All of Joseph Bloom's Comments + Replies

Good resource: <- Neel Nanda's glossary.

> What is a feature?

Often gets confused because early literature doesn't distinguish well between property of the input represented by a model and the internal representation. We tend to refer to the former as a feature and the latter as a latent these days. Eg: "Not all Language Model Features are Linear" => not all the representations are linear (and is not a statement about what gets represented).

> Are there different circuits that appear in a network base... (read more)

Oh interesting! Will make a note to look into this more. 

Jan shared with me! We're excited about this direction :) 

Cool work! I'd be excited to see whether latents found via this method are higher quality linear classifiers when they appear to track concepts (eg: first letters) and also if they enable us to train better classifiers over model internals than other SAE architectures or linear probes (

Cool work!

Have you tried to generate autointerp of the SAE features? I'd be quite excited about a loop that does the following:

  • take an SAE feature, get the max activating examples.
  • Use a multi-modal model, maybe Claude, to do autointerp via images of each of the chess positions (might be hard but with the right prompt seems doable).
  • Based on a codebase that implements chess logic which can be abstracted away (eg: has functions that take a board state and return whether or not statements are true like "is the king in check?"), get a model to implement a f
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1Jonathan Kutasov
Thanks for the suggestion! This sounds pretty cool and I think would be worth trying. One thing that might make this a bit tricky is finding the right subset of the data to feed into Claude. Each feature only fires very rarely so it can be easy to fool yourself into thinking that you found a good classifier when you haven’t. For example, many of the features we found only fire when they see check. However, many cases of check don’t activate the feature. The problem we ran into is that check is such an infrequent occurrence that you can only get a good number of samples showing check by taking a ton of examples overall, or by upweighting the check class in your sampling. So if we show Claude all the examples where a feature fired and then some equal number of randomly chosen examples where it didn’t, chances are that just using “is in check” will be a great classifier. I think we can get around this with prompting Claude to find as many restrictions as possible, but sort of an interesting thing that might come up.

Great work! I think this a good outcome for a week at the end of ARENA (Getting some results, publishing them, connecting with existing literature) and would be excited to see more done here. Specifically, even without using an SAE, you could search for max activating examples for each steering vectors you found if you use it as an encoder vector (just take dot product with activations).

In terms of more serious followup, I'd like to much better understand what vectors are being found (eg by comparing to SAEs or searching in the SAE basis with a sparsity p... (read more)

Thank you for reading and the suggestions. I enumerate for easier reference: 1. Find max activating examples 2. Understand which vectors are being found 3. Attempt to scale up 4. Finding useful applications once scaled up For 1.  do you mean: 1. Take an input (from a bank of random example prompts) 2. Do forward pass on unsteered model 3. Extract the activations at the target layer 4. Compute the dot product between these activations and the steering vector 5. Use this dot product value as a measure of how strongly this example activates the behavior associated with the steering vector Am I following correctly?

I think that's exactly what we did? Though to be fair we de-emphasized this version of the narrative in the paper: We asked whether Gemma-2-2b could spell / do the first letter identification task. We then asked which latents causally mediated spelling performance, comparing SAE latents to probes. We found that we couldn't find a set of 26 SAE latents that causally mediated spelling because the relationship between the latents and the character information, "exogenous factors", if I understand your meaning, wasn't as clear as it should have been. As I emphasized in a different comment, this work is not about mechanistic anomalies or how the model spells, it's about measurement error in the SAE method.

