I appreciate the reply!
Something about training people to categorize errors - instead of just making good decisions - rubs me the wrong way
Are you able to pinpoint exactly what gives you this feeling? The goal of this problem type would be to train the ability to recognize bias to the point where it becomes second nature, with the hope that this same developed skill would also trigger in your own thought processes. I believe it’s generally easier to evaluate the truthfulness of a statement than to come up with one initially, so this training would he...
Thanks! I have seen a similar tool like this before and enjoyed it quite a bit. I’d love to know where you source the trivia data, especially if it is available for open use. Also could be interesting to tailor to some functionality for meetups as well.
Thanks for sharing this! I’ve read Feedbackloop-first Rationality, and it’s definitely contributed why I want to build something like this. I’ve even been looking for Thinking Physics style problems that might be free to use online. Getting a diverse and quality set of interesting problems I think will be difficult whether its aggregated, crowdsourced, or possibly AI generated.
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