All of KND's Comments + Replies

Government Weirdtopia: all nations operate as divisions of a single organization. these subdivisions are further divided into even smaller divisions which are also divided in turn. This pattern continues until it reaches the point of bands approximately the size of hunter-gatherer bands so as to allow full optimization of social relations. each band exerts major control over issues of concern, as well as weaker influence over matters concerning other bands, thus allowing any band to be overruled if it strays too far from what its neighbors consider rationa... (read more)

Me too, specifically, I dare you! As hard as it is to come up with good solutions to problems, starting from scratch and ignoring what you already thought of is even harder. You're not done once you answered once only (by the way, I haven't thought of one at all). KND 8:35:12 thought of something, has KND 8:40? This isn't an Olympic event where you can only win one medal; the same person could win the silver and the gold in this, unlike in the 100 meter dash...not that it's a competition. One entry per person makes more sense if the goal is to see which person has the best idea(s), as a status thing, but if the goal is to produce and discuss ideas, it doesn't have to be limited to that.
I have downvoted this for two reasons: 1. it seems poorly formatted; being essentially a block of text.* *this may have been accidental, for future information you must leave a two-line gap between separate paragraphs. and 2. you display a level of arrogance in assuming that your idea is the most original idea available to this community. That is especially jarring as equally original ideas are posted in many of the other comments on this article.
See: P. K. Dick's Solar Lottery (coincidently one of my favourite books).
Er, I have no comment on whether this is a good idea, but what makes it a weird idea?

I wasnt aware that they had rabbis before Rome expelled the Jews. i thought that was a development designed to help cope with the Diaspora.

My answer to that assignment is that i have no idea how that would work or how i could figure out how it would. Did i guess the password? if not then is it swordfish? Just give me a gold star!

Hello fellow Less Wrongians,

My name is Josh and I'm a 16-year-old junior in high school. I live in a Jewish family at the Jersey Shore. I found the site by way of TV Tropes after a friend told me about the Methods of Rationality. Before i started reading Eliezer's posts, i made the mistake of believing I was smart. My goal here is mainly to just be the best that I can be and maybe learn to lead a better life. And by that I mean that I want to be better than everyone else I meet. That includes being a more rational person better able to understand complex i... (read more)

Great to have you here Josh! Most of all as you read and participate in the community, don't be afraid to question common beliefs here, that's where the contribution is likley to be there I think. Also if you plan on going through one or more of the sequences systematically consider finding a chavruta. To quote myself: Also a great great resource for basic math are the Khan Academy videos and exercises.