Ah, I didn't read the paper, only the LW post. I understand that, I more meant my suggestion as an idea for if you want to go beyond poking holes in SAE to instead solve interpretability. One downside to this is that spelling is a fairly simple task for LLMs. I expect that: * Objects in real-world tasks will be spread over many tokens, so they will not be identifiable within individual tokens. * Objects in real-world tasks will be massively heterogenous, so they will not be identifiable with a small number of dimensions. Implications: * SAE latents will not be relevant at all, because they are limited to individual tokens. * The value of interpretability will less be about finding a small fixed set of mediators and more about developing a taxonomy of root causes and tools that can be used to identify those root causes. * SAEs would be an example of such a tool, except I don't expect they will end up working. A half-baked thought on a practical use-case would be, LLMs are often used for making chatbot assistants. If one had a taxonomy for different kinds of users of chatbots, and how they influence the chatbots, one could maybe create a tool for debugging cases where the language model does something weird, by looking at chat logs and extracting the LLM's model for what kind of user it is dealing with. But I guess part of the long-term goal of mechanistic interpretability is people are worried about x-risk from learned optimization, and they want to identify fragments of that ahead of time so they can ring the fire alarm. I guess upon reflection I'm especially bearish about this strategy because I think x-risk will occur at a higher level than individual LLMs and that whatever happens when we're diminished all the way down to a forward propagation is going to look indistinguishable for safe and unsafe AIs. That's just my opinion though.

This thread reminds me that comparing feature absorption in SAEs with tied encoder / decoder weights and in end-to-end SAEs seems like valuable follow up. 

4J Bostock
Another approach would be to use per-token decoder bias as seen in some previous work: But this would only solve it when the absorbing feature is a token. If it's more abstract then this wouldn't work as well. Semi-relatedly, since most (all) of the SAE work since the original paper has gone into untied encoded/decoder weights, we don't really know whether modern SAE architectures like Jump ReLU or TopK suffer as large of a performance hit as the original SAEs do, especially with the gains from adding token biases.

Thanks Egg! Really good question. Short answer: Look at MetaSAE's for inspiration. 

Long answer:

There are a few reasons to believe that feature absorption won't just be a thing for graphemic information:

  • People have noticed SAE latent false negatives in general, beyond just spelling features. For example this quote from the Anthropic August update. I think they also make a comment about feature coordination being important in the July update as well. 

If a feature is active for one prompt but not another, the feature should capture something about t

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That all makes sense, thanks. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this line of research goes from here!

Great work! Using spelling is very clear example of how information gets absorbed in the SAE latent, and indeed in Meta-SAEs we found many spelling/sound related meta-latents.


Thanks! We were sad not to have time to try out Meta-SAEs but want to in the future.

I have been thinking a bit on how to solve this problem and one experiment that I would like to try is to train an SAE and a meta-SAE concurrently, but in an adversarial manner (kind of like a GAN), such that the SAE is incentivized to learn latent directions that are not easily decomposable by t

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6Bart Bussmann
Definitely seems like multiple ways to interpret this work, as also described in SAE feature geometry is outside the superposition hypothesis. Either we need to find other methods and theory that somehow finds more atomic features, or we need to get a more complete picture of what the SAEs are learning at different levels of abstraction and composition. Both seem important and interesting lines of work to me!  
I would argue that the starting point is to look in variation in exogenous factors. Like let's say you have a text describing a scene. You could remove individual sentences describing individual objects in the scene to get peturbed texts describing scenes without those objects. Then the first goal for interpretability can be to map out how those changes flow through the network. This is probably more relevant for interpreting e.g. a vision model than for interpreting a language model. Part of the challenge for language models is that we don't have a good idea of their final use-case, so it's hard to come up with an equally-representative task to interpret them on. But maybe with some work one could find one.

It seems that PIBBSS might be pivoting away from higher variance blue sky research to focus on more mainstream AI interpretability. While this might create more opportunities for funding, I think this would be a mistake. The AI safety ecosystem needs a home for “weird ideas” and PIBBSS seems the most reputable, competent, EA-aligned place for this! I encourage PIBBSS to “embrace the weird,” albeit while maintaining high academic standards for basic research, modelled off the best basic science institutions.


I was a recent PIBBSS mentor, and am a mech ... (read more)

Good work! I'm sure you learned a lot while doing this and am a big fan of people publishing artifacts produced during upskilling. ARENA just updated it's SAE content so that might also be a good next step for you!

