All of greenrd's Comments + Replies

As one of the people who advocated this strategy early on, I want to point out what I pointed out then: working inside AI capabilities labs probably grants you access to insights about what is going on, how things work, and what is (going to be) important that you wouldn't necessarily get from outside.

That said, it's not clear to me that the community's entire strategy is 'inside game'. I know at least one community member who is hostile to OpenAI, I guess Pause AI protesting outside OpenAI counts as those of us who are in Pause AI being hostile to it, and I guess you yourself also count as a community member who is hostile to OpenAI? Is MIRI working with OpenAI or other corporate labs?

2[comment deleted]
Ah, it's more like... you are complaining about two things, which have little in common, in my opinion. If your problem is with being shown an almost-pornographic ad, that could also happen in worlds without AI. If you are concerned about what AI could do, this seems like a very small problem to me; if the most visible outcome of AI is more porn, I'd say that as a humanity we have successfully dodged a bullet.

before the FTX sale to Binance

Proposed sale. It didn't transpire.

2Ben Pace
Yep, edited.

The answer might be genetics, so while that would be potentially interesting from a gene therapy point of view, if we find a food contaminant or environmental pollutant is causing the obesity epidemic, that might be much easier to fix - by banning it. After all, there might be many genes of individually small effect involved in resistance to this hypothetical contaminant or pollutant, and those genes might have all sorts of side-effects.

But you are right that by studying these people, and comparing them to obese people, we might in principle discover some (altered) biochemical pathway that is enlightening to know about.

I think I may have ADHD [edit: I do], but I think this: "I'll look at the clock and just suddenly realize that I wasn't working for the past half hour." is a more severe version of a problem that I have. For me, this problem never lasts for more than 5-10 minutes before I notice, unless perhaps I am very sleep-deprived. And for me, it is usually caused by sleep deprivation (which causes me to slip into daydreaming, or "microsleep"). Have you considered that you might have ADHD and/or sleep deprivation? If you do, then getting treatment for it might help mo... (read more)


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1Kevin Kostlan
Hunter-gathering probably needed skills that are harder to AI-replace *for the common individual* even if farmer societies can use their greater numbers to accumulate more technology. This is because farmer societies move around less and have more specialized labor, making life require more narrower tasks and less general problem solving. That latter is what we call "intelligence". The 21st century is reversing this trend rapidly with automation. Farming existed almost all over the world for long enough for natural selection to matter but not enough for our DNA and cultures to completely "forget" life as a hunter gatherer. Modern society is (most likely) a mix of ~10 hunter-gather phenotypes to ~90 farmers. The farmer phenotype has a lot of less interest in asking "why". The "intelligence" difference between a person who asked "why" since age 3 and one who didn't is a result of massive differences in training. Same with any other talent such as violin. No non-human animal species with a well-studied intelligence had a sudden transition in the "window" of ~10000 years ago that drastically changed the skills needed to get by.
0Jay Molstad
we cannot conclude "that a single human cannot have a complex adaptation that is not universal" You seem to have missed an important word, so I bolded it for you. A reproductively isolated population is a very different case. For example, a bunch of finches got stuck in the Galapagos a few million years ago; you might have heard of them.

Yishan Wong, the former CEO of Reddit, already has, so you might ask him - but I suggest you read all his blog posts on the subject first so that you don't ask anything that he's already covered.