication that people cherish their ignorance
my summary:
For abstract concepts we need to drill down to relate them to empirical testing
We shouldn’t be satisfied with just saying the keywords, but seek to genuinly understand what’s going on.
The human brains tends to value what it gives social approval than which it matches physical reality.
Test as much as possible.
I am also very much interested in this. Above states "Studies have found that while talking about one's problems doesn't help one to feel better about them, even if it seems like the talk helped at the time (11), writing about the problem does help." - has this been analysed for the gratitude journal too?
Novavax is approved by now. Is there any updated data regarding protection against different omicron variants?