All of Keller's Comments + Replies


I have made a good-faith post as a result of the extension!


These are two different concepts. They're both useful ones. Interpreting an argument charitably has positive arguments in its own right. It can promote healthier conversational styles and more effective reasoning. Actually understanding what your counterpart is trying to say is difficult, and that is why Intellectual Turing Tests are non-trivial to pass and valuable to engage in.

Steelmanning is useful for changing your own mind, but it is at best rude to the person you are in conversation with, and can as a practice close off more substantial shifts in bel... (read more)

Yes, the principle of charity has its uses. When there are multiple possible meanings in what someone wrote reading it in the most charitable way makes sense.

I have already made a Post to LW that I would not have counterfactually, and expect to do 1-2 more this week as a result of the experiment. Part of it for me is a psychological forcing function: if I did not have a particular time at which to do this, well, now I do. I will be interested in seeing if there's an increase or decrease April 8-22 relative to the pre-experiment trend: I'm not very confident in the direction, but I do have an expectation of higher variance relative to an average week.

Answer by Keller120

Econ in general, no. The specific model of rational actors optimizing for outcomes, the intuition for why markets often succeed at delivering on desires (at least for those with money), and the practice of making multi-stage models and following an impact in one area through to others, yes. Nobody needs macro. Lots of people need to reflexively think of how other actors in a system respond to a change, and econ is one of the more effective ways of teaching this. Critical if you want to actually have a good understanding of multi-polar scenarios. What I'm t... (read more)


A note of caution here. Econ is one of those disciplines where many people think they grasp the fundamentals, but actually don't. I think if someone can't give worked examples (with numbers or graphs) for concepts like deadweight loss, comparative advantage, or tax incidence, their intuition probably points in subtly wrong directions, and would benefit from learning this stuff systematically.


Elaborating and making more explicit some of the other models here, I propose this alternative explanation which I don't think you've ruled out (and which I'm sympathetic to).

1. PhDs have no causal impact on research productivity.

2. PhDs, for the sort of person who does groundbreaking impressive original research, have substantial positive expected personal value. You get social legibility and status, you get higher pay, and it is a chance to do funded research for a few years while building useful connections. "PhDs are fun" is no... (read more)

I’m aware this is correlative, and I tried to address this in my post. My model is that PhDs are some mix of useful and attractive to unproven geniuses. The reason they’re useful and helpful is an interesting issue of its own. My main goal, though, was to rule out the idea that they’re not actually useful or attractive as a platform for innovative work relative to either saving and self-funding or going straight into industry.

It may be useful to note that a regional accent, in the UK, is much more indicative of a working class background than it is in the US.

Hm, I had the opposite impression.

Sadly, people have been trying to prop up that rotting corpse ever since. Goldman is a decent example.


I worry that I harmed the results by mentioning that I have meditated for cognitive benefit reasons, without a way to note that it wasn't to deal with Akrasia. I wanted to answer truthfully, but at the same time the truthful answer was misleading.

Searched for a comment on this, found yours, and upvoted because I share the test design concern.... In my case I ended up saying "No" to all technique questions other than "Other", despite having dealt in the past with something that might be called "akrasia" and also despite having taken vitamins, and tried therapy and meditation in the past. I assumed, because of each "How well did X help with akrasia?" followup question that there was an implicit "Have you done X for akrasia?" whenever it asked about "doing X", and I've never thought vitamins or therapy or meditation would help with akrasia and didn't do them for that and didn't track how they interacted.
If you didn't record yourself as having akrasia, this seems like it's still useful information. It can be interesting to compare "these are the things akratics try for cognitive self-improvement" and "these are the things non-akratics try for cognitive self-improvement," and the survey didn't specify to skip that section if you don't consider yourself as having serious akrasia. If you do consider yourself as having had serious akrasia, and meditated for unrelated reasons, then I'm not sure what I would respond there, although it seems like you might have some information about whether or not meditation helps with akrasia.