I can't be certain of the solidity of this uncertainty, and think we still have to be careful, but overall, the most parsimonious prediction to me seems to be super-coordination.
Compared to the risk of facing a revengeful super-cooperative alliance, is the price of maintaining humans in a small blooming "island", really that high?
Many other-than-human atoms are lions' prey.
And a doubtful AI may not optimize fully for super-cooperation, simply alleviating the price to pay in the counterfactuals where they encounter a super-cooperative cluster (resulti...
Indeed, I am insisting in the three posts that from our perspective, this is the crucial point:
Fermi's paradox.
Now there is a whole ecosystem of concepts surrounding it, and although I have certain preferred models, the point is that uncertainty is really heavy.
Those AI-lions are cosmical lions thinking on cosmical scales.
Is it easy to detect an AI-Dragon you may meet in millions/billions of years?
Is it undecidable? Probably. For many reasons*
Is this [astronomical level of uncertainty/undecidability + the maximal threat of a death sentence] worth the...
Thanks as well,
I will just say that I am not saying those things for social purposes, I am just stating what I think is true. And I am not baseless as there are studies that show how kantianism and superrationality can resolve cooperative issues and be optimal for agents. You seem to purely disregard these elements, as if they don't exist (it's how it feels from my perspective)
There are differences in human evolutions that show behavioral changes, we have been pretty cooperative, more than other animals, many studies show that human cooperate even wh...
Thank you for your answers and engagement!
The other point I have that might connect with your line of thinking is that we aren't pure rational agents,
Are AI purely rational? Aren't they always at least a bit myopic due to the lack of data and their training process? And irreducibility?
In this case, AI/civilizations might indeed not care enough about the far enough future
I think agents can have a rational process but no agent can be entirely rational, we need context to be rational and we never stop to learn context
I'm also worried about utilitarian errors,...
Yes I'm mentioning Fermi's paradox because I think it's the nexus of our situation, and that there are models like the rare earth hypothesis (+ our universe's expansion which limits the reachable zone without faster than light travel) that would justify completely ignoring super-coordination
I also agree that it's not completely obvious wether complete selfishness would win or lose in terms of scalability
Which is why I think that at first the super-cooperative alliance needs to not prioritize the pursuit of beautiful things but first focus on scalability on...
The point of this post is to say that we can use a formal protocol to create an interface leveraging the elements that make cooperation optimal. Those elements can be found, for exemple, in studies about crowd wisdom and bridging systems (pol.is, computational democracy etc.)
So "we" is large, and more or less direct, I say "we" because I am not alone to think this is a good idea, although the specific setting that I propose is more intimately bound to my thoughts. Some people are already engaged in things at least greatly overlapping with what I exposed, or interested to see where my plan is going
The cost of the alliance with the weak is likely weak as well, and as I said, in a first phase, the focus of members from the super-cooperative alliance might be "defense", thus focusing on scaling protection
The cost of an alliance with the strong is likely paid by the strong
In more mixed cases there might be more complex equilibria but are the costs still too much? In normal game theory, cooperation is proven to be optimal, and diversity is also proven to be useful (although there is an adequate level of difference needed for the gains to be optimal; too ...
Yes, I think that there can be tensions and deceptions around what agents are (weak/strong) and what they did in the past (cooperation/defection), one of the things necessary for super-cooperation to work in the long-run is really good investigation networks, zero-knowledge proof systems etc.
So a sort of super-immune-system
By "stronger" I mean stronger in any meaningful sense (casual conversation or game theory, it both works).
The thing to keep in mind is this: if a strong agent cooperate with weaker agents, the strong agent can hope that, when meeting an even stronger (superrational) agent, this even stronger agent will cooperate too. Because any agent may have a strong agent above in the hierarchy of power (actual or potential a priori).
So the advantage you gain by cooperating with the weak is that you follow the rule of an alliance in which many "stronger-than-oneself" ag...
I'm also trying to avoid us becoming grabby aliens, but if
-> Altruism is naturally derived from a broad world empowerment
Then it could be functional because the features of the combination of worldwide utilities (empower all agencies) *are* altruism, sufficiently to generalize in the 'latent space of altruism' which implies being careful about what you do to other planets
The maximizer worry would also be tamed by design
And in fact my focus on optionality would essentially be the same to a worldwide agency concern (but I'm thinking of an universal agency to completely erase the maximizer issue)
All right! Thank you for the precision,
Indeed the altruistic part seems to be interestingly close to a broad 'world empowerment', but I've some doubts about a few elements surrounding this : "the short term component of utility is the easiest to learn via obvious methods"
It could be true, but there are worries that it might be hard, so I try to find a way to resolve this?
If the rule/policy to choose the utility function is a preference based on a model of humans/agents then there might be ways to circumvent/miss what we would truly prefer (the traction of ...
Thank you, it's very interesting, I think that non-myopic 'ecosystemic optionality' and irreducibility may resolve the issues, so I made a reaction post.
Thank you for the references! I'm reading your writings, it's interesting
I posted the super-cooperation argument while expecting that LessWrong would likely not be receptive, but I'm not sure which community would engage with all this and find it pertinent at this stage
More concrete and empirical productions seems needed