Autonomous lethal weapons (ALWs; we need a more eerie, memetic name) could make the difference. Against the "realists", whereas bias is not a new problem, ALWs emphatically are. Likewise no reflexive optimism from the boosters lessens the need for sober regulation to lessen the self-evident risk of ALWs.
And this provides a "narrative through-line" for regulation - we must regulate ALWs, and so, AI systems that could design ALWs. It follows, we must regulate AI systems that design other AI systems in general, and so too, we must therefore regulate AI artifi...
Wanted to be loved. Loved, and to live a life not only avoiding fear. Epiphany (4/22/2024): am a fuckup. Have always been a fuckup. Could never have made anyone happy or been happy, and a hypothetical world never being born would have been a better world. Deserved downvotes, it has to be all bullshit, but LessWrong was supposed to make people less wrong, and should’ve given a comment to show why bullshit, but you didn’t, so LessWrong is a failure, too. So sterile, here, no connection with the world – how were we ever supposed to change anything? Stupid esp... (read more)