2Logan Riggs
Fixed! Thanks:)

Thanks for writing this up.  A few points:

- I generally agree with most of the things you're saying and am excited about this kind of work. I like that you endorse empirical investigations here and think there are just far fewer people doing these experiments than anyone thinks. 
- Structure between features seems like the under-dog of research agendas in SAE research (which I feel I can reasonably claim to have been advocating for in many discussions over the preceding months). Mainly I think it presents the most obvious candidate for reducing th... (read more)

Maybe we should make fake datasets for this? Neurons often aren't that interpretable and we're still confused about SAE features a lot of the time. It would be nice to distinguish "can do autointerp | interpretable generating function of complexity x" from "can do autointerp". 

SAEs are model specific. You need Pythia SAEs to investigate Pythia. I don't have a comprehensive list but you can look at the sparse autoencoder tag on LW for relevant papers.

Thanks Joel. I appreciated this. Wish I had time to write my own version of this. Alas. 

Previously I’ve seen the rule of thumb “20-100 for most models”. Anthropic says:

We were saying this and I think this might be an area of debate in the community for a few reasons. It could be that the "true L0" is actually very high. It could be that low activating features aren't contributing much to your reconstruction and so aren't actually an issue in practice. It's possible the right L1 or  L0 is affected by model size, context length or other details whi... (read more)

All young people and other newcomers should be made aware that on-paradigm AI safety/alignment--while being more tractable, feedbacked, well-resourced, and populated compared to theory--is also inevitably streetlighting 


Half-agree. I think there's scope within field like interp to focus on things that are closer to the hard part of the problem or at least touch on robust bottlenecks for alignment agendas (eg: ontology identification). I do think there is a lot of diversity in people working in th... (read more)

Object level: ontology identification, in the sense that is studied empirically, is pretty useless. It streetlights on recognizable things, and AFAIK isn't trying to avoid, for example, the Doppelgänger problem or to at all handle diasystemic novelty or the ex quo of a mind's creativity. [ETA: actually ELK I think addresses the Doggelgänger problem in its problem statement, if not in any proposed solutions.]


I think there's scope within field like interp to focus on things that are closer to the hard part of the problem or at least touch on robust bo

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I think so, but expect others to object. I think many people interested in circuits are using attn and MLP SAEs and experimenting with transcoders and SAE variants for attn heads. Depends how much you care about being able to say what an attn head or MLP is doing or you're happy to just talk about features. Sam Marks at the Bau Lab is the person to ask.

1Jaehyuk Lim
Thank you for the feedback, and thanks for this. Who else is actively pursuing sparse feature circuits in addition to Sam Marks? I'm curious because the code breaks in the forward pass of the linear layer in gpt2 since the dimensions are different from Pythia's (768). 

Neuronpedia has an API (copying from a recent message Johnny wrote to someone else recently.):

"Docs are coming soon but it's really simple to get JSON output of any feature. just add "/api/feature/" right after "".for example, for this feature:
the JSON output of it is here:
(both are GET requests so you can do it in your browser)note the additional "/api/feature/"i would prefer you not do this 100,000 times in a loop though - if you'd l... (read more)

I'm a little confused by this question. What are you proposing? 

Lots of thoughts. This is somewhat stream of consciousness as I happen to be short on time this week, but feel free to follow up again in the future:

  • Anthropic tested their SAEs on a model with random weights here and found that the results look noticeably different in some respects to SAEs trained on real models "The resulting features are here, and contain many single-token features (such as "span", "file", ".", and "nature") and some other features firing on seemingly arbitrary subsets of different broadly recognizable contexts (such as LaTeX or&nbs
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Thanks for asking:

  1. Currently we load SAEs into my codebase here. How hard this is will depend on how different your SAE architecture/forward pass is from what I currently support. We're planning to support users / do this ourselves for the first n users and once we can, we'll automate the process. So feel free to link us to huggingface or a public wandb artifact. 
  2.  We run the SAEs over random samples from the same dataset on which the model was trained (with activations drawn from forward passes of the same length). Callum's SAE vis codebase has a
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It helps a little but I feel like we're operating at too high a level of abstraction. 

with the mech interp people where they think we can identify values or other high-level concepts like deception simply by looking at the model's linear representations bottom-up, where I think that'll be a highly non-trivial problem.


I'm not sure anyone I know in mech interp is claiming this is a non-trivial problem. 

