India was way ahead of the game initially. It was government issued last August. As in every single person who got sick got it. Doctor came to your house and then gave it to everyone as a prophylaxis that was in the house in addition to the one that was sick.
An Unlikely Nation:
Here is how it worked if someone got sick: Visitor to India gets C-19:
Full timeline of how India won the battle against C-19 and then the second wave hit and why it struggled but now has beat the US in deaths per population ...
I wanted to give you a perspective. It does not have statistics I get it.
I hope you read through that other Twitter thread link. Juan Chamie's graphs I believe are on there. Or search twitter for @jjchamie India and a lot of his data will pop up and may help you.
His recent post shows India deaths are now lower than the US deaths per population. And India is only 4% vaccinated. The official adoption of the Health Ministry of Ivermectin in the second wave was on 4/29. All of that is in the India thread of articles on my other comment posted here.
The issue is, you won't hear about this from mainstream media. It is very weird and fascist-like honestly. The censorship is crazy. The discoverer of Ivermectin, Professor Satoshi Omura who won the Nobel Peace prize for Ivermectin ---and it was also added to the WHO's list of essential medicines---he was deleted off of YouTube yesterday and he wasn't even telling anyone to ingest anything.
Reuters Chair of the Board is also on Pfizer's Board of Directors. Dr. Scott Gottlieb on MSNBC informing everyone he knows to take the vac, is also on Pfizer's Board of D... (read more)