Leary won me over with those goals. I have adopted them as my own.
It's the 8 circuits and the rest of the mysticism I reject. Some of it rings true, some of it seems sloppy, but I doubt any of it is useful for this audience.
Would destruction of tobacco crops or processing facilities be more effective? Eliminating a few executives won't slow distribution significantly, unless their positions are already held by the ablest people and their replacements would be less able to distribute the product.
Targeting executives may win them sympathy. I think sales would go up, as the news reports would serve much the same role as advertising.
Every future state of you is a copy.
I believe having a copy of me lying around would keep me from dying.
However, I was referring to processes that might be put into place after a person's death. To name three, consequences of the simulation hypothesis, personality emulation from recorded sources, or advances in physics allowing observations of past events. Three more: multi world hypothesis, fundamental error in worldview, ongoing extra-terrestral intervention. And the big one, FOOM!
I'm not sure how to cheat death, but I am open to examining options.
What is the chance that some other means are found of simulating your personality without physical access to your brain (preserved or otherwise)?
Would you like to consider the possibility of cryonic preservation / plastination becoming redundant in your estimates?
It wouldn't be procrastinating if I didn't.
Raises the question: try to write a witty response or get back to work?
IQ does normalize with increasing age.
I really enjoyed taking the survey. Akrasia! Hope we weren't testing the RNG site. Since it was down I used a more local randomizer.
[This is an advertisement.]
Are you beginning to think your phone might have an agenda of its own? You certainly seem to be doing more, at your phone's suggestion.
A few weeks ago you downloaded an app which promised to keep track of your schedule and diet. You asked it to set up a few menus and before you knew it you were eating better and cheaper. It even found a neighbor with some same apple trees who needed to borrow a shovel. Bonus: free apples.
Sure, sometimes the phone gets things wrong, but you can correct it.
It might be the interface, or the user cre...
I don't think hormone tweaking is a humane cure for violence.
Honestly, I don't think I would do anything about violence directly on a patient-level. The incidence of homicide has been steadily falling for centuries. This is a desirable trajectory.
Instead I would seek to improve the socio-economic conditions that I believe precipitate violent behavior. If poor people commit more violent crimes, then we should look for what factor of their condition contributes most to this behavior. I suspect it is the exaggerated boom-bust cycle engendered by living payche...
Before I get to the rewrite, let me an answer some questions. The pitch is not the place to answer all questions, but instead just enough to recruit users
Form Factor There are a few misconceptions that I have allowed to creep in in order to simplify my description. While I am currently writing the app to be run on a smartphone, this is only the current design iteration. It started as a website, but websites can't properly store data locally. This took up several redesigns until I moved onto a standalone Java app. Then the rise of smartphones happened. Sm...
Would you reconsider your idea if you found out that the most effective trauma surgeons were found to have unusually high levels of testosterone? Have you considered what other possible side effects might occur if this was carried out on a societal level? Would their be incentives for individuals to circumvent these restrictions?
Thanks for the review Epiphany. This is the kind of feedback I have a hard time finding.
The general message I received from your post is that I undersold the project. I did seek to keep my expectations understated. This audience does not seem to like overstated expectations.
There have been times when I have explained the project and felt that the person I was speaking to encountered an ah ha! moment, an epiphany. This is the kind of feedback that makes me feel good, but it is usually not very constructive.
Let me address your points.
...This will be a freque
Would a fleet of lighter-than-air drones be less costly for this application than the currently popular drone models?
I am developing a decision making app.
The user is prompted with the phrase "I want."
The user's request is matched against a database of peer-generated responses. But the search does not end there. The search results are a front end to the content which is also peer-generated. The content payload could potentially be any function of the smartphone, though it is usually screen output such a set of instructions or a link to a website. Request parsing and wild-carding is integral to reduce the number of database entries.
Should the user not be satisfi...
How much of your communication do you want to be about navigating social protocols? How confident are you that you are not stuck in a locally optimized set of social interactions?
Upon reflection, I would say that is an ability to switch fluidly amongst a variety of different interaction protocols, matching your behavior to your audience. It is not immediately clear that an adaptive strategy is worth the computational costs.
