All of hamnox's Comments + Replies


It generally had to do with me trying to navigate a part of me that really wanted to just have a nice village, and be a humble village priest who helped their local community be nice. And a part of me that felt "man, the village is not safe. I can't in good conscious just stay here having a nice life. The spirit of the village compels me to leave the village and figure out how to help protect the village. But man something about that feels really sad/bad."


Had a similar realization recently. It sucks. I was really lucky¹ to have access to competent e... (read more)


"an easy lever might be a guide to obvious failure modes of supplements and medications"

I desire to see more things like this.. Especially if they're presented not as a list of "gotchas", but as specifics of a general moving-parts model of how naive models/strategies operate in a complex space. Should be lots of base rates being thrown around.

A system for recognizing when things are helping and hurting, and phasing treatments out if they don’t justify the mental load

This part has been a historical blocker to me using luck/exploration based medicine. If one... (read more)


I wanna offer feedback on the READING.

at "Off the cuff I’d give something like 10%, 3%, 1% for these respectively (conditioned on the previous premises) which multiplies to .003%", the verbal version doubled back to remind what the referents for each percentage we're, then read the sentence again.

that was PERFECT. high value add. made sure the actual point was gotten across, when it would have been very easy to just mentally tune out numerical information.


In TEAM, the therapist takes on a different role: instead of trying to convince the patient to change his or her thoughts, the therapist tries to find reasons that the patient should not change.

I recognize this model! The book "Immunity to Change" goes into great detail on a similar process.

Applying that specifically in a therapeutic context, to clear the path for treatment to really work, is SO BRIILLIANT!


I see it as morally wrong to create a AGI at our current human development

This.. this statement really bugs me. It seems floating. What does it being morally right or wrong cash out to in terms of anticipations? Being morally wrong wouldn't stop it from happening! It wouldn't stop AI from having terrible effects if pursued unsafely!

I wish you luck but don't see an easy entry point. I've been struggling to create one for a while. Reading Rationality A-Z all the way through has historically worked to some degree, but very inefficiently.

Thanks for expressing that. I'll let the question stand, but I also have a direction forwards, so it is not so important at the moment.  I was not aware AGI will emerge by themselves. From my POV they are made, so that sentence is based on that. And since that sentence in itself is hard - I'll refrain from elaborating it.  Thanks for the luck-wishing. I am writing a post now that I aim for it to be more logical, so if this is my starting point, I hope I'll get somewhere where you do not have to go through the whole list, but might even be something you can read with a sublte scowl. :)

scalable decentralized currency/contract/communication systems

Oh? Do say more

Mostly scalable blockchain systems at this point, I have some writing on the problem hosted at



"Anyways.  The reasons I wouldn't expect that particular attack angle to work on me if I thought anything more careful than a pure snap decision is, second of all, that I'm explicitly aware of contrasts between easily commensurable quantities and how those can distort my cognition by calling attention to themselves.  First, that I'm constantly putting a quantity on how much I want things.  In Civilization I could easily have translated that quantity to unskilled-labor-hours or, more usual for myself

... (read more)

So... what I'm getting is that prediction markets will be just as annoying but necessary to police for insider trading as the stock market? Alas.

Not exactly. You do want people who have insider knowledge to contribute (say, Lsusr friend, who knows him well and has a better guess if he would post). But you don't want people abusing their influence (rather than knowledge) to buy and then tip things away from what the rest of the market thinks will happen, or trying to make sure something does happen just because they bet on it already.


This... is that experiment?


I also want to know the answer to this question


When you say that consciousness is vague and people look to cues from others for how to interpret it, I think you're onto something very important.

Some parenting books treat that as trivially true for kids. It's a bit the basis of CBT. And yet I have an intuitive sense that its implications are critically under-explored. It feels like a nagging intensity in my perceived environment that i reflexively try to focus my eyes on and rising unease when i can't.

Is that the same or different to your reasoning? When that criticality is communicated, what happens next?


Thank you lightcone team for continuing to make these happen. I expect I owe several of you a free gratitude coffee.

🎉 1

Epistemic Status: groping around at an event idea I hope others are interested in

I don't know how to communicate this yet, but there's a ritual I want to do with friends this summer. The following describes some inspirations and gestures toward the general aesthestic.

