All of Max Dalton's Comments + Replies

Thanks Oli! I think the clustering issue is fixed now, looking into what's going on with the numbers.

British savoury food is poor. British desserts are maybe the best in the world: apple/rhubarb crumble, bakewell tart, summer pudding, sticky toffee pudding, Eton mess, steamed puddings, etc. Most cultures have fewer desserts and they're too sweet without enough tang. (Bias: I am a Brit.)

1Said Achmiz
This… seems wrong. It’s not true about American cuisine, it’s not true about Russian cuisine, it’s not true about Chinese cuisine… EDIT: Indeed, I (with 25+ years baking / dessert-making) would say that British desserts are some of the worst in the world!

Yeah, If I'm reading the preprint correctly, the effect is insignificant in the under 60 group, and the overall odds ratio (of long covid conditional on infection, I think) is basically 1 (Figure 3). I'm not sure if this is about the study being underpowered, or if there's just no effect.

The main thing I noticed doing this is that my brain really wants to come up with clever solutions. A lot of obvious but non-clever solutions came later.

  1. Bury it in a completely random place on the earth in a secure box, making sure I wasn't followed, record the location exactly
  2. Put it in a bank vault
  3. Make friends with someone who guards the crown jewels, ask them to slip it under the cushion that the crown rests on
  4. Find a lot of identical pens, mix it in with them
  5. Put it in my mother-in-law's kitchen drawer
  6. Put it in a well-insulated box in a satellite whose or
... (read more)

I'm planning to try this: I think that the Roam founder also recommends it.

This is a sidepoint, but I'd be interested in hearing more about Wikipedia's "increasing signs of ideological uniformity". I wasn't aware that it was biased, and I'm not sure what direction the bias is in.

This is my anecdotal impression as a long-time Wikipedia editor (I started contributing in 2003). I can't offer concrete evidence other than my testimony, because this impression was formed in the course of observing subtle instances of bias on countless occasions, rather than encountering any one egregious incident. (Though on reflection I can cite two not-so-subtle examples illustrative of the phenomenon I have in mind: first, the labelling of cryonics as "quackery"; and secondly, the blacklisting of Econlib.)

The biases I noticed are in the left-wing and... (read more)

Thanks so much to the LessWrong team for all your support - the Forum wouldn't exist as it does without you, and we've learnt a lot from conversations with you.

I wanted to link to our post explaining the goals of the Forum, which Oli's excerpt is from.

We are still in the process of rolling out additional features like sequences and the community section, but most of the things you’re familiar with should be there, and basically everything should be there eventually.

Some things we’re doing slightly differently: rather than having a “meta” c... (read more)