Yeah sorry I should have been more precise. I think it's so non-trivial that it plausibly contains most of the difficulty in the overall problem - which is a statement I think many people working on mechanistic interpretability would disagree with.

biological and artificial neural-networks are based upon the same fundamental principles


I'm confused by this statement. Do we know this? Do we have enough of an understanding of either to say this? Don't get me wrong, there's some level on which I totally buy this. However, I'm just highly uncertain about what is really being claimed here. 

2Garrett Baker
Does this comment I wrote clear up my claim?

Depending on model size I'm fairly confident we can train SAEs and see if they can find relevant features (feel free to dm me about this).

Thanks for posting this! I've had a lot of conversations with people lately about OthelloGPT and I think it's been useful for creating consensus about what we expect sparse autoencoders to recover in language models. 

Maybe I missed it but:

  • What is the performance of the model when the SAE output is used in place of the activations?
  • What is the L0? You say 12% of features active so I assume that means 122 features are active.This seems plausibly like it could be too dense (though it's hard to say, I don't have strong intuitions here). It would be prefera
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2Charlie Steiner
This post seems like a case of there being too many natural abstractions.
Followup on tied vs untied weights: it looks like untied makes a small improvement over tied, primarily in layers 2-4 which already have the most classifiers. Still missing the middle ring features though. Next steps are using the Li et al model and training the SAE on more data.
I'm surprised how many people have turned up trying to do something like this! I didn't test this. That's correct. I was satisfied with 122 because if the SAEs "worked perfectly" (and in the assumed ontology etc) they'd decompose the activations into 64 features for [position X is empty/own/enemy], plus presumably other features. So that level of density was acceptable to me because it would allow the desired ontology to emerge. Worth trying other densities though! I did not test this either. I agree, but that's part of what's interesting to me here - what if OthelloGPT has a copy of a human-understandable ontology, and also an alien ontology, and sparse autoencoders find a lot of features in OthelloGPT that are interpretable but miss the human-understandable ontology? Now what if all of that happens in an AGI we're trying to interpret? I'm trying to prove by example that "human-understandable ontology exists" and "SAEs find interpretable features" fail to imply "SAEs find the human-understandable ontology". (But if I'm wrong and there's a magic ingredient to make the SAE find the human-understandable ontology, lets find it and use it going forward!) I think that's a plausible failure mode, and someone should definitely test for it! I think our readings of that sentence are slightly different, where I wrote it with more emphasis on "may" than you took it. I really only mean this as an n=1 demonstration. But at the same time, if it turns out you need to untie your weights, or investigate one layer in particular, or some other small-but-important detail, that's important to know about! I believe I do? The only call I intended to make was "We hope that these results will inspire more work to improve the architecture or training methods of sparse autoencoders to address this shortcoming." Personally I feel like SAEs have a ton of promise, but also could benefit from a battery of experimentation to figure out exactly what works best. I hope no one will read this p

I think we got similar-ish results. @Andy Arditi  was going to comment here to share them shortly. 

3Andy Arditi
We haven't written up our results yet.. but after seeing this post I don't think we have to :P. We trained SAEs (with various expansion factors and L1 penalties) on the original Li et al model at layer 6, and found extremely similar results as presented in this analysis. It's very nice to see independent efforts converge to the same findings!
Cool! Do you know if they've written up results anywhere?

@Evan Anders "For each feature, we find all of the problems where that feature is active, and we take the two measurements of “feature goodness" <- typo? 

1Evan Anders
Ah! That's the context, thanks for the clarification and for pointing out the error.  Yes "problems" should say "prompts"; I'll edit the original post shortly to reflect that. 

My mental model is the encoder is working hard to find particular features and distinguish them from others (so it's doing a compressed sensing task) and that out of context it's off distribution and therefore doesn't distinguish noise properly. Positional features are likely a part of that but I'd be surprised if it was most of it. 

I've heard this idea floated a few times and am a little worried that "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure" will apply here. OTOH, you can directly check whether the MSE / variance explained diverges significantly so at least you can track the resulting SAE's use for decomposition. I'd be pretty surprised if an SAE trained with this objective became vastly more performant and you could check whether downstream activations of the reconstructed activations were off distribution. So overall, I'm pretty excited to see what you get!