  • It was part of my step-family's lore to learn camping skills and wilderness survival, at one point even giving little "merit badges" for demonstrating mastery. With a similar spirit they would also host summer 'art shows' where'd we'd learn about a different culture and put things we made that
... (read more)

uncomfortable squirm

In my culture, one is to be super wary of lionizing martyrs.

I want to be excited about cool new holiday ideas. I think trying a fast in a coordinated group is a splendid idea. I want to celebrate the amazing capacity of humans to care about others and to do hard things for good reasons.


but pain is not the unit of effort.

dying for the cause is not a success.

not every cost is avoidable, but i never, ever want to become the kind of person

who mistakes the price sacrificed for a value bought


In my culture there's a meta-tradition ... (read more)


I think you're raising reasonable points, fairly gently. I think the overall issue is important, and was in my mind as I planned and wrote this. I get that, given that this post was high karma and curated, and has at least one comment saying we should scale Vavilov day immediately, it felt important to you to note the pitfalls (even if I already pushed against the universalization).  But I don't have a way to respond to this in LW comments that doesn't feel like justifying my personal choices, and I'm not interested in doing that. 

Potential alter... (read more)

Thanks. What is your culture?

epistemic status: felt sense poetry

Think about a tree. A tree with roots going deep into the ground, and leaves spread out to catch as much sun as it can. Hold that tree in mind.

We often dream of leaving the earth and solar system under our own power. It's an important goal. It's not, however, immediately achievable. We are, for now, tied to this pale blue dot. Sol III, Terra, the world that birthed us. And when we do leave, we will take much of it with us. Some of it we will take intentionally, because we're sentimental like that. But some we will take in... (read more)

I don't remember reading anything like that. If I had to make a wild guess of where to find that topic I'd assume it was part of the Luminosity sequence.

I haven't read the luminosity sequence, but I just spent some time looking at the list of all articles seeing if I can spot a title that sounds like it could be it, and I found it: Which Parts are "Me"? - I suppose the title I had in mind was reasonably close.

I read through your proposal, and I don't understand how all your suggestions are covered. Can you run through which of your proposed elements

  • lightbulb: is used for surprising or insightful information
  • exclamation mark: is used to warn about something that requires attention
  • question mark: flags open questions that should be answered
  • trend (up/down): information about a general positive/negative trend
  • checkmark: Different from an up-vote; indicates that something was completed and does not need further attention

you see as corresponding to which elements in the current setup?

* lightbulb: surprise * exclamation mark: Skepticism or Hits the Mark * question mark: Seeks Truth * trend (up/down): Up/Down - if indicated by the OP to be used that way - though I agree that messes with the karma system * checkmark: missing Reflecting a bit more on it, I think my original excitement must have clouded my judgment: I no longer think that the mapping is obvious or even halfway clear.

Polar opposite opinion on the truth buttons.

Agree / Disagree is not a relevant axis of quality on Lesswrong.
True / False is so relevant, when a comment contains explicit or implicit claims about reality to fact check.

I tentatively infer that the use case you're thinking of is some kind of Quick Poll, where someone shares subjective anecdata and others can quickly chime in with whether their anecdata is alike or in contrast of that example. This would be an incredibly valuable tool; I really want to have that. What I don't want is to have that tool in the place of a quality control system.

if i had to redesign the system right now based on these thoughts, I'd go for 3 sections of feedback.

First, reactions: Skepticism, Enthusiasm, Surprise, Empathy, Ugh, Wrath

Second, upvote/downvote.

Third, rubric breakdown. this is collapsed by default, if you voted Strong in either direction then it automatically opens. 

  • False | True
  • Muddled | Clear
  • Irrelevant* | On the Mark
  • Seeds Discord | Truth Converging

*-possible alternative: out of bounds?

Agree it's overwhelming.

Agree it'll get better if limited to relevant contexts and polished up.

Agree the axes are difficult to distinguish from one another. True speech, truth-seeking speech, precisely specified speech, and accurately aimed speech are all distinctly important! buuuut they're strongly correlated so the distinctions are usually only useful to point out on the extreme ends of the quality spectrum, or on very short comments.

