But point 3 was already a counterfactual by your own formulation of it.
Well, no, it's not. Because I am speaking about future events (ie: should we give aid or not), not past events.
I suppose that if you are convinced that Ukraine is going to win, then a marginal increase in aid is expected to shorten the war, but there is no reason to suspect that proponents of point 3 mean are referring to marginal adjustments in the amount of help
I'm not. Current battlefield conditions suggest that the war will be a protracted stalemate favoring Russia absen...
I understand how you use the terms, but my point is that Vivek does not in fact demonstrate the information gap you impute to him. I am confident he would be easily able to address your objections.
Ok. Let me address this then.
...The fact that the war has persisted for so long seems sufficient proof that, in the absence of the aid, Ukraine would have quickly surrendered or at worst suffered a quick defeat. In either case, the war would have been shorter. Point 3 is unambiguously correct, and even most people on your side of the issue would agree with tha
Sort of, but you're missing my main point, which is simply that what Vivek did is not actually dark arts, and that what you are doing is. His arguments, as you summarised them into bullet points, are topical and in good faith. They are at worst erroneous and not an example of bullshitting.
Ah, ok. Allow me a clarification then.
In typical terms, ultra-BS is lying. (as in, you know you are wrong and speak as if you're right anyways). In my view, however, there's also an extension to that. If you are aware that you don't have knowledge on a topic and mak...
Have you given even a moment's thought to what Vivek might say in response to your objections? I get the impression that you haven't, and that you know essentially nothing about the views of the opposing side on this issue.
Well... yes. It's essentially covered by what I went over. In my view at least, me and Vivek have a narrative disagreement, as opposed to a dispute over a single set or series of facts. In any case, I imagine the points of contest would be
Mhm, yes! Of course.
So, this may seem surprising, but I'd consider Dark Arts to be a negligible part of me being undefeated. At least, in the sense that I could've easily used legitimate arguments and rebuttals instead to the same effect.
As you might already know, lay judges tend to judge far more based off speaking skill, confidence, body language, and factors other than the actual content of the argument. In that sense being the better debater usually gets you a win, regardless of the content of your argument, since the judge can't follow any...
Hm? Is it? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but in my experience flow judges (who tend to be debaters) tend to grade more on the quality of the arguments as opposed to the quality of the evidence. If you raise a sound rebuttal to a good argument it doesn't score, but if you fail to rebut a bad argument it's still points in your favor.
Is it different in college?
Mhm, yes
I think society has a long way to go before we reach workable consensus on important issues again.
That said, while I don't have an eye on solutions, I do believe I can elaborate a bit on what caused the problem, in ways I don't usually see discussed in public discourse. But that's a separate topic for a separate post, in my view. I'm completely open to continuing this conversation within private messages if you like though.
Thanks for reading!
After reading this and your dialogue with Isusr, it seems that Dark Arts arguments are logically consistent and that the most effective way to rebut them is not to challenge them directly in the issue.
Not quite. As I point out with my example of 'ultra-BS', much of the Dark Arts as we see in politics is easily rebuttable by specific evidence. It's just simply not time efficient in most formats.
...jimmy and madasario in the comments asked for a way to detect stupid arguments. My current answer to that is “take the argument to its logic
Thanks for the update! I think this is probably something important to take into consideration when evaluating ASI arguments.
That said, I think we're starting to stray from the original topic of the Dark Arts, as we're focusing more on ASI specifically rather than the Dark Arts element of it. In the interest of maintaining discussion focus on this post, would you agree to continuing AGI discussion in private messages?
...It's funny, I'm pretty familiar with this level of analysis, but I still notice myself thinking a little differently about the bookstore guy in light of what you've said here. I know people do the unbalancing thing you're talking about. (Heck, I used to quite a lot! And probably still do in ways I haven't learned to notice. Charisma is a hell of a drug when you're chronically nervous!) But I didn't think to think of it in these terms. Now I'm reflecting on the incident and noticing "Oh, yeah, okay, I can pinpoint a bunch of tiny details when I think of it
So I think what you are saying is an ultra-BS argument is one that you know is obviously wrong.
Yep, pretty much. Part of the technique is knowing the ins and outs of our own argument. As I use ultra-BS prominently in debate, I need to be able to rebut the argument when I'm inevitably forced to argue the other side. I thus draw the distinction between ultra-BS along these lines. If it's not obviously wrong (to me, anyways) it's speculation. I can thus say that extended Chinese real economic stagnation for the next 10 years is educated speculation, while imm...