1Joseph Bloom
@Evan Anders "For each feature, we find all of the problems where that feature is active, and we take the two measurements of “feature goodness" <- typo? 

This means they're somewhat problematic for OOD use cases like treacherous turn detection or detecting misgeneralization.


I kinda want to push back on this since OOD in behavior is not obviously OOD in the activations. Misgeneralization especially might be better thought of as an OOD environment and on-distribution activations? 

I think we should come back to this question when SAEs have tackled something like variable binding with SAEs. Right now it's hard to say how SAEs are going to help us understand more abstract thinking and therefore I thin... (read more)

Why do you want to refill and shuffle tokens whenever 50% of the tokens are used?


Neel was advised by the authors that it was important minimise batches having tokens from the same prompt. This approach leads to a buffer having activations from many different prompts fairly quickly. 


Is this just tokens in the training set or also the test set? In Neel's code I didn't see a train/test split, isn't that important?

I never do evaluations on tokens from prompts used in training, rather, I just sample new prompts from the buffer. Some library set... (read more)

1Jakub Smékal
Oh I see, it's a constraint on the tokens from the vocabulary rather than the prompts. Does the buffer ever reuse prompts or does it always use new ones?

Awesome work! I'd be quite interested to know whether the benefits from this technique are equivalently significant with a larger SAE and also what the original perplexity was (when looking at the summary statistics table). I'll probably reimplement at some point. 

Also, kudos on the visualizations. Really love the color scales!

3Benjamin Wright
The original perplexity of the LLM was ~38 on the open web text slice I used. Thanks for the compliments!

On wandb, the dashboards were randomly sampled but we've since uploaded all features to Neuronpedia The log sparsity is stored in the huggingface repo so you can look for the most sparse features and check if their dashboards are empty or not (anecdotally most dashboards seem good, beside the dead neurons in the first 4 layers).

24, 576 prompts of length 128 = 3, 145, 728.

With features that fire less frequently this won't be enough, but for these we seemed to find some activations (if not highly activating) for all features. 

For the dashboards, did you filter out the features that fire less frequently? I looked through a few and didn't notice any super low density ones.

Makes sense. Will set off some runs with longer context sizes and track this in the future.

Ahhh I see. Sorry I was way too hasty to jump at this as the explanation. Your code does use the tied decoder bias (and yeah, it was a little harder to read because of how your module is structured). It is strange how assuming that bug seemed to help on some of the SAEs but I ran my evals over all your residual stream SAE's and it only worked for some / not others and certainly didn't seem like a good explanation after I'd run it on more than one. 

I've been talking to Logan Riggs who says he was able to load in my SAEs and saw fairly similar reconstru... (read more)