There's an axis? reaction? that is not quite muddled or conflict-seeking or missing the point or false, nor does it warra... (read more)

Good point. I would not consider all those quite the same axis, but they're sure orthogonal to the axes we have here. Here are some potential word pairs to name this axis: Energizing/Inspiring<->Exhausting, Enjoyable/Joyful<->Ugh, Polished<->Mess(y)/Unfocused/Meandering.
if i had to redesign the system right now based on these thoughts, I'd go for 3 sections of feedback. First, reactions: Skepticism, Enthusiasm, Surprise, Empathy, Ugh, Wrath Second, upvote/downvote. Third, rubric breakdown. this is collapsed by default, if you voted Strong in either direction then it automatically opens.  * False | True * Muddled | Clear * Irrelevant* | On the Mark * Seeds Discord | Truth Converging *-possible alternative: out of bounds?

I interpreted it as "vibing with this" or "mood". Feeling a moment of connection with another human being through their words, either because it matches your own experience or because they painted a foreign vista vivid enough to inhabit.

I am getting rectangle boxes for both Enthusiasm and Skepticism.


uh, something got lost in translation because I can't make sense of what you're saying

  • we can't unknow our scientific knowledge.
  • of course we'd learn from and partially integrate into the local institutions when we stay some place, it would be literally insane not to
  • we already have migration--seasonal farmhands, escaping small towns, ratspies to the bay area?
1[comment deleted]

i wish for a modern nomadic tribe

imagine a group that was intelligent, rational enough they could rapidly adjust to new circumstances like (snap) *that*. they carry what they need in with them, wherever they go, and have the science of bootstrapping from the ground up down to an art form.

imagine they had a burning man ethos of 'leave no trace', or even left the place behind them better than it was found. imagine they stealth into a settled community like brownies to turn leather scraps into shoes.

imagine a culture of intentionality: rapid prototyping and testing of norms, thoughtul adoption with an eye to the long term.

i wish. now what?

A mobile rational community? (Not sure how relatively important are the other things you mentioned.) I like this idea, because it seems to solve some issues I was thinking about. Such as, how difficult it is to coordinate with other rationalists to live near each other -- well, if you all live in caravans, it is quite easy. The price for joining is buying your own caravan. Leaving one mobile rationalist group and joining another one (optimistically assuming that more than one such group exists) is easy. If you get disappointed with all communities, either move your caravan to a separate location, or sell it and return to the usual life. How will the group decide when and where to move? Maybe you don't actually need explicit rules for that, it's just that people with very strong preferences can move unilaterally, and everyone else decides whether/whom to follow. The group can split, and later join or regroup. Maybe the rules would gradually evolve -- the least agreeable people leaving the group without being followed, the remaining ones developing some kind of consensus making. For those who can (e.g. software developers), it would probably make most sense to have fully remote jobs. Then you can move freely while keeping a reliable income. What about costs? You would need to adopt some degree of minimalism, because there is only so much you can put in your caravan. (Though you could buy a larger one, or another one, if necessary.) This lifestyle would also hurt your social relations outside the group, or rather limit them to temporary or online relations.
1[comment deleted]

I love this idea, and I'm glad you shared it


dropping some predictions in my shortform for safekeeping
country invades another this year 20%

total covid cases in california < 7.4mil by end 2022 90%
total covid deaths in california < 110,000 by end 2022 93%

Dow Jones closes year between 17k and 42k 90%
Dow Jones does not exceed 17k and 42k bounds during year 85%
NASDAQ closes year between 8k and 17k 90%
NASDAQ does not exceed 8k and 17k bounds during year 88%
S&P 500 closes year between 3.5k and 6k 90%
S&P 500 does n... (read more)

Wow, I really love that this has been updated and appendix'd. It's really nice to see how this has grown with community feedback and gotten polished this from a rough concept.

Creating common knowledge on how 'cultures' of communication can differ seems really valuable for a community focused on cooperatively finding truth.

I like this, in the sense that it's provoking fascinating thoughts and makes me want to talk with the author about it further. As a communication of a particular concept? I'm kinda having a hard time following what the intent is.


I think the vast majority of my altruistic impact is through donations, I don't think my work in advertising is something harmful to offset.

I agree, but I think what you are doing is a fairly noncentral example of "working in advertising". You are helping to add good constraints on a probably-bad process.