Unfortunately, the number of interaction patterns is vast. If one has a novel idea, in order to be effective individually one must be f...
Oh, I mistook
has communicated that he is confident and successful with women and knows how to show them a good time.
to be an assertion on lukeprog's part that "a good time" was dependent on competent social skills. I now see the intention was that the man was communicating confidence, success, and charm.
Still, haven't we all been raised to be accepting of other people. I still don't understand why it takes a saint to allow others to be themselves. There are plenty of criteria to judge people on besides eye contact, voice modulation, posture,...
Either he has communicated that he is awkward and uneasy around women and not fun to be around, or he has communicated that he is confident and successful with women and knows how to show them a good time.
Why do you believe this? Why do you believe that social skills equate to fun?
Children lack social skills (right?) and are known for their playfulness.
On many occasions I get a similar reaction, most often at work. At the appropriate place in a conversation for interjection, I will start to speak. In the middle of the first syllable, I will be interrupted and the participants in the conversation will continue as if I was not about to speak.
Perhaps I am unheard.
Perhaps I am considered of lower status amongst the peer group represented.
Perhaps the participants predict my comment will be off topic.
Perhaps there is a physiological cause. Specifically, auditory processing delay. {The time span it take
Try to integrate new facts with old. "Update" your existing knowledge base.
Memories are more easily accessed, in humans, when contextual information is brought to mind. When making observations that lead to memories, if the context is relevant to the questions that you will attempt to answer in the future, you will not have to artificially call forth the contextual info. The solution is to approach new situations critically.
So, if you explore a neighborhood, before you set out determine what you will look for. For instance, ask yourself: Are architectural features related to the relative affluence of the area at the time of each ...
There are gullible people. Here is a list of the powers I have had attributed to me by more than single individual or group and their mundane causes:
Flight. On occasion, I have arrived at destinations faster on foot faster than people in cars trying to arrive before me. This is simply a function of knowing my route and making accurate time estimates.
Raffle fixing. Several times I have manipulated raffles by waiting until the final opportunity and bidding on the under-valued prizes, or by calculating the value of the prizes and the number of tickets I w
Order your world according to relevant attributes and memories will be more easily accessed.
I would be very grateful if you could elaborate on this, or point to another explanatory resource.
The equanimity of foolishness and wisdom is a long establish idea. The intention is to encourage better updating.
"Identifying Features"
Of the contact person?
Thank you.
So far, circumstances have pushed me ahead of schedule for this release of information.
Hardware suitability tests are long since complete for food printing, urban agriculture, and personal manufacturing. The purpose of which was to examine datatypes necessary for shared devo.
Previous implementations of the significant sharing algorithm has undergone three iterative testing phases, in an alternate context. To wit, a play-by-mail civilization simulator. But we trust it because it is Bayesian.
Agreed. However a search for "sub-reddit" and no alternate spellings suggests that karma is not so sparsely spent on this topic.
Once implemented, the software application will answer unbounded (limited only by unicode) user requests with peer created responses. These responses will in turn point to peer-created methods to satisfy those requests.
Peer created data will be shared in the background via a P2P network (JXTA) which will also serve as the backbone for a P2P barter network.
A scheduling function allows the same needs to be met with differing methods on a regular basis.
The "screensavers," or animated content, run within the app and provide hard links into the reques...
Putting them in a sidebar with an indicator separating past and future meetups might be even more dynamic without being obtrusive.
Perhaps a form to fill out to generate meetups.
I believe whoever might design a significant addition to the site would already understand that a post explaining that project when it is implemented would garner significant karma.
I think I might work on the transhumanist portal for the project website, until that is ready, here is the opensource page:
Here is a segment of the line of reasoning that I have been considering lately.
The details of the creation of fAI are unknown; they must be discovered if we wish to avert the forecast catastrophe and reap the full benefits of AI.
Further insights into decision-making are necessary for the creation of fAI.
Teaching can be used as an efficient means of learning.
Teaching rationality is expected to produce insights into decision-making.
