All of DrEinstein10's Comments + Replies

Thanks Elo. I already have a database full of topics and a list of related books for each topic, but they are not rated yet. I'm now looking at University websites trying to find what textbooks they use to add that information into the database, but it is open for everyone to rate and add comments to help others find the best books for each topic.

Better ranked universities tend to use the best books. But you might have to gather a few "opinions" before you agree with that.

Hi, I am currently building a website to find recommended textbooks for specific topics, because I personally wanted this tool and I thought it might help other students like me, and I just randomly found this webpage a few days ago. I was wondering if I could use some of the comments here for my website, I just want to share your recommendations with more people and I will obviously add links back to this webpage and include the acknowledgements . Would that be ok with you?

By the way, the website is:

I just started this project a few weeks ago, so if you have any ideas to make it better I'm open to suggestions.


Yes. Maybe look on good reads for suggestions too. And university course book suggestions