I'm not working on adding constraints, I'm working on adapting advertising to constraints proposed by browsers (primarily Chrome). Perhaps this is the same, since if advertising could not be adapted to the constraints you might end up with weaker constraints, but I do want to clarify that I'm on the ads side not the browser side.

this is a problem with you rather than a problem with ads

Oh, I absolutely agree that this is a problem with me rather than with ads. But the problem with me is that my brain is human. I can't totally fix the exploits in the human brain that ads target.

Given that this is a society of humans, ads seem contraindicated. I do try to avoid them, but ads are going out of my way to expose themselves to me in a way sodas mostly do not (except insofar as they are advertised).


Third funding model: You pay with contributed labor value

Consider how amazon turk employs people to work on small problems for small payments.

Google maps engages users to answer questions and write reviews for places they have been, for free. What if instead, occasional contributions to updating the map was the price for using it?

What if more online resources worked on a torrent-ish model where those accessing it contribute to hosting it for others? Wouldn't that be grand?

A small amount of non-expert labor is just not worth very much? Like, Amazon Turk pays famously poorly. I could imagine a world in which that was part of using the map, but it's hard to imagine one in which it is a substantial portion. There are so many monetary costs to running a mapping site that you need some form of money coming in. Bandwidth is generally a small portion of the cost of running an online service. For example, the budget of this site (LW) is so overwhelmingly engineering time that they mostly don't worry about the cost of servers, let alone bandwidth.
I agree, but I think what you are doing is a fairly noncentral example of "working in advertising". You are helping to add good constraints on a probably-bad process.

Correct. Though the latter depends on what someone means by "never be fixed"; trauma is always going to leave a mark but it does not have to remain debilitating nor defining.


We were forced to 'play outside' for hours most days and even longer on weekends. I was not even allowed to bring a book outside though sometimes I would hide them outside at night and find them the next day.

Oh stars, this gives me flashbacks. Being forced outside was the worst.

Amazingly my mom made fun of her children for being weirdos.

My mom was also a bigger bully than I ever encountered at school or in the neighborhood, figuratively and literally. It looms even larger in my head, because I had to give a damn about what the person in charge of my life t... (read more)


also signing Dath Illan's nonverbal language, because why would you only make use of the visual modality when you happen to have access to a pen and writing surface?

Answer by hamnox180

Intuitive and non-intuitive findings of systems theory, like what adding a second queue does or increasing the variability of a flow rate or  changing the size of a buffer.

Relatedly and perhaps even more fundamentally, the basic discipline of thinking about a system and implementing a mathematical model or simulation to explore these topics, which drove the insights you mention. And in many ways, it's easier to test without worrying about people gaming the system, because you can give new examples and require them to actually explore the question.

Because rationality is not just winning!  Its about winning systematically rather than by fluke, about narrowing the diff between reality and your model of it such that the forecasted wins you aim for correspond to actual wins.

The textbook definition from Jonathan Baron's Thinking and deciding for example doesn't include that sense. Eliezers definition about systematized winning also include that it has to be through modeling reality.  The CFAR goal of giving people agency about their own thinking is also not directly about reducing diffs between models and reality. 

Overall agreed that metacognitive is better branding. I like rationality as in-community jargon for the thing that cognition should aim for.

How is that different then saying that cognition should strive for winning and why do you like it as in-community jargon instead of saying directly "cognition should strive for winning"?

fwiw I don't think rationality has much connotation of agency, except for what it's achieved by dint of association with us.


I don't expect these to go longer than 1.5 hours, though it's possible people want to hang out on the line.


I do kind of see it as being the responsible action, I just do not think this is the same thing as it being the right or even reasonable action.

It's trying to be "responsible" despite not actually having the kind of control over the situation that makes things your responsibility.


Decentralized Networks Thoughts
Scuttlebutt, IPFS, and Dat

Networking can be demonstrated with people as an anology, and it usually works except for how the speeds are magnitudes off and people naturally handle errors more gracefully.

And the way we currently structure internet applications is analogous to, like, a command economy. All the locus of decision exists in one spot, in a server. It may delegate, but it doesn't ever truly *co*-ordinate. And there's no way that's computationally efficient. The internet allows to access a distant computer with our own... (read more)


You could try to start your own ring, there's templates for it on that page, or I could put you down to invite in for the second meeting. (provided we're not full up then)


This is what I wanted Jester's Court to be. An iterated kickstarter for trust and competence, of self and of others.