2Sam Marks
This comment is about why we were getting different MSE numbers. The answer is (mostly) benign -- a matter of different scale factors. My parallel comment, which discusses why we were getting different CE diff numbers is the more important one. When you compute MSE loss between some activations x and their reconstruction ^x, you divide by variance of x, as estimated from the data in a batch. I'll note that this doesn't seem like a great choice to me. Looking at the resulting training loss: ∥x−^x∥22/Var(x)+λ∥f∥1 where f is the encoding of x by the autoencoder and λ is the L1 regularization constant, we see that if you scale x by some constant α, this will have no effect on the first term, but will scale the second term by α. So if activations generically become larger in later layers, this will mean that the sparsity term becomes automatically more strongly weighted. I think a more principled choice would be something like ∥x−^x∥2+λ∥f∥1 where we're no longer normalizing by the variance, and are also using sqrt(MSE) instead of MSE. (This is what the dictionary_learning repo does.) When you scale x by a constant α, this entire expression scales by a factor of α, so that the balance between reconstruction and sparsity remains the same. (On the other hand, this will mean that you might need to scale the learning rate by 1/α, so perhaps it would be reasonable to divide through this expression by ∥x∥2? I'm not sure.) ---------------------------------------- Also, one other thing I noticed: something which we both did was to compute MSE by taking the mean over the squared difference over the batch dimension and the activation dimension. But this isn't quite what MSE usually means; really we should be summing over the activation dimension and taking the mean over the batch dimension. That means that both of our MSEs are erroneously divided by a factor of the hidden dimension (768 for you and 512 for me). This constant factor isn't a huge deal, but it does mean that:
9Sam Marks
Yep, as you say, @Logan Riggs figured out what's going on here: you evaluated your reconstruction loss on contexts of length 128, whereas I evaluated on contexts of arbitrary length. When I restrict to context length 128, I'm able to replicate your results. Here's Logan's plot for one of your dictionaries (not sure which) and here's my replication of Logan's plot for your layer 1 dictionary Interestingly, this does not happen for my dictionaries! Here's the same plot but for my layer 1 residual stream output dictionary for pythia-70m-deduped (Note that all three plots have a different y-axis scale.) Why the difference? I'm not really sure. Two guesses: 1. The model: GPT2-small uses learned positional embeddings whereas Pythia models use rotary embeddings 2. The training: I train my autoencoders on variable-length sequences up to length 128; left padding is used to pad shorter sequences up to length 128. Maybe this makes a difference somehow. ---------------------------------------- In terms of standardization of which metrics to report, I'm torn. On one hand, for the task your dictionaries were trained on (reconstruction activations taken from length 128 sequences), they're performing well and this should be reflected in the metrics. On the other hand, people should be aware that if they just plug your autoencoders into GPT2-small and start doing inference on inputs found in the wild, things will go off the rails pretty quickly. Maybe the answer is that CE diff should be reported both for sequences of the same length used in training and for arbitrary-length sequences?
  • MSE Losses were in the WandB report (screenshot below).
  • I've loaded in your weights for one SAE and I get very bad performance (high L0, high L1, and bad MSE Loss) at first. 
  • It turns out that this is because my forward pass uses a tied decoder bias which is subtracted from the initial activations and added as part of the decoder forward pass. AFAICT, you don't do this. 
  • To verify this, I added the decoder bias to the activations of your SAE prior to running a forward pass with my code (to effectively remove the decoder bias subtraction from my meth
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2Sam Marks
My SAEs also have a tied decoder bias which is subtracted from the original activations. Here's the relevant code in def encode(self, x): return nn.ReLU()(self.encoder(x - self.bias)) def decode(self, f): return self.decoder(f) + self.bias def forward(self, x, output_features=False, ghost_mask=None): [...] f = self.encode(x) x_hat = self.decode(f) [...] return x_hat Note that I checked that our SAEs have the same input-output behavior in my linked colab notebook. I think I'm a bit confused why subtracting off the decoder bias had to be done explicitly in your code -- maybe you used dictionary.encoder and dictionary.decoder instead of dictionary.encode and dictionary.decode? (Sorry, I know this is confusing.) ETA: Simple things I tried based on the hypothesis "one of us needs to shift our inputs by +/- the decoder bias" only made things worse, so I'm pretty sure that you had just initially converted my dictionaries into your infrastructure in a way that messed up the initial decoder bias, and therefore had to hand-correct it. I note that the MSE Loss you reported for my dictionary actually is noticeably better than any of the MSE losses I reported for my residual stream dictionaries! Which layer was this? Seems like something to dig into.

Agreed, thanks so much! Super excited about what can be done here!

Definitely really exciting! I'd suggest adding a mention of (& link to) the Neuronpedia early on in this article for future readers.

I've run some of the SAE's through more thorough eval code this morning (getting variance explained with the centring and calculating mean CE losses with more batches). As far as I can tell the CE loss is not that high at all and the MSE loss is quite low. I'm wondering whether you might be using the wrong hooks? These are resid_pre so layer 0 is just the embeddings and layer 1 is after the first transformer block and so on. One other possibility is that you are using a different dataset? I trained these SAEs on OpenWebText. I don't much padding at all, th... (read more)