Finding reliable sources is 99% of the battle, and I have yet to find one which would for sure pass the "too good to check" situation: https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/too-good-to-check-a-play-in-three
Completely fair. Maybe I should share a few then?
I find Money & Macro (economics youtuber with Ph.d in the field) to be a highly reliable source capable of informed and nuanced reporting. Here is, for instance, his take on the Argentine dollarization plan, which I found much more comprehensive than most media sources.
Right, about this. So the overall point of the Ramaswamy example was to illustrate how subject specific knowledge is helpful in formulating a rebuttal and distinguishing between bullshit and non-bullshit claims.
See for example, this comment
...This sure sounds like something a bullshit debater would say. Hundreds of thousands of people dying doesn't really mean a country isn't about to give up. Maybe it's the reason they are about to give up; there's always a line, and whos to say it isn't in the hundreds of thousands? Zelensky having popular support doe
Very nice! Now... here's the catch. Some of my arguments relied on dark arts techniques. Others very much don't. I can support a generally valid claim with an invalid or weak argument. I can do the same with an obviously invalid claim. Can you tell me what specifically I did? No status points for partially correct answers!
Now, regarding learned helplessness. Yes, it's similar, though I'd put in an important caveat. I consider discerning reliable sources and trusting them to be a rational decision, so I wouldn't go as far as calling the whole ordeal of find...
Thanks for reading!
Understood. I think this is a consensus among many comments, so probably something I should work on. I've broadened things to be a bit too general, and the result was that I couldn't bring out much in the way of specific insights, as on a bigger more general level much of this is obvious.
I should probably make follow up posts addressing nerd sniping and other aspects, it would likely be more helpful. Staying within the realm of learned experiences is probably also a good call.
In any case, thanks for the feedback! I'll do my best to act on it in subsequent posts.
Thanks for your comment!
Hm... right. Yes, I focused a lot on combating the Dark Arts, but not as much on identification. Probably worthy of it's own post. But my schedule is packed. We'll see if I get to it.
Regarding defense tools, I'm a little mixed. I think traditional defenses like (relatively) trustworthy institutions, basic fact checks, and common sense are still quite viable, but at the end of the day even something as powerful as current day GPT is hardly a substitute for genuine research. A first line of defense and heuristics are good, but imo there has to be some focus on understanding the subject matter if we do want to send the Dark Artisan packing.
Hm? I'm unsure if I presented my point correctly, but my intent was to show that aid in general tends to not resolve the problems causing poverty, irrespective of cost/benefit. I think I brought this up in another comment, comparing it to painkillers. If your leg is broken a painkiller will probably help, cost effective or not. But your leg is still broken, at the end of the day, and the painkiller doesn't actually 'solve' the problem in the same way a surgery and a splint would.
Do you take issue with this?
On that note I do believe many EA char...
Oooh, I think I can classify some of this!
...A few weeks ago I met a fellow who seems to hail from old-guard atheism. Turn-of-the-century "Down with religion!" type of stuff. He was leading a philosophy discussion group I was checking out. At some point he said something (I don't remember what) that made me think he didn't understand what Vervaeke calls "the meaning crisis". So I brought it up. He started going into a kind of pressured debate mode that I intuitively recognized from back when I swam in activist atheism circles. I had a hard time pinning
Of course. Glad you enjoyed!
I think that part of it is probably you not having much experience with debate or debate adjacent fields. (quite understandable, given how toxic it's become). It took me some lived experience to recognize it, after all.
If you want to see it at work, I recommend just tuning into any politician during a debate. I think you'll start recognizing stuff pretty quick. Wish you happy hunting in any case.
Interesting question!
So, I think the difference is that ASI is ultimately far more difficult to prove on either side. However, the general framework maps pretty similarly.
Allow me to compare ASI with another X-risk scenario we're familiar with, cold war MAD. The general argument goes:
...The Cold War argument is:
(1) USSR improves and builds thousands of non-hypersonic nuclear tipped missiles. (did actually happen)
(2) USSR decides to risk nuclear annihilation by killing all it's rivals on
Hello, and thank you for the comment!
So, regarding policy discussions and public discourse, I think you can roughly group the discussion pools into two categories. Public and expert level discussions.
While the experts certainly aren't perfect, I'd contend in general you find much greater consensus on higher level issues. There may be, for example, disputes on when climate change become irreversible, to what extent humans would be impacted, or how to best go about solving the larger problem. But you will rarely (if ever) find a climate scientist claim...
