When there's little incentive against classifying harmless documents, and immense cost to making a mistake in the other direction, I'd expect overclassification to be rampant in these bureaucracies.
Your analysis of the default incentives is correct. However, if there is any institution that has noticed the mounds of skulls, it is the DoD. Overclassification, and classification for inappropriate reasons (explicitly enumerated in written guidance: avoiding embarrassment, covering up wrongdoing) is not allowed, and the DoD carries out audits of classified dat...
As someone who has been allowed access into various private and government systems as a consultant, I think the near mode view for classified government systems is different for a reason.
E.g., data is classified as Confidential when its release could cause damage to national security. It's Secret if it could cause serious damage to national security, and it's Top Secret if it could cause exceptionally grave damage to national security.
People lose their jobs for accidentally putting a classified document onto the wrong system, even if it's still...
And yet it behaves remarkably sensibly. Train a one-layer transformer on 80% of possible addition-mod-59 problems, and it learns one of two modular addition algorithms, which perform correctly on the remaining validation set. It's not a priori obvious that it would work that way! There are other possible functions on compatible with the training data.
Seems like Simplicia is missing the worrisome part--it's not that the AI will learn a more complex algorithm which is still compatible with the training data; it's that the simple...
AFAICT, in the Highwayman example, if the would-be robber presents his ultimatum as "give me half your silk or I burn it all," the merchant should burn it all, same as if the robber says "give me 1% of your silk or I burn it all."
But a slightly more sophisticated highwayman might say "this is a dangerous stretch of desert, and there are many dangerous, desperate people in those dunes. I have some influence with most of the groups in the next 20 miles. For x% of your silk, I will make sure you are unmolested for that portion of your travel."
Then the merchant actually has to assign a probabilities to a bunch of events, calculate Shapley values, and roll some dice for his mixed strategy.
Tangentially to Tanagrabeast's "least you can do" suggestion, as a case report: I came out to my family as an AI xrisk worrier over a decade ago, when one could still do so in a fairly lighthearted way. They didn't immediately start donating to MIRI and calling their senators to request an AI safety manhattan project, but they did agree with the arguments I presented, and check up with me, on occasion, about how the timelines and probabilities are looking.
I have had two new employers since then, and a few groups of friends; and with each, when ...
The story I read about why neighbor polling is supposed to correct for bias in specifically the last few presidential elections is that some people plan to vote for Trump, but are ashamed of this, and don't want to admit it to people who aren't verified Trump supporters. So if you ask them who they plan to vote for, they'll dissemble. But if you ask them who their neighbors are voting for, that gives them permission to share their true opinion non-attributively.
In the late 80's, I was homeschooled, and studied caligraphy (as well as cursive); but I considered that more of a hobby than preparation for entering the workforce of 1000 years ago.
I also learned a bit about DOS and BASIC, after being impressed with the fractal-generating program that the carpenter working on our house wrote, and demonstrated on our computer.
Your definition seems like it fits the Emperor of China example--by reputation, they had few competitors for being the most willing and able to pessimize another agent's utility function; e.g. 9 Familial Exterminations.
And that seems to be a key to understanding this type of power, because if they were able to pessimize all other agents' utility functions, that would just be an evil mirror of bargaining power. Being able to choose a sharply limited number of unfortunate agents, and punish them severely pour encourager les autres, seems like it might ...
Clarifying question: If A>B on the dominance hierarchy, that doesn't seem to mean that A can always just take all B's stuff, per the Emperor of China example. It also doesn't mean that A can trust B to act faithfully as A's agent, per the cowpox example.
If all dominance hierarchies control is who has to signal submission to whom, dominance seems only marginally useful for defense, law, taxes, and public expenditure; mostly as a way of reducing friction toward the outcome that would have happened anyway.
It seems like, with intelligence too ch...
Note also that there are several free parameters in this example. E.g., I just moved to Germany, and now have wimpy German burners on my stove. If I put on a large container with 6L or more of water, and I do not cover it, the water will never go beyond bubble formation into a light simmer, let alone a rolling boil. If I cover the container at this steady state, it reaches a rolling boil in about another 90s.
