All the links to your blog are broken.
(e.g. "abstracting compassion" leads to "" instead of "")
I think Eliezer's reply (point '(B)') to this comment by Wei Dai provides some explanation, as to what the decision theory is doing here.
From the reply (concerning UDT):
...I still think [an AI ought to be able to come up with these ideas by itself], BTW. We should devote some time and resources to thinking about how we are solving these problems (and coming up with questions in the first place). Finding that algorithm is perhaps more important than finding a reflectively consistent decision algorithm, if we don't want an AI to be stuck with whatever mistak
From the "About" page:
The header image is a mashup [full size] of Wanderer above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich and an artist's depiction of the Citadel from Mass Effect 2.
OK, let’s look at this: The prisoner receives 2 pieces of information from the warden at the beginning:
Assuming that the warden's claim is true, there are 5 possible outcomes:
Death at noon of Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu or Fri.
Assuming furthermore that the prisoner has no other information that and that he uses probability theory, he will construct the following uniform probability distribution:
P(Death at noon of X.)=1/5 where X can be Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu or Fri.
Once again Harry's voice shrieked "Stupefy!", and later on, when she was remembering this, she could never quite believe she'd managed to do it, but she slashed out with her blade of light like it was a Beater's bat, and hit the stunbolt back at Harry who just barely managed to twist out of the way.
Seems more like just a further Star Wars reference to me.
Well, even if she was somehow protected, note that she was not passively protected (not like a shield spell) - she still had to move to deflect and:
...They were both moving slowly, and Hermione
Also, everyone seems to be shouting their incantations, which seems just dumb.
Harry could have also just Somniumed Daphne, after she has reflected his first Stunner and was currently cumbersomely battling Neville – it would cost him just the magical cost of a Sleep Hex itself. Instead he risks Neville getting heavily fatigued or even stunned and chats on.
Hi, there! Trying to get through the sequences. And past akrasia...
How is it even reasonable to expect some arbitrarily visitor to notice (or guess correctly) your gender?
Do you evaluate your writing style or your expressed thoughts to be so typically female as to yield to no other conclusion? Or do you count on the “obvious” connotations of a name like “Alicorn” - for it is surely obvious that anyone naming oneself thus must be thinking about some fluffy, girly sparkling unicorn instead of, for example, making a reference to the Invisible Pink Unicorn - or something (especially on a rationality website!).
There is no per...
Oh, how convenient, isn’t it? Well, then what about a self-deception in order to increase a placebo effect; in a case where the concerned disease may or may not be life-threatening?
The categorical goal should not be a "successful community", but rather a truly rationalist community. As such the process of truth-finding should not be compromised by any social "niceties". Now, I can bear some extra effort on the writer's part, but if you feel the pressure to please everyone, it is already a step in the direction of self-censorship, which should not be tolerated. No policy here should step on such a slippery slope, for there is a reason why they are called such.
And an explicit ban on any topic is (of course) categori...
If his explanation about the nature of the patronus was believed, the active patronuses should dispel. So if he demonstrated and convincingly explained his patronus and chose not to destroy the dementor he would be the sole person in the room with control over the creature.
EDIT: The trouble is, that even if he manages to control the Wizengamot in this way, he can only control them for so long, as they remain in the room.
So he probably would have to rely on their status and/or 'Most Ancient Tradition' keeping them from fleeing the room or calling in reinfor... (read more)