Hi, I read the list and what about callous on hands.
I think that it is quite a popular sign to see among wheightlifters, bodybuilders and generally most people who seriously go to the gym.
I would give this a high confidence as long as the callouses are at the start of the fingers so on the palm of the hand technically right below the first knuckle.
Additionally if there are some callouses on the thumb that can indicate that they do olympic weightlifting meaning snatch and clean and jerk because there everybody uses a hook grip where the thumg is... (read more)
Thanks! I am particularly interested on the hook grip calluses on thumbs, I'll look into that.
Calluses at the base of the finger (say, the knuckle-joint of the palm) are in my experience very difficult to classify. I get them there by climbing as you said, and though I also get some calluses on my fingers those tend to be less persistent and probably disappear most of the time (after climbing for awhile at my level of intensity I stop getting calluses). I have also seen them from biking - when I started out I used to look at people's palms a lot and never came up with a reliable way to distinguish this from weightlifting. But if you could go into some more detail on the differences, perhaps I'll add a more speculative entry and see how it stands up!
(If it's your first post on lesswrong, welcome! I think you'll find that kindness/politeness is the community norm here)
Hi, I read the list and what about callous on hands.
I think that it is quite a popular sign to see among wheightlifters, bodybuilders and generally most people who seriously go to the gym.
I would give this a high confidence as long as the callouses are at the start of the fingers so on the palm of the hand technically right below the first knuckle.
Additionally if there are some callouses on the thumb that can indicate that they do olympic weightlifting meaning snatch and clean and jerk because there everybody uses a hook grip where the thumg is... (read more)