I think being a Catholic with no connection to living leaders makes more sense than being an EA who doesn't have a leader they trust and respect
Catholic EA: You have a leader you trust and respect, and defer to their judgement.
Sola Fide EA: You read 80k hours and Givewell, but you keep your own spreadsheet of EV calculations.
This is a good point. In my ideal movement makes perfect sense to disagree with every leader and yet still be a central member of the group. LessWrong has basically pulled that off. EA somehow managed to be bad at having leaders (both in the sense that the closest things to leaders don't want to be closer, and that I don't respect them), while being the sort of thing that requires leaders.
I'd be interested to know what the numbers on UV in ductwork look like over the past 5 years. When I had to get a new A/C system installed in 2020, they asked whether I wanted a UVC light installed in the air handler. I had, before then, been using a 70w UVC corn light I bought on Amazon to sterilize the exterior of groceries (back when we thought fomites might be a major transmission vector), and in improvised ductwork with fans and cardboard boxes taped together.
Getting a proper bulb--an optimal wavelength source--seemed like a big upgrade. Hard to come ...
This is great! Everybody loves human intelligence augmentation, but I've never seen a taxonomy of it before, offering handholds for getting started.
I'd say "software exobrain" is less "weaksauce," and more "80% of the peak benefits are already tapped out, for conscientious people who have heard of OneNote or Obsidian." I also am still holding out for bird neurons with portia spider architectural efficiency and human cranial volume; but I recognize that may not be as practical as it is cool.
It's very standard advice to notice when a sense of urgency is being created by a counterparty in some transaction; and to reduce your trust in that counterparty as well as pausing.
It feels like a valuable observation, to me, that the counterparty could be internal--some unendorsed part of your own values, perhaps.
(e.g. in the hypothetical ‘harbinger tax’ world, you actively want to sabotage the resale value of everything you own that you want to actually use).
"harberger tax," for anyone trying to look that up.
If you can pay the claimed experts enough to submit to some testing, you could use Google's new doubly-efficient debate protocol to make them either spend some time colluding, or spend a lot more time in their efforts at deception: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/79BPxvSsjzBkiSyTq/agi-safety-and-alignment-at-google-deepmind-a-summary-of
This could exclude competent evaluators without other income--this isn't Dath Ilan, where a bank could evaluate evaluators and front them money at interest rates that depended on their probability of finding important risks--and their shortage of liquidity could provide a lever for distortion of their incentives.
On Earth, if someone's working for you, and you're not giving them a salary commensurate with the task, there's a good chance they are getting compensation in other ways (some of which might be contrary to your goals).
Some cities have dedicated LW/ACX Discord servers, which is pretty neat. Many of the cities hosting meetups over the next month are too small to have much traffic to such a server, were it set up. A combined, LW meetup oriented Discord server for all the smaller cities in the world, with channels for each city and a few channels for common small-meetup concerns, seems like a $20 bill on the sidewalk. So I’m checking whether such a thing exists here, before I start it.
I think the cruxes here are whether Aldi forced out small retailers like Walmart did; and how significant the difference between Walmart and Aldi is, compared to the difference between Aldi and large, successful retail orgs in wentworthland or christiankiland.
(my experience in German shopping is that most grocery stores are one of a half-dozen chains, most hardware stores are Bauhaus or OBI, but there isn't a dominant "everything" store like Walmart; Müller might be closest but its market dominance and scale is more like K-mart in the 90's than Walmart today.)
An existing subgenre of this with several examples is the two-timer date. As I recall, it was popular in 90's sitcoms. Don't expect INT 18 tier scheming, but it does usually show the perspective of the people frantically trying to keep the deception running.
Here's the intuition that's making me doubt the utility of provably correct system design to avoiding bridge crashes:
I model the process leading up to a ship that doesn't crash into a bridge as having many steps.
1. Marine engineers produce a design for a safe ship
2. Management signs off on the design without cutting essential safety features
3. Shipwrights build it to spec without cutting any essential corners
4. The ship operator understands and follows the operations and maintenance manuals, without cutting any essential corners
5. Nothing out-o...
https://space.mit.edu/home/tegmark/crazy.html Large universes put some subtleties into the meaning of "real" that aren't present in its common usage.
