I try to make an isolated example to show how difficult the problem of "Knowing" and "Persuasion" is in the personal domain.
Let us look at this question:
is living next to power lines dangerous?
It is established scientifically that non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations are not carcinogenic (do not lead to cancer or other disease), for example, electromagnetic radiation from power lines and cell phones.
There was a research decades ago that linked living near power lines to blood cancer. This research however later was shown to be inva... (read more)
Well, doesn't that lead to an opportunity for those that are confident in the fact that there is no risk. Buy the house for cheap, likely get a windfall profit in years as more people come to accept that the facts are no risk and they will have increased options for investing the price differential so able to retires earlier or with greater resources?
(I understand that doesn't solve the problem with your wife but....)
I try to make an isolated example to show how difficult the problem of "Knowing" and "Persuasion" is in the personal domain.
Let us look at this question:
It is established scientifically that non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations are not carcinogenic (do not lead to cancer or other disease), for example, electromagnetic radiation from power lines and cell phones.
There was a research decades ago that linked living near power lines to blood cancer. This research however later was shown to be inva... (read more)