All of hari_a_s's Comments + Replies

You probably found this already, but the different dies are mentioned here under GPU chip:

The previous generation RTX 30xx series were on Samsung 8nm node while A100 used TSMC 7nm. RTX 40xx series is currently planned on TSMC 4nm. The only other company advertising a 4nm process node is Samsung but they seem to be having troubles:

... the new Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 is essentially the original Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 ported over from Samsung’s 4nm line over to one of TSMC’s 4nm lines. Under more normal circumstances, this kin

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Answer by hari_a_s60

Not a doctor, but my go-to for medical advice is:

  • UpToDate
  • "x Society Clinical Practice Guideline"
  • Cochrane Reviews

and the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements for information regarding nutrition/supplements.

I recently looked into buying SSDs in the 100s and the folks at r/NewMaxx helped a lot.

Seconding UpToDate as a starting point and treating it like Wikipedia by using it as a source of references. Then, you can use those references as a starting point in PubMed. This suggestion is based mostly on watching my primary care physicians look things up at a major academic (university) medical center and conversations with physicians after using UpToDate + PubMed on my own.

A flat rate is independent of whether they diagnose anything, and they will behave randomly.

I don't think I'll assign a prior of zero for Human altruism. There are also other social aspects that you didn't model, like status in society. A doctor who correctly diagnoses their patients would definitely have a higher status than a doctor who is random in their diagnosis. I like the idea behind this post, but this might work only for spherical chickens in a vacuum