Hm... I'm not too sure how much I agree with this, can you raise an example of what you mean?
In my experience while uncritical reading of evidence rarely produces a result (uncritical reading in general rarely ever does) close examination of facts usually leads to support for certain broad narratives. I might bring up examples of flat earth and vaccines. While some people don't believe in the consensus, I think they are the exception that proves the rule. By and large people are able to understand basic scientific evidence, or so I think.
Do you believe otherwise?
Glad you enjoyed!
So, I know this sounds like a bit of a cop out, but hear me out. The better debater usually wins the debate, irrespective of techniques.
There's a lot that goes into a debate. There's how well you synergize with your partner, how confident you sound, how much research you've prepared, how strong of a writer you are... etc. There are times where a good constructive speech can end the debate before your opponent even starts talking, and other times where adamant refusal to accept the facts can convince the judge you're right. There's al...
Yep! It's very similar. The weakness it exploits (lack of time to properly formulate a response) is the same, but the main difference is that your avenue of attack is a believable narrative rather than multiple pieces of likely false information the judge can't understand either. (it's why I prefer ultra-BS, as opposed to a flood of regular BS).
Mhm? Right, in my personal opinion I don't consider kritiks/theory as ultra-BS. This is mainly because ultra-BS is intuitive narrative framing, and usually not too complicated (the idea is to sound right, and avoid the trouble of actually having to explain yourself properly). Kritiks/theory are the opposite, if that makes sense. They're highly technical arguments that don't make sense outside of debate specific settings, which most lay judges simply won't understand. In my experience it's almost never a good idea to run them unless you're with a tech or a ...
Mhm! Unsure if you saw, but I made a post.
Defense Against The Dark Arts: An Introduction — LessWrong
Could I have your thoughts on this?
Hm... right. I think your critiques are pretty on point in that regard. I may have diluted focus too much and sacrificed insight for a broad overview. Focus on a more specific technique is probably better.
I have a few ideas in mind, but I thought I'd get your opinion first. Do you think there's any part of this post that warrants more detailed explanation/exploration with greater focus?
The glib answer to how to avoid falling victim to the Dark Arts is to just be right, and not let counterarguments change your mind. Occlumency, if you like.
Well, yes, but I'm unsure if this is too helpful. Part of the intention behind my post was to distill what I viewed as potentially useful advice. Do you have any? If not, that's fine, but I'm unsure if it's too valuable for the readership.
...One problem is the bullshit asymmetry principle, which you describe but don't call by name: rebutting narratives through analyses of individual claims is infeasi
Thanks so much for your feedback!
Hm... right. I did get feedback warning that the Ramaswamy example was quite distracting (my beta reader reccomended flat eartherism or anti-vaxxing instead). In hindsight it may have been a better choice, but I'm not too familiar with geology or medicine, so I didn't think I could do the proper rebuttal justice. The example was meant to show how proper understanding of a subject could act as a very strong rebuttal against intuitive bullshit, but then I think I may not have succeeded in making that point. I think this was a...
Hello, and thanks for the comment!
Hm... yes, the central narrative is always hard to rebut. But since no argument exists independently of the facts, I thought I would focus on verification of factual information. I found the methods I used helpful in that regard. I'm sorry it didn't work for you, but then, I'm not claiming that it would work for everyone in all situations. These are the methods I personally found helpful. The algorithmic solution (ie: actually learning about the topic yourself) has been what I consider the only reliable defense. Even if yo...
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
In particular, it highlights a gap in my way of reasoning. I notice that even after you give examples, the category of "ultra-BS" doesn't really gel for me. I think I use a more vague indicator for this, like emotional tone plus general caution when someone is trying to persuade me of something.
Hm... this is interesting. I'm not too sure I understand what you mean though. Do you mind providing examples of what categories and indicators you use?
...I think I'm missing something obvious, or I'm missing some information. Why is this
Is the "ASI doom" argument meaningfully different or does it pattern match to "Ultra BS".
The ASI doom argument as I understand it is:
(1) humans build and host ASI
(2) the ASI decides to seek power as an instrumental goal
(3) without the humans being aware of it, or being able to stop it, the ASI gains
(a) a place to exist and think at all (aka thousands of AI inference cards interconnected)
It seems to me ultra-BS is perhaps continuous with hyping up one particular way that reality might in fact be, in a way that is disproportionate to your actual probability, and that is also continuous with emphasizing a way that reality might in fact be which is actually proportionate with your subjective probability.
