All of James_H's Comments + Replies


I found it interesting how love seemed to be diametrically opposed to anger- anger as a very cranial (and hand) centric emotion while love seemed to be the most whole. I think it says something about the emotions being either very individualistic or shared- the love one's outline in places almost looks like it's expanding the character.


I agree that the pills are probably safe, but are you confident enough to avoid your own disgust? That is, do you think you could suffer ill effect through placebo?


Hi everyone, I'm a 25 year old Olfactory Psychology student, hopefully about to start my phd soon. I have a blog myself at that's mostly about atheism and philosophy. I was here after a link by a friend pointed out some stuff by Eliezer Yudowsky and I was really excited about it.

I got into rationality fairly early by enjoying religion and philosophy classes and being concerned with a desire to find truth. As I progressed through my Psych undergrad I found myself changing my career preferences as scientific understanding bec... (read more)