Decision theory-wise, caring about versions of yourself that are inexorably about to dissolve into thermal noise doesn't seem useful. As a more general principle, caring about the decisions you make seems useful to the extent that those decisions can predictably change things.
My dreams have none of the consistency that allowed smart people to figure out the laws of nature over the millenia. It migh...
That example seems particularly hard to ameliorate with provable safety. To focus on just one part, how could we prove the ship would not lose power long enough to crash into something? If you try to model the problem at the level of basic physics, it's obviously impossible. If you model it at the level of a circuit diagram, it's trivial--power sources on circuit diagrams do not experience failures. There's no obviously-correct model granularity; there are schelling points, but what if threats to the power supply do not respect our schelling points?
It seem...
In general, we can't prevent physical failures. What we can do is to accurately bound the probability of them occurring, to create designs which limit the damage that they cause, and to limit the ability of adversarial attacks to trigger and exploit them. We're advocating for humanity's entire infrastructure to be upgraded with provable technology to put guaranteed bounds on failures at every level and to eliminate the need to trust potentially flawed or corrupt actors.
In the case of the ship, there are both questions about the design of that s...
Anecdotally*, IPL/laser therapy seems to do all of these except increasing dermal capillaries, which it instead reduces. This makes it ideal for people with rosacea or other inflammatory problems, and fair skin (which often accompanies these problems).
*And with a few references: Effective treatment of rosacea using intense pulsed light systems - PubMed (nih.gov)
IPL irradiation rejuvenates skin collagen via the bidirectional regulation of MMP-1 and TGF-β1 mediated by MAPKs in fibroblasts - PubMed (nih.gov)
some studies find no significant effect ...
You'll be happy to know that standards bodies have noticed the "entropy reduction from excessive rules" problem. The latest version of NIST Special Publication 800-63B says to disallow four password categories like "already in a breach database" and "aaaaa," but goes on to direct verifiers to not impose any other rules on password composition.
As for me, I just choose the first four digits of the busy beaver numbers--1621--as my PIN. As a noncomputable number, it's guaranteed to be the most random choice possible.
Land Value Tax would solve this.
(Sort of--funding UBI from a 100% LVT would solve it for the case of literal rent seeking, because if landlords increased the rent, that additional money would be taxed back into the UBI pool. To make it a general solution, you'd have to identify all instances of rent-seeking, and tax the underlying asset with a metaphorical 100% LVT).
It would specifically be impossible to prove the Crowdstrike driver safe because, by necessity, it regularly loads new data provided by Crowdstrike threat intelligence, and changes its behavior based on those updates.
Even if you could get the CS driver to refuse to load new updates without proving certain attributes of those updates, you would also need some kind of assurance of the characteristics of every other necessary part of the Windows OS, in every future update.
I feel like it's still Moloch to blame, if a sufficient bribe to landowners would cost less than indefinitely continued rent-seeking.
I don't have any calculations to offer in support; but I would generally expect an individual landowner's time preference to be lower than society's as a whole, so I suspect this is indeed the case.
So the actual reason is that landowners don't want to be seen taking a bribe, because that would involve acknowledging they have been knowingly rent-seeking since 1879; and the government doesn't want to openly bribe them for moral hazard whatever; so even though everyone would be better off by their own lights it can't happen. And that's fairly moloch-flavored.
Twitter has announced a new policy of deleting accounts which have had no activity for a few years. I used the Wayback Machine to archive Grognor's primary twitter account here. Hal Finney's wife is keeping his account alive.
I do not know who else may have died, or cryo-suspended, over the years of LW; nor how long the window of action is to preserve the accounts.
Or A*, which is a much more computationally efficient and deterministic way to minimize the distance to finish the maze, if you have an appropriate heuristic. I don't have an argument for it, but I feel like finding a good heuristic and leveraging it probably works very well as a generalizable strategy.
Iran is an agent, with a constrained amount of critical resources like nuclear engineers, centrifuges, etc.
AI development is a robust, agent-agnostic process that has an unlimited number of researchers working in adjacent areas who could easily cross-train to fill a deficit, an unlimited number of labs which would hire researchers from DeepMind and OpenAI if they closed, and an unlimited amount of GPUs to apply to the problem.
