The life hygiene issues of exercise, sunshine, good sleep, social support are all helpful in getting stuff done.
Beyond that, don't rely exclusively on your working memory for keeping track of all of the things you need to do. You are already taxing that with learning, and offloading everything you can to external aids is helpful (todo lists, experimental journals, daily 3 page mind-dump journaling). A regular review cycle of what you have written can give you a sense of accomplishment, which can be lacking in multi-year projects with few intermediate wins....
I switched from an espresso machine, to a Clever dripper. The coffee tastes great, and is much simpler to clean up.
That advice is reasonable. The hospital/Doctor may be able to refer you to a local Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course. Many people find the social support of meditating in a group, helpful.
I hope you make a speedy recovery to full health, XiXiDu.
That is a hard thing you've done well. For all the people who will never thank you for this, I thank you.
I'd be interested in participating in this, though would prefer a video conference meetup, to a face to face one.
The topic is likely to be of wide interest beyond Colorado, and that format would allow for wider participation.
An external view of your life and health, from a trusted professional, may help you identify causes of your discomfort and, most importantly, strategies to improve your life.
Encourage creative projects, which build skill and accomplishment, and create opportunities to meet people who share common interests.
This sounds delicious and fun. You may want to put the City in the title.
Harold and Maude. By far, the film worth seeing once, or once more, on the list :)
Thanks for the review.
A more recent book on Set Theory: Basic Set Theory - A. Shen, Independent University of Moscow, and N. K. Vereshchagin, Moscow State Lomonosov University - AMS, 2002, 116 pp., Softcover, ISBN-10: 0-8218-2731-6, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-2731-4, List: US$24, All AMS Members: US$19.20, STML/17
I found it in the American Mathematical Society for Student's series, which is highly recommended on
This effect isn't limited to people with anxiety and depression. People losing weight also experience it:
It's hard to be objective about yourself. Using tools to gain objectivity is a good thing.
I agree anti-placebo isn't a a good name. It's more like a distorted or cloudy mirror (don't see yourself clearly). but that doesn't capture the difficulty of remembering precisely how you were a long time before, to capture changes that happen at a slow rate.
Having a good name...
Category Theory for Scientists is available as Open Courseware from MIT
The student examples of how to use Olog are worth reading, in addition to the lecture pdfs.
Thanks NancyLebovitz.
The more I learn about human metabolism, the more I realize how complex it is. And because of that, I am more skeptical of simple, broad claims, that aren't backed up by solid research.
Nancy, what made you think that coach was sensible?
Thanks for organizing this!
I enjoyed meeting all of you, and hope that there are more meetups in the future.
You're welcome, gwern.
A worthy adversary helps one to up their game.
Catch is going away the end of August 2013. is shutting down 2013-08-31. You can download a zip file of your notes.
You can start a Less Wrong Meetup in Glasgow, or plan to travel to the London one once in a while.
Which one of these opportunities will give you more good choices in 5 years?
I follow my breath. A meditation teacher can offer you constructive suggestions, specific to the difficulties you are having.
If I were reading this in inconsolata, I'd have known that. Thanks.
Welcome to Less Wrong III! uses google drive for realtime collaboration
Gwern, you're an inspiration to us all.
That's depressing.
Are you referring to, Nancy?
This graph illustrates clusters of related systems from that site:
The date in the title is incorrect s/2003/2013/
I up vote meetup posts because running a meetup is work, and is undervalued in this community.
Speaking as someone who runs a meetup: thanks!
I often procrastinate on putting up the meetup post. I'm not entirely sure why. It makes me happy when people notice that I put in the effort to do so and upvote the post, and (I think) makes it a little easier to do next time. It still feels kinda silly that I care about the karma number, but I do. And, as they say: if it's silly, and it works, it isn't silly.
Beyond your fear, was Kelly Bet sizing too aggressive? That is, were you so poorly calibrated that full Kelly would have led to wiping out your bankroll, with the sequence of bets you made?
"It was terrifying" is evocative, but not informative.
Can you explain, preferably by including your evidence?
Benito, I've found the best way to find this out, is to start a meetup and see who shows up. There are Less Wrongers everywhere, it seems.
I've found it helpful to have a plan for what to do when I get off track, and a small allowance for random interference in my tracking.. Perfection is an unreasonable standard for the majority of my activities.
Learning how to start again is more valuable than keeping to perfection. And, it's a skill I use more often.
The interest rates for that sort of peer-to-peer lending are high, because the default rates are high. That is, you have a lower probability of getting all of your money back.
National Response Teams ( are governmental inter-agency teams formed to respond to incidents of a wide variety of sizes. That may be a place to start your research.
"iqt <- as.numeric(dat$IQTest)" The already numeric IQ is in dat$IQ, iqt is only the suspect, online IQtest.
Skip the Zentangle book, the videos and pictures online are all you need. For learning how to draw, I recommend Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, or The Natural Way to Draw, and, of course, doing drawings.
I found this talk to be quite motivating.
I've found it helpful to mention the town in the headline.
Shea Moisture Soap, Body Wash and Baby Ointment.
It has a soft, natural, a little bit nutty smell. It contains Shea Butter, which is an emollient. The soap comes in several different scents, including Lavender.
Shea Moisture Baby Ointment This is not a lotion, it's much greasier than that. Nice on your skin in a dry climate.
Available online from Walgreens.
I've used workflowy and liked it, but the lack of an android app made it not very useful. Now I see there is a couple of android apps, and will try it again.
Self massage is a great healing method.
Yoga for maintaining and improving range of motion.
I've thought of getting the Toto toilet with integrated spray wash and dry. If I do, I will report back.
Wet wipes, or good quality toilet paper. Cheap toilet paper is offensive.
Texcelerator is nicely done!
I use Spreed! for speed reading. It's free. The big hassle with using it, is the cut and paste.
I have Android:
I've got tasker, but haven't successfully set it up to do anything. I find all of the layers of menus and terminology confusing and wonder why there isn't a configuration file I can edit by hand.
I'd like to hear more about your Empowerment framework.
You may want to ask Yvain for assistance.