Didn't have words for it.


anatomy of a summer solstice talk. comments?

anatomy of a solstice talk

- Dig your roots deep, and spread your leaves wide

- We sometimes associate summer with passion, with fire and flash. As we celebrate today, I say lean into this. Let's have fun. Let's have passionate joy. Let's dive head-first into the gut sense of living at its best. Not to stoke burning hot coals of determination, just to enjoy it. Take in the warmth and light for its own sake. Life is not just abstractly good and important, it's viscerally so.

Pretty good theme. Have fun, be wild. I co... (read more)


Have you considered the possibility that people do not list first-order effects to individuals because huge swaths of the political establishment do not actually care about people they don't know?

The water they swim, the air they breathe: Bringing up how something affects the outgroup's feefees is not "obvious" or "direct", it's bringing up Nth-order civil breakdown effects in the most vague and indirect way possible, with figuring out all the critical details left as an exercise for the listener.

We live in a society; aka we have a tenuous contract to be c... (read more)

2Aaron Bergman
This is a good point. Could also be that discussing only points that might impact oneself seems more credible and less dependent on empathy, even if one really does care about others directly.

Have you considered the possibility that people do not list first-order effects to individuals because huge swaths of the political establishment do not actually care about people they don't know?

I think this fails to explain why even when the people talking are directly affected (such as with the UBI example, which would affect everyone) we don’t see as much focus on the direct effects of the policy.

This leads me to believe it could somewhat be the opposite of what you suggested. If I say that UBI would give people money, and so it’s good, people may s... (read more)


Someone suggested to me recently that, against all appearances and expectations, the Trump Administration not buying enough mRNA vaccine for everyone right off the bat was actually the right call. We knew other vaccines were on the way which had way less exacting distribution conditions and/or were single-dose.

I suspect that proposition is Off in some important way, like the doses weren't enough even to hold out for a switch out, and am curious what thoughts you all have about it.

It is off because if buying 100x what we need speeds up our vaccinations by one week we still got a fantastic deal, so you buy way way way too much of everything then donate or sell the rest to vaccinate the world be a hero and shut off or slow mutations and save lives. We should have almost literally spared no expense.
It's wrong because the first dose of the mRNA vaccine is approximately as good as the J&J vaccine.  Give or take, "no evidence" blah blah blah.  (what I am referring to is there is no gold standard RCT head to head comparing this exact scenario so we have 'no evidence' as to what will happen, we can only eyeball a graph and say, 'well immunity seems to keep rising with the mRNA over time, and at 10 days it is about 50%, so it's probably about 66% like the J&J vaccine at 30 days'.  Similarly, we don't actually know the J&J vaccine is any worse, there is "no evidence", because it got tested with a different RCT, which means different people and possibly different strains of covid around.  So there is a chance it has the same effectiveness as the mRNA vaccines but probably not) Second, as you may have heard, the "exacting distribution conditions" were also overblown and it turns out a regular freezer is good enough, at least for a week, which is sufficient to distribute the doses.  

That's a possibility, sure, but not an overriding one.

Consider the case that your happy price is $5. It's worth it to you to do for free if your friend wants a cake, as it is a small cost for the sake of a friend. How you balance the costs and benefits of maintaining a relationship is up to you.

Y hates baking, and out of typical-minding expected it to be more like $40 when she asked. She can, at that point, just ask you to do her a personal favor on the scale of $5. How scrupulously you follow up on favours and IOUs is also up to you.


How do politics actually happen? I have so few gears in my model. I don't like trying to figure out the object level of what's going on through layers of other people's interpretations and commentary. I want there to be eyes on the ground collecting what's newsworthy from a Gearsy or EA perspective, and for I might as well give it a try it myself. Ground up, by skimming meeting agendas and possibly video feeds to figure out play by play what powerful people are spending their time on.

Of the US Gov, I want to know

What Congress is up to - 
What the Senat

... (read more)

I'd be interested in doing an exchange of this sort! I'm here. I do tedious data entry work. What kinda somethings are you thinking?

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