Probably efforts at getting the second-tier AI labs to take safety more seriously, in order to give the top tier more slack, w...
Iran is an agent...
Iran is a country, not an agent. Important distinction and I'm not being pedantic here. Iran's aggressive military stance towards Israel is not quite the result of a robust, agent-agnostic process but it's not the result of a single person optimizing for some goal either.
...with a constrained amount of critical resources like nuclear engineers, centrifuges, etc. AI development is a robust, agent-agnostic process that has an unlimited number of researchers working in adjacent areas who could easily cross-train to fill a deficit...and an unli
For personal communications, meta-conversations seem fine.
If you're setting up an organization, though, you should consider adopting some existing, time-tested system for maintaining secrets. For example, you could classify secrets into categories--those which would cause exceptionally grave harm to the secret's originator's values (call this category, say, "TS"); those which would cause serious harm ("S"), and those which would cause some noticeable harm ("C"). Set down appropriate rules for the handling of each type of secret--for example, you might not ...
The answer I came up with, before reading, is that the proper maxent distribution obviously isn't uniform over every planck interval from here until protons decay; it's also obviously not a gaussian with a midpoint halfway to when protons decay. But the next obvious answer is a truncated normal distribution. And that is not a thought conducive to sleeping well.
I've used Eliezer's prayer to good effect, but it's a bit short. And I have considered The Sons of Martha, but it's a bit long.
Has anyone, in their rationalist readings, found something that would work as a Thanksgiving invocation of a just-right length?
Robin Hanson said, with Eliezer eventually concurring, that "bets like this will just recover interest rates, which give the exchange rate between resources on one date and resources on another date."
E.g., it's not impossible to bet money on the end of the world, but it's impossible to do it in a way substantially different from taking a loan.
I built a thing.
UVC lamps deactivate viruses in the air, but harm skin, eyes, and DNA. So I made a short duct out of cardboard, with a 60W UVC corn bulb in a recessed compartment, and put a fan in it.
I plan to run it whenever someone other than my wife and I visits my house.
Note that Mortal Engines--that steampunk movie with the mobile, carnivorous cities--was released halfway between the original publishing of this essay and today.
Given the difficulties people have mentioned with moving high-density housing between and through cities, maybe we need small cities on SMTs ?
These were some great questions. I doubt a few of the answers, however. For example:
My estimate of how far off LEV is with 50% probability started out at 25 years 15 or so years ago, and is now 17 years, so let’s use round numbers and say 20 years. Those estimates have always been explicitly "post-money", though - in other words, when I say the money would make 10 years of difference, I mean that without the money, it would be 30 years. I think $1B is enough to remove that factor of 2-3 that you mentioned in the previous question, i.e. to...
The 100% efficacy for a middle filter layer that's had a saltwater + surfactant sprayed onto it sounds really good; but I wonder how tight the filter material has to be, for that level of efficacy. I also wonder how much air resistance the salt coat adds.
A HEPA filter + carbon would be less restrictive if the carbon part were salted than if the HEPA filter itself were salted, but that might not deactivate all of the virus.
If virus exposure mid-illness worsens your symptoms, doesn't that mean being indoors is harmful? it would be far healthier to spend as much time outdoors as possible? Perhaps on a net hammock if you have to lie down, so your face isn't lying on a cloth full of the virus you're exhaling? Surely this effect would be so large that clinical studies would have noticed by now, people recovering much faster when they're not in a hospital room, or in a room at all.
On a gears-level, it seems like illness severity would be heavily dose-dependent...
It may be time to revisit this question. With Owain Evans et. al. discovering a generalized evil vector in LLMs, and older work like [Pretraining Language Models with Human Preferences](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/8F4dXYriqbsom46x5/pretraining-language-models-with-human-preferences) that could use a follow-up, AI in the current paradigm seems ripe for some experimentation with parenting practices in pre-training--perhaps something like affect markers for the text that goes in, or pretraining on children's literature before going on to the more technically and morally complex text?
I haven't run any experiments of my own, but this doesn't seem obviously stupid to me.