All of It is's Comments + Replies

It is10

Suppose that, as a Buddhist or a lobotomy patient or just a very phlegmatic person, finding your shoelaces tied together didn’t make you angry.

Buddhist, lobotomy patients and phlegmatic people all have things in their closets, they all have things to get angry, upset or confused about. If you are a Buddhist, lobotomy patient and phlegmatic you still see the particular narrative worldview. What you see does not change because after all there will always be something to get tied up on. It is about shaping the things that you do get tied up on and further con... (read more)

It is12

Science was noticing that certain modes of thinking uncovered beliefs that let us manipulate the world

Science is our tool to manipulate the world. Science is the instrument of truth. If you can not manipulate the meaning of reality through definition of words such as 'rational', what it is and it isn't. Where science is the substitute for truth and rationality is the substitute for truth also. As self-evident the definition of rationality is substituted for science and this forms our basic definition for rationality moving forward. Care not to define scien... (read more)

It is10

You cannot change reality, or prove the thought, by manipulating which meanings go with which words.

The same word can mean many things, words that have convergent evolution in their sounding but different meanings are spelled differently for a reason. Propaganda is manipulating the meaning of things, this is often done with slogans and words. Lies are the changed meaning of things to shape reality. Reality is a perception from a particular perspective as in the anthropic problems, it is relational not necessarily objective.

Creating a definition can be done... (read more)