All of KristyLynn's Comments + Replies

It disgusts me to realize that I make so many mistakes so regularly. Perhaps disgust isn't the right word, though...

These are mistakes that are made by almost everybody who tries to do any reasoning about philosophical, scientific, policy, or other complex issues we didn't evolve to deal with. (Exceptions include (some) people who've spent a long time studying cognitive science and linguistics, and Less Wrong readers.) No need to feel disgusted at your humanness; just be grateful that you're among the (currently few) people who will have an opportunity to do better. I'm hoping Eliezer's eventual book becomes a best-seller and that this sequence is a prominent part of it. This is the sort of thing that everybody should know about.

After reading this last week I myself have a typical mind fallacy problem. I hadn't realized that other people really didn't do everything the way that I did, but after becoming aware that they might I realized that, indeed, I was much more different than others.

I don't know much about computers but it makes sense that spam is easily confused with legitimate information. I myself have noticed that over the years there has been a vast increase of the link farm sites and find it equally increasingly annoying.

Thanks for the info.

I haven't noticed a vast increase, but I have noticed waves, so to speak, of link-farm prevalence. The very effect in action?