2Sam Marks
In the notebook I link in my original comment, I check that the activations I get out of nnsight are the same as the activations that come from transformer_lens. Together with the fact that our sparsity statistics broadly align, I'm guessing that the issue isn't that I'm extracting different activations than you are. Repeating my replication attempt with data from OpenWebText, I get this: Layer MSE Loss % Variance Explained L1 L0 % Alive CE Reconstructed 1 0.069 95 40 15 46 6.45 7 0.81 86 125 59.2 96 4.38 Broadly speaking, same story as above, except that the MSE losses look better (still not great), and that the CE reconstructed looks very bad for layer 1. Seems like there was a typo here -- what do you mean? Logan Riggs reports that he tried to replicate your results and got something more similar to you. I think Logan is making decisions about padding and tokenization more like the decisions you make, so it's possible that the difference is down to something around padding and tokenization. Possible next steps: * Can you report your MSE Losses (instead of just variance explained)? * Can you try to evaluate the residual stream dictionaries in the 5_32768 set released here? If you get CE reconstructed much better than mine, then it means that we're computing CE reconstructed in different ways, where your way consistently reports better numbers. If you get CE reconstructed much worse than mine, then it might mean that there's a translation error between our codebases (e.g. using different activations).

Oh no. I'll look into this and get back to you shortly. One obvious candidate is that I was reporting CE for some batch at the end of training that was very small and so the statistics likely had high variance and the last datapoint may have been fairly low. In retrospect I should have explicitly recalculated this again post training. However, I'll take a deeper dive now to see what's up. 

1Joseph Bloom
I've run some of the SAE's through more thorough eval code this morning (getting variance explained with the centring and calculating mean CE losses with more batches). As far as I can tell the CE loss is not that high at all and the MSE loss is quite low. I'm wondering whether you might be using the wrong hooks? These are resid_pre so layer 0 is just the embeddings and layer 1 is after the first transformer block and so on. One other possibility is that you are using a different dataset? I trained these SAEs on OpenWebText. I don't much padding at all, that might be a big difference too. I'm curious to get to the bottom of this.  One sanity check I've done is just sampling from the model when using the SAE to reconstruct activations and it seems to be about as good, which I think rules out CE loss in the ranges you quote above.  For percent alive neurons a batch size of 8192 would be far too few to estimate dead neurons (since many neurons have a feature sparsity < 10**-3.  You're absolutely right about missing the centreing in percent variance explained. I've estimated variance explained again for the same layers and get very similar results to what I had originally. I'll make some updates to my code to produce CE score metrics that have less variance in the future at the cost of slightly more train time.  If we don't find a simple answer I'm happy to run some more experiments but I'd guess an 80% probability that there's a simple bug which would explain the difference in what you get. Rank order of most likely: Using the wrong activations, using datapoints with lots of padding, using a different dataset (I tried the pile and it wasn't that bad either). 

I'd be excited about reading about / or doing these kinds of experiments. My weak prediction is that low activating features are important in specific examples where nuance matters and that what we want is something like an "adversarially robust SAE" which might only be feasible with current SAE methods on a very narrow distribution. 

A mini experiment I did which motivates this: I did an experiment with an SAE at the residual stream where I looked at the attention pattern of an attention head immediately following the head as function of k, where we t... (read more)

Unless my memory is screwing up the scale here, 0.3 CE Loss increase seems quite substantial? A 0.3 CE loss increase on the pile is roughly the difference between Pythia 410M and Pythia 2.8B.

Thanks for raising this! I had wanted to find a comparison in terms of different model performances to help me quantify this so I'm glad to have this as a reference.

And do I see it right that this is the CE increase maximum for adding in one SAE, rather than all of them at the same time? So unless there is some very kind correlation in these errors where every SAE is f

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Thanks for writing this! This is an idea that I think is pretty valuable and one that comes up fairly frequently when discussing different AI safety research agendas.

I think that there's a possibly useful analogue of this which is useful from the perspective of being deep inside a cluster of AI safety research and wondering whether it's good. Specifically, I think we should ask "does the value of my current line of research hinge on us basically being right about a bunch of things or does much of the research value come from discovering all the places we a... (read more)

Thanks. I've found this incredibly useful. This is something that I feel has been long overdue with SAE's! I think the value from advice + (detailed) results + code is something like 10x more useful than the way these insights tend to be reported!

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