Yep! I think this is a pretty good summary. You want to understand reality just enough to where you can say things that sound plausible (and are in line with your reasoning) but omit just enough factual information to where your case isn...
I've sent you his Discord information via PM. (After obtaining permission, of course.
Thank you very much! I think I'll enjoy the chat. Just sent him the friend request. Oh, and, my discord is the same as my lesswrong btw.
Yep. In a debate competition, you can win with arguments that are obviously untrue to anyone who knows what you're talking about
YES! Hahhahahaa... it's quite dumb. The information you can reasonably convey in 4 minutes is so short that even when your case is common sense it's hard to actually prove your point. I can bring up a variety of c...
This was super fun to read, thanks for sharing! Hm... your new student seems like an interesting person to talk to. Mind asking if he'd be interested in a chat with someone else his age? I'm also a public form (debate format) debater in high school, and I'm doing prep work for this particular topic on student loans as well. I'd love to get a chance to talk with him a bit, and I feel like he may enjoy it as well.
On that note, I think I can elaborate a bit on the format a bit in ways others might find helpful.
Public forum is one of many debate fo...
Hm... pretty similar here. I also don't have much of a media presence. I haven't tried EA forums yet, mainly because I consider myself intellectually more aligned with LW, but in any case I'm open to looking. This is looking to be a more personal conversation now. Would you like to continue in direct messages? Open to hearing your suggestions, I'm just as clueless right now.
Likely a good suggestion. I'm in a few communities myself. But then, I'm unsure if you're familiar with how discord works. Discord is primarily a messaging app with public server features tacked on. Not the sort of community for posts like this. Are you aware of any particular communities within discord I could join? The general platform has many communities, much like reddit, but I'm not aware of any similar to lesswrong.
Many thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it.
You're probably right. I mainly started on lesswrong because this is a community I'm familiar with, and a place I can expect to understand basic norms. (I've read the sequences and have some understanding of rationalist discourse). I'm unsure how I'd fare in other communities, but then, I haven't looked either. Are you familiar with any? I don't know myself.
Thanks for your reply!
Yes, you're right, I realize I was rather thin on evidence for the link between institutional weakness and corruption. I believe this was like mind fallacy on my end, I assumed the link was obvious. But since clearly it was not allow me to go back and contextualize it.
Disclaimer: It's late and I'm tired, prose quality will be lower than usual, and I'll be prone to some rather dry political jokes.
To understand the link between institutions and corruption, I think it's helpful just to use simple mental models. Consider this ...
In my head I rephrased that thesis as poor institutions and practices can impair efficiency totally, which I found as unsurprising as a charity add turns as not entirely accurate. So if you target readers who find this controversial I may just not be the right reader for the feedback you seek.
Right, that makes sense, and it was part of the angle I was taking. When I said controversial I was mainly referring to the more general claim that aid tends to be ineffective in reducing long term poverty, with few exceptions. (the implication being that aid fails to...
(Do you want to prove EA is doom to fail? I don’t think so but that’s one way to read the title.)
Hm... right. That would make sense. I think I can see how people might misread that. No, I had no intention of doing anything like that. I was trying to address the shortcomings of charity, particularly in the realm of structural and institutional rot (and the other myriad causes of poverty). EA charity faces many of the same issues in this regard, but 'doomed to fail' is hardly the point I would like to make. (If anything I try my best to advocate the opposite...
Thanks so much for your comment!
Hm... yes, upon further reflection your summarization seems accurate, or at least highly plausible. I am not too sure what the mindset of the average LWer or EA looks like myself. (although I've frequented the site for some time, I'm mainly reading random frontpage posts that pique my interest, I don't attend meetups, participate in group activities, or much other things of that nature) It's not merely reading like I haven't engaged much in their world. The truth is I simply haven't, I have no intention of hiding it. I...
Excellent post! I found the starcraft fairly amusing. Though, I am curious. Doesn't your analogy of starcraft solve the issue with trapped priors?
Like you said, players who played all three factions mostly agree that all factions tend to be roughly similar in difficulty. However, to play all 3 factions you must arbitrarily start off playing one faction. If such people had their priors completely trapped then they wouldn't be able to change their mind after the first game, which clearly isn't true.
I feel like even if two people disagree in theor... (read more)