A little backstory. I have always had some issues, during my early teen years I was obsessed with fantasies- certain specific fantasies. This came to the point that my family started investigating mentall illness as a way to understand some of the things I was doing/saying/thinking. Ive never actually been commited, or recieved proffesional psychiatric treatment, but that doesnt mean i shouldnt have.
I would just like to point out that the cause for these issues was the intense and unshakable desire to exsist in a world "above ours", that this or...
"But once I assign a probability of 1 to a proposition, I can never undo it. No matter what I see or learn, I have to reject everything that disagrees with the axiom. "
I think this is what causes the religious argument paradox. On a deep down level, most of us realize this is true.
Now perhaps I am misunderstanding the problem. Are we to assume that all this is foreknowledge?
Given the information present in this article I would just choose to take only B. But that is assuming that Omega is never wrong. Logic in my own mind dictates that regardless of why I chose B, or if I at some earlier point may have Two-Boxed, at this time I choose box B, and if Omega's prediction is never wrong- then if I choose B, B will contain a million dollars.
Now in an alternate itteration of this dilemna, regardless of the truth (whiether Omega is indeed n... (read more)