Insights into decision-making are what is missing from an understanding of fAI, AFAIK.
Furthermore, there will be si...
what is so special about the program which makes up a human, that it would be morally wrong to shut off the program?
Is it sufficient to say that humans are able to consider the question? That humans possess an ability to abstract patterns from experience so as to predict upcoming events, and that exercise of this ability leads to a concept of self as a future agent.
Is it necessary that this model of identity incorporate relationships with peers? I think so but am not sure. Perhaps it is only necessary that the ability to abstract be recursive.
While we are on this topic, let me take a chance to promote my own project, currently on the verge of release.
The project is meant to given a common development framework to improve decision-making, to inspire a transhumanist agenda, and to push the development of open source hardware.
{And I am going to wait until at least Sunday night / early Monday morning to release the website in this forum.}
Currently the program is formulated in Java, but that is subject to change. The software application is a serverless P2P application.
I am developing animated conte...
Please tell us what you come up with.
I am curious as well as envious.
To what degree and in what manner do you expect participants to be affected?
What will be the criteria of evaluation?
where classical logic tells us that an inference is just fine, but informal pragmatics tell us that there is something silly about it.
Give me a long enough lever and a place to stand...
Yeah, I walked into that question. Inducing laughter in general is too big a question to answer, but I will explain the technique.
As background reading, I would recommend Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. Mostly because it validates my belief that humor is often cruel. Really it is great reading for any alienated smart person.
I tried to observed my actions today as I used humor to escape conversation, and I was conscious of using the technique five times. I have concluded that actual clever wordplay or other comedic art is not necessary. While I have ...
Thanks. This reminds me of something I've found which works well in the short run. I admit I haven't checked for long term consequences.
It makes me crazy when people repeat themselves in short succession. If you listen, it's possible to discover that Waiting for Godot is more realistic than a lot of more interesting theater.
Hypothesis: People repeat themselves if they aren't sure they're being heard, or, oddly (and I've done this myself) if they're unsure of how what they're saying will be received.
Solution: Smile at the person and repeat back what they sa...
Make them laugh and walk away. The laughter distracts them long enough for you to get far enough away that you are not in conversational proximity. Even a chuckle is sufficient.
As an added bonus, people who are not introspective will often hold opinions based around the last emotion they experienced in your presence.
I don't think this method is polite, but it seems to work pretty well.
Regarding the blender, and mortar if you are a traditionalist, I would recommend blending without any liquid if possible. The liquid you use should be only enough to carry the food down to the blades in the blender. Any more liquid and you risk the food lifting away from the blades.
A similar problems occurs when mashing, for instance, beans in the mortar and pestle. Liquid allows the larger pieces to glide more easily out of the pestle's mashing grind.
I used this quote to help convince a friend to vaccinate her child this past year. It worked.
I see no mention of the lesser and greater vehicles of buddhism.
It is my understanding, though wikipedia obfuscates the issue, that the greater vehicle rejects supernatural beliefs and treats those beliefs as allegorical. Thus reincarnation is merely the understanding that a mind changes with new experience, creating a new person. Similarly the demons of the lesser vehicle are the anthropomorphized irrational beliefs of the observer.
The information could be exchanged for paperclips though.
Please elaborate.
My concern is that the LW standards of communication and goal of rationality do not correspond to PUA methods. Rewarding a user for advancing a PUA discussion does not reward rational discussion but instead rewards the ability to teach social interaction.
As teaching social interaction is not a subset of rational behavior, so PUA discussion is not a subset of LW discussion. The difference lies in the approach to subconscious stimuli; PUA exploits where LW illuminates.
PUA relies heavily on demonstration that is better suited to video than text. An LW approach to the exploration and explanation of PUA would be good, but I think the information lends itself to a more visual format.
Has anyone thoughts on video clips? While finding public domain video examples may be fun, it might not be practical.
Provisions might even be made to share recorded webcam sessions of participants for feedback.
I do believe that the discussion should take place off LW. The LW karma system creates biases and would be muddied by the pursuit of a different goal.
I Dream of AIXI
...does AIXI Dream of Me?
Is memory necessary?
Survey complete.